4例;159个非滑脱节段对应的棘间韧带出现T2WI高信号53例,其中L,.2节段6例,L?」节段6例,L s,*节段13例,L4.5
Correlation analysis between degenerative spondylolisthesis and T2WI hyperintensity on MRI of interspinous liga
ment JING匝i7/eng,S匀耘晕S澡怎円怎n,D0晕G再i,宰粤晕G允怎n,and在匀韵哉Jin-z澡怎.Department ofRadiology, the First Aop/e H
匀ospita造o枣Xiaoshan,匀angzho怎311200,Zhej iang,China
takeabowABSTRACT Objective:To explore the relationship between lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis and T2WI high signal in
the interspinous ligament in MRI in order to improve the understanding of the signal changes of the i
nterspinous ligament. Methods:The clinical data of43patients with clinically diagnod lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis were collected from
全职英语翻译March2018to March2020,there were19males and24females,aged50to92years with an average of69years old.Using
picture archiving and communication systems(PACS)to access images and record the distribution and incidence of T2WI high
signal in the interspinous ligament between the slipped and non・slipped gments.Using Spearman correlation analysis to ex
plore the relationship between the T2WI high signal of the interspinous ligament and the degree of lumbar spondylolisthesis. Results:Except for8ligaments that were not included in the statistical results due to poor image quality,43patients with a to
tal of207lumbar vertebrae and interspinous ligaments were included in the study.According to the Meyerding classification method,43patients had a total of48gments with spondylolisthesis,41gments in grade I and7gments in grade域.
There were30cas of MRI T2WI high signal in the interspinous ligament corresponding to spondylolisthesis gment,includ
ing3cas on L2,3gment,3cas on L3,4gment,20cas on L4,5gment,and4cas on L5S1gment.And there were53
cas of MRI T2WI hyperintensity in159non-slipped interspinous ligaments,of which6cas were at L,2,6were at L2,3,13
were on L3,4,7were on L4,5,and21were on L5S1.Compared with the non-slipped gment,the incidence of high signal on the
T2WI of the interspinous ligament was62.5%and33.3%,respectively,and the difference was statistically significant(2=
13.06,P<0.05).Spearman correlation analysis showed that the prence of T2WI hyperintensity of interspinous ligament was positively correlated with the degree of lumbar spondylolisthesis(r=0.264,P<0.05).Conclusion:In patients with degenerative
