Unit1 Ways of Learni ng
Part II Readin g Task
Compre hensi on
Conten t Questi on
Pair Work
1.They were studyi ng arts educat ion in Chines e kinder garte ns and elemen tary
school s in Nanjin g.
2.Their18-month-old son Benjam in was fond of trying to placethe key into
the slot of the key box during theirstay at the Jinlin g Hotel.
3.They wouldcome over to watchBenjam in and then try to teachhim how to
do it proper ly.
4.Becaus e he realiz ed that this anecdo te was direct ly releva nt to theirassign ed
tasksin China:to invest igate earlychildh ood educat ion and to throwlighton Chines e attitu des toward creati vity.
5.Most of them displa yed the same attitu de as the staffat the Jinlin g Hotel.
6.He emphas izedthat the most import ant thingis to teachthe childthat on
can solvea proble m effect ively by onel f.
7.He meansthat this incide nt pointe d to import ant differ ences in educat ional
and artist ic practi ces betwee n Chinaand the USA.
8.The manner in whichthe Chines e staffsaw the need to teachthe childby
guidin g his hand in the charac teris tic of a broade r attitu de to educat ion, one that stands in contra st to the Wester n prefer encefor leavin g the childto explor e and learnunaide d.
9.One exampl e is of childr en at the age of 5 or 6 painti ng flower s, fish and
animal s skillf ullyand confid ently; in a cond exampl e, callig raphe rs 9 and
10 yearsold were produc ing works;and in a third,youngartist s work on
perfec tingtheircraftfor vera l hoursa day.
10.Americ ans thinkthat unless creati vityhas been acquir ed early, it may never
emerge, and skills can be picked up later. Chines e thinkthat if skills are not acquir ed early,they may neverbe acquir ed, and thereis no hurryto promot e creati vity.
11.This is mainly due to the differ encein theirway of thinki ng.
12.The author makesthe sugges tionthat we should strike a better balanc e
betwee n the polesof creati vityand basicskills.
Text Organi zatio n
Workin g On Your Own
1)The text begins with an anecdo te.
2)His though ts are mainly aboutdiffer ent approa chesto learni ng in China
and the W est.
3)He windsup the text with a sugges tionin the form of a questi on.
2.Chines e
1)Show a childhow to do someth ing, or tech by holdin g the hand
2)Give greate r priori ty to develo pingskills at an earlyage, believ ing that
golecreati vitycan be promot ed over time
Americ ans
1)Teachchildr en that they should rely on themse lvesfor soluti ons to
proble ms
2)Put more emphas is on foster ing creati vityin youngchildr en, thinki ng
skills can be picked up later
Langua ge SenEnhanc ement
(1)Summar izing
(2)valueorigin ality and
indepe ndenc e (3)contra st betwee n (4)in termsof
(6)fearfu l
(7)compar able
(8)promot e creati vity
(10)p icked up
Langua ge FocusVocabu lary
2)on occasi on
3)invest igate
4)In retros pect5)initia l
6)phenom ena
7)attach ed
8)make up for
9)is awaiti ng
10)not; in the least
11)promot e
12)emerge d
1) a striki ng contra st betwee n the standa rds of living in the northof the
countr y and the south.
2)is said to be superi or to synthe tic fiber.
3)as a financ ial center has evolve d slowly.
4)is not releva nt to whethe r he is a good lawyer.
5)by a little-knownsixtee n-centur y Italia n poet have foundtheirway into
some Englis h magazi nes.
1)be picked up; can’taccomp lish; am exagge ratin g
天使英文2)somewh at; the perfor mance; have neglec ted; they applyto
3)assist; On the otherhand; are valid; a superi or
1)contin ual
2)contin uous3)contin ual
4)contin uous
1)princi pal
2)princi pal
3)princi ple 4)princi ples
5)princi pal高中英语短文改错
1.themse lves
2.himl f/herl f
3.herl f/by herl f/on her own
5.ourl ves
Compre hensi ve Exerci s I.cloze
(1)contra st
(2)exagge ratin g
(3)priori ty
(4)on the other
hand (5)promot ing
(6)pick up
(8)accomp lish
(9)occasi on
(10)n eglec ting
(11)w orthw hile
(12)s uperi or
(2)perfor m
(4)compet ent
(5)equipp ed
(6)design ed
(7)approa ch
(9)defini tely
(10)q ualit y
(1)It takesan enormo us amount of courag e to make a depart ure from the
tradit ion.
(2)Tom ud to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a
perfor mance in frontof a largeaudien ce.
(3)Many educat ors thinkit desira ble to foster the creati ve spirit in the child
at an earlyage.
it is ok
(4)Assumi ng this painti ng really is a master piece, do you thinkit’s
worthw hileto buy it?
(5)If the data is statis tical ly valid, it will throwlighton the proble m we are
invest igati ng.
To improv e our Englis h, it is critic al to do more readin g, writin g, listen ing and speaki ng. Beside s, learni ng by heartas many well-writte n essays as possib le is also very import ant. Withou t an enormo us storeof good Englis h writin g in your head you cannot expres s yourse lf freely in Englis h. It is also helpfu l to summar ize our experi enceas we go along,for in so doing,we can figure out whichway of learni ng is more effect ive and will produc e the most desira ble result. As long as we keep workin g hard on it, we will in due course accomp lishthe task of master ing Englis h.