Meaning, information, message and image
Examine for a moment an ordinary mind on an ordinary day. The mind receives a myriad impressions-trivial, fantastic, evanescent, or engraved with the sharpness of steel. From all sides they come, and incessant shower of innumerable atoms, and as they fall, as they shape themlves into the life of Monday or Tuesday, the accent falls differently from of old; the moment of importance came not here but there; so that, if a writer were a free man and not a slave, if he could write what he cho, not what he must, if he could ba his work upon his own feeling and not upon convention, there would be not plot, no comedy, no tragedy, no love interest of catastrophe in the accepted style, and perhaps not a single button wn on as the Bond Street tailors would have it. Life is not a ries of gig lamps symmetrically arranged; life is a luminous halo, a mi-transparent envelope surrounding as from the beginning of consciousness to the end. Is it not task of the novelist to convey this varying, this unknown and uncircumscribed spirit, whatever aberration or complexity it may display, with as little mixture of the alien and external as possible?
Well, monks had a history of such things. 嗨,和尚们又干这种事情的历史。嗨,和尚们干这种勾当由来已久。Is the Pope Polish? 那还用说吗?这不是秃头上的虱子-明摆着的吗!
Any excu will do for a picture of Audrey Herburn. 为了得到澳黛丽·赫本的一张玉照,什么借口都不为过。Sunday evening was stormy, and some enthusiasm was required to make one face its perils for the sake of society. Nevertheless, a few intimates made their appearances as usual at Mrs. Lee’s.
Polly asked him questions that were full of guile, and very deep-for she wanted to trap him into damaging revealments.
From this deficiency of nourishment resulted an abu which presd hardly on the younger pupils: whenever the famished great girls had an opportunity they would coax or menace the little ones out of their portion.
Who would think that the Evil One had already found a rvant and agent in her? Y et such, I grieve to say, is the ca.
走遍美国视频谁能想得到魔鬼已经在她身上找到了一个奴仆和代理人?可是我要痛心地说,事实却正是这样。谁能想得到她早已经成了魔鬼的狗腿子,(沆瀣一气,)狼狈为奸,为虎作伥?可是我要痛心地说,事实却正是如此。Every thing that goes on in ladies’ lavatories in Japan has to remain discreet. Fearful that sounds would disclo what was happening behind the clod door, Japane women ud to flush while using the toilet. Not to flush per , but to produce the sound of running water which drowned out the other sounds.
The tears of the penitent flow unceasing, transformed into stars they form not simply a Milky Way in the heavens but a stream of cream.
What ship is found in a church? Worship.
What ship needs a group of workers? Membership.
What ship does everyone enjoy? Friendship.
Nothing that is so is so. 天下的事物,没有什么是怎样便是怎样。(天下的事物,没有什么看上去[表面上]怎样便是怎样。)Wisdom is knowledge returning home. 智慧就是寻根问底(径达要害,不为假象所迷惑)。知其然,而且知其所以然。
It’s expected. 这是常事。
Rome, as we all know, was not built in a day which was a step-by-step process involving many individuals.
In the afternoon rush of the Grand Central Station his eyes had been refreshed by the sight of Miss Lily Bart.
在中央火车站午后的旅客洪流中,它一眼瞥见了丽莉·巴特小姐的身影,顿时觉得眼前清新,精神为之一振。Sickness and trouble: that’s what Ethan’s had his plate full with, ever since the very first helping.
But the bay was as good as Frome’s word, and we pushed on to the Junction through the white, wild scene.
Now, in the warm, lamp-lit room with all its ancient implications of conformity and order, she emed infinitely farther away from him and more unapproachable.
She stood silent, her hands lying cold and relaxed in his.
She remained motionless, as if she had not heard him. Then she snatched her hands from his, threw her arms about his neck, and presd a sudden drenched cheek against his face.
The sky, swollen with the clouds that announce a thaw, hung as low as before a summer storm.
They spoke in smothered whispers, as though the night were listening.
The credit for the first vehicle to move under its own power has to be given to the Frenchman Nicholas Cugnot in 1769. It was a steam-powered tricycle with a huge boiler in front of the single front wheel (left). Becau of the weight on this single wheel, steering was very difficult. It was recorded that, on its first outing, it knocked down a wall. A reconstruction of this machine can be en at the Conrvatoire des Arts et Metiers in Paris. With a top speed of 3km/h(2mph), it was never a success and there was no immediate development.
Manet painted Olympia in 1863 but did not submit it for exhibition until 1865. Manet referred back to a well-known painting called V enus of Urbino painted by Titian in 138. Manet’s Olympia is a modern prostitute who is lf-possd and confident, unashamed of her nakedness. She looks directly at the viewer, thereby involving the viewer in the scene and placing the spectator in the role of client. This confrontation was shocking for the public who were ud to gazing on images of naked women safely portrayed as mythical goddess.
Eleanor snored. She was nodding off, shamelessly, helplessly. There was an obscenity in unconsciousness, he thought. Her mouth was open; her head was on one side.
I could not look on Death, which being known,Men led me to him, blindfold and lone.
