Unit 8 First Aid
Teaching aims and demands
Talk about first aid and medicine
Words and expressions
Aid drown choke ink wire contain electrical scream witness calm panic ambulance tip slight chest circulate circulation pul wound blanket motorcycle sudden bite tap loo bandage explanation first aid catch fire keep in mind roll over in honour of in ca of a list of
Giving advice
You should always…you must never…
You should not…Plea don’t…
You must…You should never…
Make sure that…Never
You ought to /should…You have to…
Subjunctive mood (2)
Talk about first aid and machine
Practi talking about what you should and should not do
Learn to u the subjunctive mood
Write a process paragraph
Teaching methods
Five-step approach
Teaching Aids
Recorder, textbook and multi-medium
Period One
Do the listening and make sure that the students understand it.
Improve the students listening and speaking abilities.
Let the students understand the common n about the first aid.
Step 1 Lead in
Hello, everyone! In our last unit, we learned something about AIDS/HIVE that is doing great
harm to human being. Today we are going to learn something about accidents that will also do
great harm to human beings. Here are some of them . Look at the pictures on Page 57 and practice as the following.
Step 2 Warming up
Picture 1
A: The drowning man has just been brought out of the water. He is dying.
B: What would you do in the situation?
A: We should lay him on his back and try to start his breathing at once.
B: What could we do to prevent this accident?
A: We should learn how to swim, never swim alone and don’t swim in dangerous rivers.
Picture 2
A: The woman knocked off her bike by the passing car and was badly hurt.
B: What could you do?
A: Don’t move her, and call the ambulance.
B: What could we do to prevent traffic accident?
A: Everyone should follow the traffic rules and be attentive and careful and never run in traffic. Picture 3
A: The man’s hou catches fire and is burning down. He is running out of the hou.
B: What would you do in the situation?
A: We should find the nearest telephone and call 119.26个拼音字母表
B: What could we do to prevent the accident?
A: Don’t leave lamps and candles burning in your hou, and be careful when you cook.
Picture 4
A: The girl is hurt and is bleeding badly.
B: What would you in the situation?
A: We should help her to press firmly on the bleeding point using a clean handchief.
B: What could we do to prevent the accident?
A: Don’t play with knives or the sharp objects.
Picture 5
A: What should you do if you find the old man with a knife in his arm?
B: Leave the knife in and get him to hospital as quickly as possible. If you pull the knife out .you may cau more damage.
Picture 6
A: The man is choking while he is eating.
B: What should you do in the situation?硫芴
A: If you are well trained in first aid, you can try to get out the thing in the mouth and clear the airway.
B: What could we do to prevent the accident?
A: Don’t eat too fast and don’t chew your food. Don’t talk while having food in the mouth.
Words and expressions to be ud: drowning bleeding choking situation prevent poison container catch fire electrical equipment first aid
Step 3 Listening
1 Attention plea! Now we are going to listen to dialogues in which a nur is asking two people
questions who have just arrived at the hospital, each with a child. Listen to the tape, what
happened to each child?
2 Listen to the tape again and answer the questions.
3 Listen to the nur’s questions in the first dialogue and write them down.
Step 4 Speaking
afterwardWork in pairs. U the list of dos and don’ts below to tell each other what you should and should not do.
Suggested answers:
You must make sure that electric wires are safe and the children can’t reach them. If a child plays with an electric wire, it can get an electric shock and be riously injured. If electric wires are damaged, they may cau a fire. You should also cover outlets and switches that a child can reach.
Make sure that your kitchen is safe. Do n’t let children cook alone and teach them what to do if an accident happens. For example, if a pan of oil catches fire, you should turn off the gas and
cover the pan quickly. You should never u water to try to put out burning oil. Instead, cover the pan with a lid.
You ought to make sure that everyone in your family knows how to call for emergency (110). If your family knows what to do when there is an accident, they will be much safer. You should have a plan for emergencies and you should learn more about first aid.
You should not put poison into other containers, like empty bottles. A child or other family members
may think that it is safe to drink. In fact you might forget that you put the poison
there, too. If you must have poison in your hou, you should keep it in a safe place and in clearly labeled container.
You should never leave small things on the floor or table which a baby can put into its mouth. The baby may choke on them. You must never play with electrical equipment.
You should never u ladders on a wet floor. The ladder may slip and you will fall and hurt yourlf. If you are using a tall ladder, ask someone to hold the ladder for you.
Period Two
Improve the students’ ability of the reading comprehension.
Let the students get enough first aid knowledge and learn what they should do and what they should do and what they should not do during the process of first aid.
Let the students learn new words and uful expressions to talk about accidents and first aid. Procedures
Step 1 Lead in
Hello. Everyone! Last time we discusd something about accidents and first aid. Now plea tell what would you do in the following situations
What would you do if you find a person who leg is bleeding?
What would you do if you witness a traffic accident?
What would you do if your younger brother is choking?
Today we are going to learn more about first aid. First let’s look at pre-reading.
Step 2 Pre-reading
1 Introduction In the Pre-reading activity, the students are asked to choo one of three outlines. Each outline could be ud for a text about first aid, so the students are free to choo
the one they like best as long as they provide reasons for their decision.
2 Which of the outline below would you u if you were to write a text about first aid? Why?英文译中文
The first outline would suit a persuasive or argumentative passage in which the author is trying to get the reader to agree that first aid is important. The cond outline is for a process essay in which the writer explains how to give first aid. The third outline would suit a comparison and contrast essay in which the writer first explains two types of first aid and then lists similarities and differences.
3 Which one do you think will be ud in the text below? Why?
Step3 Reading
1 Skim the text and answer the question What do the letters DR ABC stand for?
D stands for danger; R stands for respon ; A stands for airway B stands for breathing; C
stands for circulation.
2 Read the text to get the topic of each part.
Para. 1.First aid is very important
Para. 2 The most important is to stay calm.
Para. 3-4When we have to think fast, we must remember DR ABC to give first aid.
Para. 5-6 When we have checked the DR ABC we should give the first aid that is
needed and call an ambulance.
3 Listen to the tape and scan the text to answer the following questions:
What do we say that conds count in an emergency when we meet someone in trouble?
Becau knowing what to so and acting out in an emergency can mean the difference between life and death.
本科文凭查询What is the most important thing when dealing with an emergency?
The most important thing to keep in mind is to stay calm.
Before an ambulance comes, how can we save people’s life?
s life.
If we know how to respond, we can save people’
Where can we learn first aid?
Many hospitals and schools offer training class for people who are interested in learning first aid.
How can we put the person in the recovery position.
First, roll the person onto one side and keep the legs straight.
Second, place the hand of the person’s upper arm under his or her chin.
Third, bend the person’s leg so that he or she will not roll over and we should stay with the person and wait for an ambulance. Of cour, we can cover the person with a blanket or a jacket to help him or her stay warm.
What does the each letter of DR ABC mean?
D danger The accident scene is no longer dangerous.
留学出国条件R respond To know that he or she is conscious and can breathe.
A airway To make sure a person’s airway is open and it is easy to breath.
B breathing To start the person who is not breathing at once, using the mouth-to-mouth
C circulation To make sure the person’s blood is circulating by looking for color, coughing, eye
movement, and checking pul, stopping bleeding.
4 Read the text again and fill in the table below.
Part 1 The importance of giving first aid.
Point Reason
The importance of giving first aid Seconds count in an emergency, and knowing what to do
can mean the difference between life and death
Part 2 How to give first aid
Process What to do Why(how) to do