noneofthemOsointegrated Titanium Implants 期刊名称: Facial Plastic Surgery
作者: D. G. Bronson,J. D. Ross,J. P. Toombs,R. D. Welch
犯罪心理第六季剧情年份: 1986年
digital camera
期号: 第02期
五十步笑百步翻译关键词: bone-implant interface;osointegration;electron-microscopic
studies;clinical material;titanium;tibia;os ilium;os temporale;maxilla;mandibula
摘要:Titanium implants were placed surgically into the maxillary, zygomatic, frontal, and occipital bones of four pigtail monkeys. After a 4-month healing period, the implants were expod and abutments were placed. Extraoral traction appliances were then attached to the abutments. The cranial implants were ud to support the framework of the traction appliance; tho in the facial bones were ud to attach springs that delivered a protraction force. The application of force varied among animals. In animal A, the force was applied to the maxilla. In animal B, the force was applied to the zygbrian mcfadden
职员英文omatic bones. Animals C and D had force applied to both the maxillary and zygomatic bones. A tensile force of 600 gm per side was maintained until approximately 8 mm of maxillary anterior displacement had occurred. This amount of movement