lumbar spondylolisthesis,the MRI T2WI hyperintensity is more common in the interspinous ligament.
The occurrence of T2WI
high signal is positively correlated with the degree of spondylolisthesis,which should be payed enough attention in imaging di-
Corresponding author:ZHOU Jin-zhu E-mail:****************
KEYWORDS Lumber vfftfbfef ; Spondylolysis ; Interspinous ligament ; Magnetic ffsonenff imaging
腰椎退行性滑脱(lumbardegenerative spondy
lolisthesis ,LDS )是由于腰椎退行性变引起的相邻椎 体间的位置滑移,LDS 是导致中老年人下腰痛的一 个重要原因。当前对于LDS 的发生机制尚存争议[1], 以往的研究较多关注于关节面、椎间盘等的退变,对
于构成脊柱后方重要解剖结构棘间韧带的研究较 少。随着磁共振多参数成像能力和软组织分辨力的
提升,对于棘间韧带的研究变得可行。为了进一步探 索LDS 和棘间韧带T2WI 高信号之间的关系,提高
对腰椎退行性滑脱中棘间韧带T2WI 高信号的认 识,笔者回顾分析了 2018年3月至2020年3月确 诊为腰椎退行性滑脱43例患者的MRI 资料,现报 告如下。
l 资料与方法1.1病例选择
纳入标准:经MRI 检查,明确为腰椎退行性滑 脱的患者; 临床症状表现以下腰 痛为主。
排除标准:腰椎具有峡部裂、 创伤性、病理性骨折及先天发育
不良患者;有腰椎手术史;肿瘤患 者或有感染症状患者。 l.2 一般资料
本组43例,男19例,女24例; 年龄50~92岁,平均69岁;病程 3个月~8年,平均(2.41±1.22)年; 临床上有下腰痛、下肢放射痛、肌
力减退等症状。 l.3观察项目与方法
l. 3. 1 MRI 检查方法采用 Siemens Aera 1.5T 超导磁共振扫
描,序列为矢状位T1WI (TR/TE : 679 ms/14 ms,层厚/层间隔: 4 mm/0.4 mm,矩阵:384),矢状位
T2WI (TR/TE :4000 ms/95 ms,层
厚/层间隔:4mm/0.4mm,矩阵: 384),矢状位 T2WI 抑脂(TR/TE :
4890 ms/95 ms,层厚/层间隔:
4 mm/0.4 mm,矩阵:320),横断位 T2WI (TR/TE :4000 ms/94 ms,层
厚/层间隔:4mm/0.4mm,矩阵: 320)。
l. 3.2测量方法 将MRI 扫描 获得的图像资料传输至影像归档
和通信系统渊picture archiving and communication sys-
tems,PACS )工作站,由2位放射科副主任医师进行 阅片测量,记录滑脱节段与非滑脱节段棘间韧带出
现T2WI 高信号的分布情况和发生率,对于存在争
议的则由第3位主任医师介入,最终结果遵循少数 服从多数原则。 滑脱的分度采用 Meyerding 分度标 准:玉度,头端椎体在尾端椎体上水平向前或向后移 位臆25%; 域度,椎体移位26%~50% ;芋度,椎体移 位51%~75%; 郁度,椎体移位逸76%。棘间韧带的
T2WI 高信号定义为: 在 MRI 的 T2WI 序列矢状位上 出现的两棘突间的条带状高信号影,T1WI 上可为低 或高信号(见图1,2)。l.4统计学处理
采用SPSS 22软件,计数资料使用卡方检验和 Fisher 确切概率法,相关性检验使用Spearman 等级 检验,设定当P <0.05差异有统计学意义。
图l 一名59岁女性患者的腰椎MRI 示L 4椎体向前I 度滑移,矢状位上L 4,5棘间韧带表现
为T1WI 低信号,T2WI 高信号(箭头所示)la. T1WI 图像lb. T2WI 图像
Fig.l An MRI image of the lumbar spine of a 59-year-old female patient. MRI showed that the L 4
vertebral body slipped forward by one degree , and the L ,5 interspinous ligament in the sagittal plane
showed low signal on T1WI and high signal on T2WI(arrow) la. T1WI image lb. T2WI image
图2 一名61岁男性患者的腰椎MRI 示J 椎体向前I 度滑移,矢状位棘间韧带表现为
T1WI 高信号,T2WI 高信号(箭头所示)2a. T1WI 图像2b. T2WI 图像
Fig.2 An MRI image of the lumbar spine ofa61-year-old male patient showed that the L 4 vertebral
