深加工玻璃 glass processing
钢化玻璃 tempered glass/ toughened glass/ strengthened glass
半钢化玻璃Semi-tempered glass
中空玻璃 insulating glass/hollow glass
夹胶玻璃 laminated glass
防火玻璃 fire-resistant glass/fireproof glassmou的复数
防弹玻璃 armored glass / ballistic resistant glass
防弹玻璃 Bullet-proof Glass
汽车玻璃 automotive glass
镀膜玻璃 coated glass/coating glass
光学玻璃 optical glass
热弯玻璃 hot bending glass/ thermal bending glass
家具玻璃 furniture glass
家电玻璃 appliance glass
安全玻璃 safety glass / curity glass
卫浴 sanitary
镜子 mirror
银镜 silver glass
铝镜 aluminum glass
低辐射玻璃: low-e glass
太阳能玻璃 Sun-e glass
彩色玻璃: tinted glass/stained glass
变色玻璃 photochromic glass高考英语短文改错
建筑玻璃 architectural glass
真空玻璃 vacuum glass
热反射玻璃 heat reflecting glass
吸热玻璃 heat absorbing glass
ITO导电玻璃 ITO conductive glass
丝印玻璃 silk printing glass
耐热玻璃 thermal glass
光电玻璃 photoelectric glass
仪表玻璃 instrument glass
挡风玻璃 windshield glass
幕墙玻璃 Glass Curtain Wall/glass facade
原片玻璃 sheet glass
平板玻璃 flat glass/ sheet glass/ plate glass
浮法玻璃 float glass
格法玻璃 glaverbel glass
压延玻璃 rolling glass
超白玻璃 ultra-white glass/ultra clear glass
超薄玻璃 ultra-thin sheet glass
茶玻 tawny glass
蓝玻 blue glass
成都卫校招生灰玻 gray glass
艺术玻璃 art glass
压花玻璃 patterned glass / figured glass
热熔玻璃 hot-melt glass
夹丝玻璃 Wired glass
装饰玻璃 decoration glass
彩釉玻璃 colored glazing glass
彩绘玻璃 stained glass
彩绘玻璃 stained glass
聚晶玻璃 polycrystalline glass
喷砂玻璃 sandblasting glass
冰花玻璃 ice glass
肌理玻璃 textured glass
特种玻璃 special glass
智能调光玻璃 smart glass
微晶玻璃 crystallite glass
石英玻璃 quartz glass /
防眩玻璃 anti-dazzle glass / glare-reducing glass/anti-glare glass
纳米玻璃 nanometer glass
液晶玻璃 liquid crystal glass
亚历克玻璃 Acrylic glass
高硼硅玻璃 high borosilicate glass
自洁玻璃 Self-cleanness Glass
乳化玻璃 Emulsification Glass
防火玻璃 Fireproof Glass
发光玻璃 Shining Glass
杀菌玻璃 anti-bacterial Glass
纳米玻璃 Nanometer Glass
有机玻璃 Organic Glass
透红外玻璃 Infrared Transmission Glass
玻璃机械 glass machinery
钢化炉 toughening furnace
退火炉 annealing furnace
磨边机 edge grinding machine
切割机 cutting machine
清洗机 washing machine/cleaning machine
打孔机 drilling machine
检测设备 detection equipment
喷砂机 sandblasting machine
crui是什么意思斜边机 beveling machine
夹层玻璃生产线 processing line for laminated glass / multiple glass / triple glass interlayer glass
中空玻璃生产线 the processing line of insulating glass
丝网印刷机 Ferro cement printing machine
机械配件,辅助工具 mechanical parts, supplementary means
磨轮 grinding wheel
抛光轮 polishing wheel
金刚轮 diamond wheel
树脂轮 resin wheel
玻璃刀 glass cutter / glazing knife
无影灯 shadowless lamp
钻头 drill
吸盘 sucker / sucking disk / osculate
网版 screen
extranet玻璃工具 glass tool
玻璃模具 glass mould/pattern
水钻磨轮 water borehole abrasive wheel
托盘 Wooden Pallet
木箱 Wooden Box
汽垫膜 Air Cushion Film
周转箱 Recycle Ca
铁架子 Iron Shelf
化工材料,辅料 chemical materials , accessorieshaveaniceday
玻璃油墨 glass printing oil
玻璃颜料 glass pigment colour
玻璃涂料 glass adhesive coating
玻璃油漆 glass oil paint
抛光粉 polishing powder/ burnishing powder
无影胶 shadow less glue
无手印玻璃 non-fingerprint glass
冰雕玻璃 ice sculpture glass / ice carving glass
应力 stress
厚度(英) substance
厚度(美) Thickness
热传导系数 Thermal conductivity coefficient
比重 specific gravity
智能玻璃 Smart glass
钠钙玻璃 Soda lime glass
废玻璃 Scrap glass
间隔条 Spacer
密封胶 Sealant
玻璃砖 Slab
密封中空玻璃 Sealed insulating glass
压延玻璃 Rolllde glass
光色玻璃 Photochromic glass
反射玻璃 Reflective glass
丁基胶 Pib
抛光夹板玻璃 Polished plate glass
低辐射玻璃 Low-emissivity glass
石灰石 Limestone