maniac1.【civil law system】the civil law countries have codified their law so that the main source of law in tho countries is to be found in the statutes rather than in the cas. 大陆法系
2.【common law system】初中英语课本under the common law system, however, statute as well as cas are sources of law. 英美法系
3.【constitutional law小学英语作文范文】is an expression of how people want to live as individuals within an organized society. 宪法
4.【parate the power】of the government among the three governmental among the three governmental branches: the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary. 三权分立
5.【judicial review】judicial control was not limited to the review of state law for its constitutionality. It extended to examination and review of federal laws as well. 司法复审
回应英语6.【preemption doctrine】are considered to have such a notional character that federal laws must supercede state law with regard to them, if a state law conflicts with a valid federal law, the court will invalidate the state law becau it is preempted by a comparable federal law. 抢先原则
7.【abstention doctrine】under which federal courts relinquish jurisdiction in certain circumstances in order to avoid needless friction with the administration of the state affairs. 回避原则
8.【due process of law】is thought to mean that any law that potentially can deprive one of life, liberty or property should contain certain basic procedures to assure fairness. 正当法律程序
risk是什么意思9.【a contract】is a manifestation of the mutual asnt of the parties. 合同
10.【implied-in-fact】when the parties manifest their agreement by conduct rather than by words, it’s said to be implied-in-fact. 事实默示
11.【implied-in-law contracts】are quasi-contracts, becau the obligation is created by law in abnce of agreement, to prevent unjust enrichment. 法律默示
12.【waiver】has been define as the passing by of an occasion to enforce a legal right, whereby the legal right is lost. 弃权
13.【force majeure】are events which are beyond the control of the parties. worm不可抗力
14.【anticipatory repudiation】 which repudiate the contract before performance is due. 先期违约
1. 在联邦制的架构中,每个州都有实质性的自主权,有自己的宪法、自己的立法机构制定的法律,以及自己的法院作出的判例法。
Within the federal structure, each state has substantial autonomy. Each has its own constitution, statutes made by its own legislature, and a body of ca law created by its own courts.
2. 如果纠纷涉及数州,而这些州在有争议的问题上又有不同的实体法,那么法律选择就成为至关重要的问题。
If a dispute involves veral states that have different substantive laws concerning the questions at issue, the choice of law becomes a crucial question.
3. 侵权使用的法律就是侵权行为地法。
The law applicable to a tort is the law of the place of injury.
4. “因循先例”的原则使法律具有一定程度的稳定性和预见性。
The principle of stare decisis gives the law a measure of stability and predictability.
5. cet6查分宪法限制了最高法院的初审管辖权,但把建立下级法院(这一事项)留给了国会立法。
The Constitution limits the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court but leaves the establishment of inferior courts to federal legislation.
6. 美国政府是一个由互相独立并分享权力的机构组成的政府。
The United States government is a government of parate institutions sharing powers.
7. 宪法将政府权力分给三个政府部门,它也规定了制衡以防对权利的可能的误用。
The Constitution distributes governmental power among the three branches of government. It also provides for checks and balances to prevent possible misu of power.
8. 司法复审的原则通过使有关权力分配的争议成为可提起诉讼的要求使法治得到保障。
The doctrine of judicial review assures the rule of law by making issues concerning the distribution of governmental power an actionable claim before the courts.
9. 宪法是妥协的结果,通过妥协各州把一部分权力让给了新的联邦政府。
The Constitution is a result of compromi, by which the states yielded a portion of their power to the new federal government.
10. 对于宪法中某些笼统的有关国会权利的条款的司法解释造成了联邦立法权的扩大。
栅栏的意思Judicial interpretation of certain general claus in the Constitution with regard to the power of Congress has resulted in an expansion of the federal legislative power.
11. 单眼皮眼影的画法政府部门的分权和为防止误用权力的制衡是保护个人权利的机制。
The paration of power among the governmental branches, with checks and balances to prevent a misu of power, is a mechanism to protect individual rights.
12. 权利法案由宪法的前十条修正案构成,它保障了宗教自由和言论表达自由,还有其他。
The bill of rights consists of the first ten amendments to Constitution. It guarantees, among other things, the freedom of religion and the freedom of expression.
13. 为了避免多数人的专政,少数人的利益必须得到保护。blunt
In order to avoid the tyranny of the majority, minority interests must be protected.
14. 合同是双方当事人的协议。要使协议具有约束力,双方必须有合意。
A contract is an agreement between two parties. For the agreement to be binding, there must be a meeting of the minds between the parties.