account | 账户 |
action plan | 行动计划 |
additives | 配料 |
adopt | 采取 |
aging | 老化 |
agreed by | 同意 |
air compressor | 空气压缩机 |
amend | 修改 |
amortization | 死亡率 |
application | 申请 |
approved by | 审批 |
aqua feed | 水产饲料 |
aqua market | 水产市场 |
as of now | 目前 |
asssment | 评估 |
asts | 固定资产 |
consumption | 消耗 |
shine your way attachment | 附件 |
bad debt | 坏账 |
bad debt prov. | 坏账准备 |
balance overdue | 欠款超期 |
bill boards and sales promotion products | 广告牌和促销品 |
boiler fuel consumption | 锅炉耗煤 |
breakdown | 详细内容 |
breeding technical | 养殖技术 |
brief commentary | 简要说明 |
broiler gate-prices | 肉鸡出栏价 |
bulk vesl | 大货船 |
capex | 资本支出 |
cassava | 木薯 |
China Grain Group | 中粮集团 |
closing balance | 月结余额 |
closing stocki hate love | 月结库存 |
collection | 收回货款 |
comments | 备注 |
competitors | 竞争对手 |
competitive landscape | 竞争格局 |
container | 集装箱 |
contract workers | 临时工 |
controllers | 财务经理 |
credit control | 赊销控制 |
credit terms | 赊销期限 |
crusher | 破碎机 |
crumbled feed | 碎粒状饲料 |
current outstanding | 当前余额 |
deficit | 折旧 |
delivered | 送货 |
department | 部门 |
depots rental | 仓库出租 |
deputy GM | 副总经理 |
discount | 折让 |
diversification | 多元化 |
dividends | 分红 |
effective immediately | 立即生效 |
effectiveness | 效果 |
electric consumption | 电耗 |
eliminate | 去除 |
end-urs | 终端用户 |
energy saving and emission-reduction | 节能减排 |
entity | 公司 |
estimated cost of finished feed | 成品估计成本 |
exemption | 性感的英文免除 |
existing | 现有的 |
expens | 费用 |
extension | 扩大;延期 |
extruder project | 膨化工程 |
facilities | 工具;设备 |
fixed asts | 固定资产 |
forklift | 叉车 |
not only but alsoformulator | 配方师 |
fry | 鱼苗 |
funding | 资金 | company的用法
glassware | 玻璃器皿 |
gross profit | 毛利 |
growth | 成长 |
headcount | 人员 |
high mortality rate | 英语六级听力真题高死亡率 |
HQ | 总部 |
Hyperion | 财务系统 |
impact | 影响 |
increment | 增额 |
ingredient | 配料 |
insurance expens | 保险费 |
intake | 采食量 |
interest | 利息 |
inventory provision | 库存准备 |
justification | 解释 |
lawnmower | 剪草机 |
liabilities | 负债 |
liquidity | 流动资产;偿债能力 |
livestock and poultry raising | 家畜家禽养殖 |
loan | 贷款 |
lower A/R write offs | 较低应收账款销帐 |
low-margin | 微利 |
lysine | 赖氨酸 |
machinery spare parts | 机器零部件 |
maintenance | 维修 |
maize | 玉米 |
manpower | 人力 |
margin/profit | 利润 |
marine cargo | 海运货物 |
market distribution structure | 市场分配结构 |
market penetration rate | 市场渗透率 |
market share | 市场份额 |
master of science | 工科硕士 |
memo/memorandum | 备忘录 chubby bunny |
methionine | 蛋氨酸 |
mixer | 混合机 |
mold | 发霉 |
monthly production | 月产量 |
moldy feed | 发霉饲料 |
mutual benefits | 互利 |
net profit | 净利 |
net sales | 净销额 |
new hire staff | 新雇佣员工 |
nozzle | 喷嘴 |
nutritionist | 营养师 |
obligation | 职责 |
OHQ | 营运总部 |
on-line | 在线 |
opening ceremony | 开业典礼 |
opening stock | 月初库存 |
outbreak | 发生 |
overdraft | 透支 |
overtime/OT | 加班 |
performance bonus | 业绩奖金 |
personnel allowances | 个人津贴 |
Pelleted feed | 颗粒状饲料 |
Plant & machinery | 工厂&机器 |
post-sales rvice | 售后服务 |
power, light and water | 水电 |
priority | 首要任务;优先;问题 |
profile | 属性;轮廓;分析 |
Profit & loss | 盈亏 |
projector 我不了解 | 投影仪 |
promote | 促进 |
quarterly physical stock check | 季度盘点 |
quote | 报价 |
ratio | 比率;比例 |
ration | 产品 |
ration cost | 产品成本 |
raw material | 原料 |
recommend | 推荐 |
recruit/recruitment | 聘用 |
reinforce | 加强 |
remarks | 备注 |
Rent & utilities | 水电租金 |
resignation | 辞职 |
review/monitor | 监视 |
RM trader | 原料交易 |
sacking-off | 投料 |
salaries/wages | 工资 |
sales | 销售额 |
sales volume | 销量 |
gmentation | 分割;结构 |
minar | 研讨会;交流会 |
silos | 筒仓 |
skin color & hair look | 皮红毛亮 |
social benefits | 社会福利 max是什么意思 |
spare parts | 零部件 |
species | 种类 |
starch content | 淀粉含量 |
submit | 上交 |
subsidy | 津贴 |
surplus | 结余 |
tax deductible | 可扣除的税款 |
the balance sheet | 资产负债表 |
the owing party | 欠款方 |
the receiving party | 收款方 |
to be effect immediately | 立即执行 |
trial | 试验 |
unit price | 单价 |
unloading of raw materials | 原料下车 |
utilization | 利用/利用率 |
variance analysis | 差异分析 |
vet | 兽医 |
via | 通过 |
weighbridge | 地磅 |
wielding | 焊接 |
wet droppings | 拉稀 |
working capital | 营运资金 |
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