TraditiOnal dating is a lf-paced, general meeting Of two people. The two usually 1) __ N. Commence _________ With SPending extra time together, getting to know one another and Seeing how 2) ________________________ B. tempting ______________________________________________________________________ they
could be to each other. A good example is a man meeti ng a woma n and SenSing her 3) ____________________ G. Charm ______________________________________________________________________________ . He
then extends a formal inVitatiOn for a date. With traditiOnal dating, you get to go at a Steady pace, 4)_ I.
allowing ___ y ourlf and your date to get to know each other through extensive Contact.
There are many 5) _____ H. compOnentS_ ________ that Can be expected from traditiOnal dates. Men, who are SUPPOSed to 6) ___ L. display _____ the traditiOnal Values, will open the door for the woman, Stand UP When She IeaVeS the table, Pay for everyth ing, and 7)____________________ E. PrOCeed to the next move. In the 1950s, a man
would usually ask a woman out SeVeraI days ahead for a SPeCifiC date and time. If She accepted, they would
8)__ M. arrange _____ for a time to PiCk her up. He would then take her to a dinner and a movie.
Today the rules of traditi Onal dati ng are less clear. TWenty years ago, if a young lady asked a young man OUt
On a date, it WaS thought to be 9) _________________ K. Weird .Now, women are being enCOUraged to take the initiative
and ask men out. A date may ConSiSt of a brief meeting at a Caf e or a trip to the 10) ____________ . local art上海口译
muum. Men often Pay on the first date, but the woman may Offer to go Dutch. The traditiOnal dating style has bee n found much less com mon now.
朗文在线词典1. She authorized her Partner to Carry out the daily respOnSibiIitieS ______________________ On her behalf
When She
WaS On her bus in ess trip.
2. On hearing the IateSt news about your mother ' S ill health, ItOOk the Iiberty of_ __ Canceling
your rervatio n at the Sherat on.
3. There WaS an ObVioUS in dicatio n that the police who have to enforce the new law Were not _ i mmune
to __ the gen eral disc Ontent.
4. Whe n She heard of her failure in the experime nt, her eyes __________________________ Were filled
With _____________________________________________________ tears; Whether it
WaS of shame, frustration, or grief WaS difficult to tell.
5. Ro knows that Con ti nu OUS IetterS from Joh n, together With CoUn tless ros, are aimed at making
____ fall in love with_ ___ him.
6. ___ xpelled from ________ PUbIiC school for drinking and smok ing and the n faili ng in show bus in
ess as a
Sin ger She joined her father ' S bus in ess 10 years ago.
7. SinCe the great SCandals in banking, many people in the CoUntry have _______________ e PeSSimiStiC
about ___________ the PrOSPeCtS of econo mic recovery Withi n a few years.
8. The Pare nts Were quite happy to __ go along with_ _________ our SUggeSti On becau it had take n
most importa nt ConCernS into con Siderati on.
1. To AmeriCan politicians, the handshake has Iong been a Way of __________________ ConVeying intimacy With the voters, and
the world record for greeting WaS PrObabIy achieved by Roovelt at a NeW Year ' S receptiOn in 1907.
2. A happy marriage Can Only be ____ forged ______ through years of COmmitment to Caring for and Understanding
each other.fhc
3. With the finan cial help from his Pare nts, his bus in ess is _________ hrivi ng eve n duri ng this time of econo mic
recessi on.
4. By Carrying out a small test, doctors Can detect the __________________ abnormal cells that might CaUSe CanCerS in time
and then treat them easily and simply.
5. After the little girl lost her Pare nts in the traffic accide nt, She kept _____ __frowning all the time and n ever SmiIed
aga in.
6. We re going to have a baby! Let ' S Start off by calling our families and telling them th∈good news. I believe our
Parents are going to be as _ _thrilled __ a s We are.
7. AS the three of US Were Sitting together eating cake, I _____________ reckOned that it WaS quite a IUXUry to be able to
SPend time With my family.