Miss Brooke had that kind of beauty which ems to be thrown into relief by poor dress.
“Oh, nonn, mother! It’s nothing,” said Fred, putting out his hot dry hand to her, “I shall soon be all right. I must have taken cold in that nasty damp ride.”
“Of cour it is,” said Will, impatiently. “But if you are to wait till we get a logical Bill, you must put yourlf forward as a revolutionist, and then Middlemarch would not elect you, I fancy. As for trimming, this is not a time for trimming.”
One evening, when he took the pains to go to Middlemarch on purpo to have a chat with Lydgate as of old, he
noticed in him an air of excited effort quite unlike his usual easy way of keeping silence or breaking it with abrupt energy whenever he had anything to say.
faculty英语表示死亡的词语多达数十种,但也无能为力:die, perish, depart, suffer death, pass away, pass on, pass over, meet death, meet one’s coffin, leave this world, come to one’s end, be heard of no more, draw the last breath, go the way of all flesh, go to one’s glory, go from dust to dust, go west, be gathered to one’s fathers, sink into the grave, kick the bucket, toes up, turn up one’s toes.
2.英语中有大量植物词语具有文化意义:bud 表示“少女”、“少年”,blossom 表示“繁荣兴旺”,flora表示“花神”,lily表示“完美”、“高贵”,laurel 表示“荣誉”、“声望”,narcissus 表示“以美貌自夸的少年”,ro 表示“爱情”、“安乐”,apple 表示“宝贝”、“宠物”,cherry 表示“童男”、“童女”、“新兵”,bud 表示“
少女”、“少年”,nut 表示“怪人”、“疯子”,peach 表示“迷人的美女”、“出色的事物”,potato 表示“人”、“物”,tomato 表示“漂亮的美女”,cypress 表示“哀悼”,oak 表示“伟岸”、“长寿”,olive 表示“和平”,root 表示“根源”、“祖先”,trunk 表示“主要部分”、“主流”,branch 表示“支脉”、“分科”,limb 表示“骨干”、“爪牙”,leaf 表示“新生”。
3.“I’m better now”, said the girl, with the sweetest smile possible, taking good natured Mrs. Sedley’s extended hand and kissing it respectfully, “How kind you all are to me! All”, she added, with a laugh, “except you, Mr. Joph.”
We whisper, and hint, and chuckle, and grin at a brother’s shame.
看到同伴那副羞愧的样子,我们大家有的窃窃私语,有的提醒暗示,有的暗自发笑,有的笑得合不拢嘴。4.J. R. Firth : Context includes not only spoken words, but facial expression, gestures, bodily activities, the whole group of people prent during an exchange of utterance, and the part of the environment in which the people are engaged, and to call the totality of the factors’ context of situation.
Setting refers to the time and place, that is, the physical t-up of the utterance or events.
Participants include combinations of speakers and listeners in various roles.
a of shoesEnds refer to the purpos of the activities and what participants ek to accomplish.
Act quence refers both to the form and the content of utterances, both to what is said and what is meant by the way it is said.
Key refers to the tone, manner, or spirit in which a participant message is conveyed rious or ironical, matter-of-fact or playful.
Instrumentalities refer to the choice of channel (oral or written), and of code(mother tongue, foreign language, or a mix of codes or code-switching).
Norms of interaction and interpretation refer to the way participants in the lesson interact and interpret what is said or what they are reading.
Genre refers to the type of oral or written activity.
The Flower Girl: Will ye-oo py me f’them?
The Daughter: Do nothing of the sort, mother. The idea!
So out of tune with the world of nation-states was china that it did not even posss a ministry of foreign affair until as
late as 1858.
Bayou sat with his legs crosd, his hand folded, his eyes clod and his mouth pouting, saying: “Say as you plea.”
Norman Gortsby sat on a at in the park. Hyde Park Corner, with its noi of traffic, lay immediately to the right. It was about thirty minutes past six on an early March evening, and dusk had fallen heavily over the scene, dusk with some faint moonlight and many street lamps. There was a wide emptiness over road and pavement, and yet there were many figures moving silently through the half-light, or sitting on ats and chairs.
bimp>神探夏洛克第五季The scene plead Gortsby and suited his mood. Dusk, in his opinion, was the hour of the defeated. Men and women, who had fought the battle of life and lost, who hid their dead hopes from the eyes of the curious, came out in this hour, when their old clothes and bent shoulders and unhappy eyes might pass unnoticed.
On the at by Gortsby’s side sat a rather old gentleman with a look of defiance that was probable the last sign of lf-respect in a man who had stopped defying successfully anybody or anything. As he ro to go Gortsby imagined him returning to a home where he was of no importance, or to some uncomfortable lodging where his ability to pay his weekly rent was the beginning and end of the interest which he caud.
Father wed on the button in a violent manner, with vicious haulings and jabs. Mother said she couldn’t bear to e him-but she couldn’t bear to leave the room, either. She stood watching him, hypnotized and appalled, itching to w it herlf, and they talked at each other with vehemence.
White yellow red blue black
Pink scarlet vermilion crimson ruby
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