lessthan中文摘要..........................................................................................................................................III 第一章绪论. (1)
alphabet是什么意思1.1光纤SPR传感器概述 (1)
1.1.1表面等离子体共振 (1)
1.1.2光纤SPR传感器的原理 (2)
1.1.3光纤SPR传感器的结构分类 (2)
1.2光纤SPR传感器的应用 (4)
1.3光纤SPR传感器的研究现状 (6)
1.3.1光纤SPR传感器的发展 (6)
1.3.2石墨烯在光纤SPR传感器的研究进展 (8)
1.4论文选题的依据和内容概要 (10)
第二章石墨烯复合金膜D型塑料光纤传感器的制备 (13)
高中出国留学需要什么条件2.1D型塑料光纤的制备 (14)
2.2石墨烯的制备 (15)
2.3石墨烯的转移方法 (17)
2.3.1湿法转移和干法转移 (17)
2.3.2直接转移 (19)
2.4样品形貌与结构表征 (22)
2.5本章小结 (25)
第三章金/石墨烯D型塑料光纤SPR传感器的性能研究 (27)
3.1实验方法 (27)
3.2结果与讨论 (28)
3.2.1灵敏度检测 (28)
3.2.2多巴胺检测 (32)scientist是什么意思
even though3.2.3特异性检测 (37)
3.3本章小结 (38)
第四章总结与展望 (41)
4.1主要结论 (41)
4.2主要创新点 (41)
4.3工作展望 (42)
参考文献 (45)
攻读硕士学位期间完成的论文 (53)
致谢 (55)
当金属-基底边界处的倏逝波同表面等离子波的波矢相匹配时会激发表面等离子体共振(Surface Plasmon Resonance,SPR)。基于SPR特性,借助光纤作为传感基底,光纤SPR 传感器应运而生,可完成对外界环境折射率变化的检测。光纤SPR传感器的检测原理是利用金属与光纤界面处产生的SPR来探测外界分子与传感器敏感区之间的相互作用。当发生SPR现象时,借助传感器我们可以看到光谱透射率出现最低值,其对应的波峰称为共振峰。当外界分子浓度信息改变时,将会引发光纤传感器附近折射率发生变化,导致共振峰发生改变,通过分析光谱信息的变化可以实现对外界分子的检测。光纤传感器灵敏度高、灵活性好、操作简单,在生物分析、化学检测、环境监测等领域都有着广泛的应用前景。早期的光纤SPR传感器多以金银等金属材料作为传感层,为了提高光纤SPR传感器的性能,人们提出了多种方法来改进传感材料层。其中将二维材料与金属复合不仅能提高传感器的灵敏度还可以更好的吸附外界分子,实现高品质的检测。二维材料石墨烯晶格结构稳定,具有较大的比表面积、优越的光谱性质和优良的生物相容性,它的出现为研究者们带来了福音。石墨烯与金属复合不仅能作为金属的保护层、充当理想的分子富集剂,还可以增强光与物质相互作用,二者之间的电荷转移还能增强周围电场,提高传感器的灵敏度,为光纤SPR传感器研究创造了无限的可能。
arch me
Rearch of fiber surface plasmon resonance nsor bad on
graphene and metal composites
At the metal-substrate interface,when the wave vector of the evanescent wave and the wave vector of the surface plasma wave are equal,the surface plasmon resonance(SPR)is excited. Bad on the characteristics of SPR,the u of optical fiber as the nsing substrate makes the optical fiber SPR nsor come into being.The optical fiber SPR nsor is ud to detect the refractive index of outside environment.The detection principle of the optical fiber SPR nsor is to u the SPR occurring at the interface between the metal and the fiber to detect the interaction between external molecules and the nsor surface.When the external molecular concentration information changes,it will cau the refractive index change near the fiber optic nsor,which will cau a certain change in the propagation constant around the nsor,and the resonance peak will be changed.By analyzing the c
hanged in the spectral information,the detection of external molecules can be realized.The optical fiber nsor has high nsitivity, good flexibility,and simple operation,and has wide application prospects in the fields of biological analysis,chemical detection,and environmental monitoring.Optical fiber SPR nsors mostly u metal materials such as gold and silver as the nsing layer.In order to improve the performance of nsor,many methods have been propod to improve the nsing material layer. Among them,compounding two-dimensional materials with metal can not only improve the nsitivity of the nsor,but also better adsorb external molecules,thereby achieving high-quality detection.The two-dimensional material graphene has a stable lattice structure,has a large specific surface area,superior spectral properties and excellent biocompatibility.Its appearance has brought gospel to rearchers.Graphene and metal composite can not only rve as a protective layer of metal and act as an ideal molecular enrichment agent,but also enhance the interaction between light and matter.The charge transfer between graphene and metal canbankholiday