8. The governor of this State has _ _clarified __ the State government's decisiOn that it is necessary to stop giving
money away so easily.
9. Playing musical instruments shapes the character of lf-assurance and has the added bonus of public
performance, which helps to ___ _conquer ___ the fear of getting up in front of people.
10. With the downturn of economy, many people are having a hard time controlling their temper and concealing_
their anger.
python怎么读1. I have met some interesting people at the golf cour, and I can ____________________________ make contact with _____________________________________________________________ them by email
when I don ' t have time to e them personally.
sooner or later
2. Everyone was standing around in silence when the owner of the hou asked us a question, so I __ took the
initiative __ and tried to explain why we had come.
3. In my opinion, students who _ are inclined to ______ cheat are going to cheat regardless of the technology.
It 's just a question of honesty. We ' re here to learn, so we 've got to make the most of it ourlves.
4. Creative people, along with their persistence, are usually very inspirational and determined to ___
thrive on_
overcoming obstacles.
5. Some of us are too often __ indifferent to _____ losing an hour or a day by wasting time, forgetting that our
life is the sum total of the days and of the hours we live.英语周刊
6. We're all familiar with eing business people ___ _whip out _ their card at every occasion. The name of
business and their phone number will be remembered.
7. She clod her eyes for a moment, trying to calm down and fight off the fear that she felt somewhere in the
pit of her stomach ___ .
8. The brothers have decided to ___ _chip in__ __ a certain amount of money each month to hire a houkeeper to
take care of their mother who is now very sick.
1. The “discipline ”message asks people to save, while the “enjoy yourlf ”message asks people to spend; therefore, they _____________ contradict each other.
2. It is a(n) ___ _paradox __ that in some odd way world peace appears to depend on our spending millions
of pounds on weapons that can kill us all.
3. It is far more effective for parents to allow for the child 's ________________ p erspective__ and let him make his own
choice rather than make a decision for him.
4. When you are writing any directions for people, you 've got to be direct and ____ _explicit _ to make everything rightly understood.
5. The new teaching program was ___ _suspended_ ___ last mester becau the teachers in the department protested its demand for more inten work.
6. He is a very considerate and generous person, and he is also one of tho who can often ___ derive _____ pleasure from helping others.
7. Many children are addicted to computers, so they often __ defy __ their parents and play the computer games
for hours every day.
8. My roommate is always very optimistic, and that ________________ 's why he still retains_ __ his good humor after all the
9. There is a widely held suspicion that the politician, though retired, still has great power and is
manipulating__ _ events behind the scenes.
10. The organization has been working with local authorities as well as regional government and officials to
___tackle_ __ the problem of climate change.
To spend or save is a question which many people have. There is always a(n) 1) ____________________ B. dilemma_ _____________________________________________________________________________ whether one
should spend the money that he has earned or save that money for the future. Well, there is no 2) ___________ D. explicit ____ answer to the question as different people have different 3) _O. perspectives_ ______ on their life,
and that is the reason why some people tend to spend all the money earned while others 4) __ _E. retain ______ control over their money.
People who spend all the money do not think much about the future. The only thing about they enjoy doing most is
to 5) ___F. derive ____ pleasure form spending money. For example, if they like a particular car, mobile phone or laptop, they will buy it without giving it a thought. For them, the more important thing is to satisfy their material 6) ___________ C. appetite__ ______ . People who have their first job or who haven 't married often fall in this category.In the long run, saving is a good 7) K. option_ for one 's life as saving helps an
individual to plan for future 8)___H.
urgen t ______ needs. That is also the reason why many people save money for a rainy day. Individuals who can
9)___ _N.
suspend ________ their spending save money successfully. Instead of buying on impul, they dela
y their purchasing decision and won 'tbe easily 10) ____ I. manipulated___ ___by commercial ads. Individuals who have responsibility for their family belong to this category.
1. People who work in offices are _ referred to __________ as“white-collar workers ”for the simple reason
that they traditionally wear a white shirt with a collar and a tie to go to work.