body slipped forward (degree I ) ,and the sagittal L ,5 interspinous ligament showed high signal on
T1WI and high signal on T2WI (arrow) 2a. T1WI image 2b. T2WI
2.2滑脱节段与非滑脱节段棘间韧带出现T2WI 高信号的分布情况
滑脱节段棘间韧带T2WI高信号主要出现在L4,5节段椎间隙,明显高于其他节段。经Fisher确切概率法分析,与其他节段相比差异有统计学意义(P< 0.01);非滑脱节段棘间韧带T2WI高信号主要出现在L5S1椎间隙。经Fisher确切概率法分析,与L t,2, L2,3和L4,5的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)o见表1o
Tab.1MRI T2WI high signal distribution of interspinous ligament in spondylolisthesis and nonspondylolisthesis(ca)
椎间隙节段滑脱节段非滑脱节段L l,206
注:元滑脱节段出现棘间韧带T2WI高信号显著高于L,,2,L2,3L3,4, L5S1节段(P<0.01)o裕L5S1非滑脱节段棘间韧带T2WI高信号的发生率咼于L1,2,L2,3和L4,5(P<0-05)
Note:元The T2WI hyperintensity of the interspinous ligament in the L4,5 spondylolisthesis gment was significantly higher than that in the L],2,L2,3 L3,4,L S1gment(P<0.01).The incidence of T2WI hyperintensity in L5S1 non-slipped interspinous ligament is higher than that of L],2,L2,3and L,5 (P<0.05)
非滑脱节段、I度滑脱、域度滑脱椎体出现棘间韧带T2WI高信号的发生率分别为33.3%、56%和100%,Spearman相关分析表明棘间韧带T2WI高信号的出现与腰椎滑脱程度呈正相关(r=0.264,P< 0.05)
o见表2o 表2腰椎滑脱程度与棘间韧带T2WI高信号的相关性(例) Tab.2Correlation between the degree of lumbar spondylolisthesis and T2WI hyperintensity of interspinous
目前的研究显示,MRI可被用于评估棘间韧带的正常或病理变化。Fujiwara等问基于良好的放射病理学研究首先提出了棘间韧带分级系统,随后Keorochana等[11]将分级系统进行了改良。在Keo-cochana改良的系统中,当棘间韧带表现为T1WI加权、T2W I加权均为高信号时,代表韧带内的脂肪变性;而当T1WI加权为低信号、T2W I加权为高信号时,则代表韧带内细胞显著的广泛增殖和血管浸润。这两种信号改变都意味着棘间韧带处于退变的进展阶段,此时也是脊柱的失稳时期。Kong等血通过动态磁共振检查,发现在棘间韧带退变的早期腰椎活动度略微增加,而在晚期平移和旋转能力均发生下降。腰椎棘间韧带的机械强度不仅随着年龄的增长而降低,而且在其垂直方向上,拉伸强度也由上至下逐渐变弱[2]o
影响的一个衰老退变过程[13]o Kirkaldy-Willis 等网认为腰椎的退变会经历3个阶段:功能障碍期、不稳定期和重建稳定期,而这也类似小关节和韧带的退变过程。以往对退行性腰椎滑脱的研究主要集中在椎间盘、小关节、椎体终板等方面,对于它与棘
间韧带退变关系的研究甚少。本次研究中,48个腰椎滑脱节段中有62.5%的椎体相对应的棘间韧带发生T2WI高信号,远高于非滑脱节段的33.3%o这是由于前移的椎体,会对后方结构产生异常应力,经小关节、椎弓传递,沿着棘突叠瓦状的形态向下分布,造成棘间韧带的受压损伤。在这48个滑脱节段中,有66.7%的病例发生在L4椎体,与赵昕昊等问研究一致。滑脱椎体相对应的L4,5棘间韧带T2WI高信号有20例,同时在非滑脱节段中有53个节段的棘间韧带出现T2WI高信号,发生率为33.3%,且相对集中在L s,4和L5S1,在上腰椎出现的情况较少。探讨原因为:由于腰骶角的存在,蕴4丄5是主要的承重椎体,长期反复的牵张、异常应力刺激,使得椎体结构处于劳损状态,造成组织结构不同程度的损伤。在一项尸体解剖研究中,NewmanM报道20岁以上的成人中有20%的棘间韧带有不同程度的破裂。据文献报道[17],在因椎间盘突出施行的腰椎后路手术中,发现有棘间韧带撕裂或破裂的现象不少见。非滑脱节段的棘间韧带也有33.3%的T2WI高信号的出现,这是由于韧带的退变过程比较漫长,包括形态学、生物力 学和生物化学等改变需要一定的时间才能够表现出来。这也可能解释了在Spearman相关性分析中,滑脱的程度与棘间韧带的T2WI高信号之间分析有统计学意义,但r值不高的原因。
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