GRE(VERBAL)综合模拟试卷7 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有:1. 2.
SECTION 1Directions: Each ntence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the ntence are five lettered or ts of words. Choo the word or t of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the ntence as a whole.
杭州英语培训班1. At their best,(i)______book reviews are written in defen of value and in the tacit hope that the author, having had his or her(ii)______pointed out, might cretly agree that the book could be improved.
mini phone>一对一辅导解析:The cond part of the ntence talks about the author agreeing that the book can be improved after the things named by Blank(ii)are pointed out; therefore, the answer to Bla
nk(ii)must denote something negative who prence calls for improvement. The only answer choice for Blank(ii)that is negative in meaning is 2012考研英语作文>吸血鬼日记第五季10“transgressions,” so it is correct. Book reviews that point out the author s transgressions are negative in nature, so the answer to Blank(i)must be negative in meaning; the only answer choice that meets this condition is “adver,red dawn”away so it is correct.Thus the correct answer is adver(Choice B)and transgressions(Choice E).