2. When the police arrived, he had already destroyed the evidence that was ______________________ _at odds with_ his earlier
statement made a few hours ago.
3. In order to persuade his daughter to _ _put off__ the marriage, the father quoted statistics showing mixed-
race couples had higher divorce rates than same-race couples.
4. The mother made the decision to give cough medicine and Aspirin to her sick child without consulting with__ ______ the child's doctor.
5. Both professional experts and school teachers say that children tend to ___________________________ _do their utmost _____________________________________________________________ when
they e their parents making similar efforts.
6. As she entered the most dynamic period of her career, Kylie took stock of__ ___ her success and
tried to
analyze the strong impact of her college education .
7. The chief executive George Grey is confident that current growth levels can be maintained since all the group '
s development projects stay __ on track_ _____ .
8. It is very important for students to understand and ___ take in_ ___ new information. Besides, they should
examine and judge information carefully and then make the right decision.
1. Leaders in Europe, where most nations already _ _prohibited__ ____ human cloning, began examining the moral implications of cloning other species.
2. There are websites where students can _____ submit___ __ math homework problems to a math expert and message boards where students with very specific needs can help each other.
3. It appears that enough sleep is of crucial importance to health; with a few extra hours of uninterrupted sleep, your health situation could have been ___ __remedied .
4. Since the country didn 'tget along with the US, Washington impod ________ economic sanctions on this country, so its economy has gone into a steep decline.
5. People 's Daily offers more news both at home and abroad, and its special emphasis on international events is a prominent _ feature ____ that can never escape our attention.
6. The government is to launch a new building program in an attempt to solve the housing __ crisis __ , but
they still face enormous other problems.
7. According to the news media, the fifth generation computers, with ________________ artificial intelligence, are being
developed and perfected right now.
8. Although there might be some other reasons, the __ principal _____ reason for my recent job change was that I found it difficult to get along with my boss.
9. A study ___ issued by the University of Washington shows that a lack of academic achievement is cloly linked to improper behavior in the students 'social environment.
10. Emily Dickinson, the great American poet, isolated ___ herlf from society and was living a normal New
England village life only with her family.
1. Rearch shows that an increasing number of people in the high-powered jobs such as financial ctors are
suffering from_ ____ fatigue and stress-related illness.
2. The government should advocate a campaign to improve morality and let people be aware of morality and do things in accordance with ____________ _______ it.
3. Mr. Jacob __ __shrugged off_ ___ the criticism, claiming he was working for the taxpayers in general, not for
special-interest groups and politicians.
4. Although all California high school graduates ought to _______ be entitled to _____ an education at the California State University, many cannot afford the ever-rising cost of tuition.
5. Since quite a few people have become successful without much education, many students perceive it as a good reason not to ____ care about ____ getting a college degree.
6. Hearing about the sudden death of her husband in the traffic accident, she began to scream high, sharp screams that ______ tore at_ ___ her chest and hurt her throat.
7. Fortunately, I soon got _ access to ____ the necessary equipment, learned the technology from a friend, and participated in the virtual classroom five days a week.
8. It has been so cold and windy for more than 10 days that gardening has been ________________ o ut of the question ________ , so we have to put it off until the weather gets better and warmer.
1. It was esntial to __ harness _ science and technology, not just for the economy but for environmental protection as well.
2. Language is the ___ symbolic ____ reprentation of a people, and it combines their historical and cultural
backgrounds, as well as their approach to life.
3. Becau of the effective and helpful method, I was ______________ dispod to answer all the questions I could, and
I never worried about making mistakes.
4. It can be inferred from the passage that the commercial prosperity in Cambridge is due to hi-tech IT companies who business has been ____ flourishing ____ .
5. You will need to prove that the noi violated ___ the regulations, that your neighbor was causing the noi, and that you attempted to have him stop.
6. Most university will guarantee your accommodation _____________ , at least during your first year, but