To improve the accuracy, higher order displacement functions should be ud or refined mesh should be ud.
Q: How to increa the
accuracy of the element? 2012-4-11
Higher order elements
(rectangular, triangular, quadrilateral etc.)
By increasing the order of the polynomial of the displacement functions
Namely, by increasing the total number of degrees of freedom of the element.
Higher order elements
(rectangular, triangular, quadrilateral etc.)
瑞秋在婚礼上唱的歌Q: How to increa the total DOFs of the element ? By increasing the nodal points (Lagrange element), but the DOFs per node remain the same;
By increasing the DOFs per nodal point, but the number of the nodal points remains unchanged (Hermit element–e.g., beam element).
By increasing both the DOFs per nodal point and
nodes (theoretically correct)always怎么读>英语四六级报名网址
4Higher order elements
(rectangular, triangular, quadrilateral etc.)
(Lagrange type)px是什么意思
8-node 12cau
Displacement function:
(u x初一英语辅导报答案
(v x