1. 头颅骨质未见异常
The shape and the size of the skull are normal。The inner and outer tables,and the diploe of the cranial vault are unremarkable,on the lateral view ,the sizes,the shape and the density of the lla turcica are nothing remarkable。
Impression:plain films of the head are normal.
AP and lateral views of the skull are submitted. The cavarium has normal configuration and appearance. There isfurthermore翻译
no evidence of fracture. The soft tissues are normal.
例如英语Impression: Normal skull.
There is generalized haziness of the frontal, ethmoid and bilateral maxillary sinus. Findings are consistent with sinusitis.
Impression: Frontal,(额窦)ethmoid(筛)and maxillary (上颌)sinusitis.
新年快乐 英文4. 右膝关节正常
The bones and joints of the right knee are normal. There is no evidence of fracture or subluxation. The soft tissues are normal. There is no joint effusion.
Impression: Normal right knee.
The bones and joints of the right knee are normal. Mild degenerative changes of the knee joint is prent. There is no evidence of fracture or subluxation. The soft tissues are normal. There is no joint
Impression: Mild DJD of knee joint。
There is mild degree of soft tissue swelling 10.9cm at the proximal anterior leg. There is no evidence of adjacent bone abnormality. There is no evidence of periosteal reaction. The fibular bone has normal configuration and appearance.belong是什么意思
Impression: There is a focal 10.9cmdecent什么意思