“Bye, Mom; bye, Dad; don’t worry. We’ll take care of everything!’’ Carly waved from the front door of the shop as her parents drove off. They were headed for a well-derved vacation from their candy store, and Carly had promid them she’d be able to run it by herlf. Her parents didn’t quite agree, however, so they gave in to each other by having Carly Aunt Maggie come over and help. Her parents often called her aunt “uniquely creative’’, but it didn’t matter; Carly always had fun when her aunt was around.
Maggie blew into the store happily. “All right, Carly my love, what do we do first?” she smiled at her niece. Carly knew clearly the main job was to rve customers, so she could hardly wait to make her best candies. Seeing them on display, Aunt Maggie bit a bite of the chocolate mint-flavored candy. “It’s good, but… unoriginal,” commented her aunt. “We can do better.”
Before Carly could question what Maggie meant, the woman had gone to investigate the kitchen in the back. Shortly, she came back, hands full of items. “We need to add some of the to better that basic taste.” “Brusls sprouts? (芽甘蓝粉)’’ Carly looked at her aunt, surprid and puzzled. She couldn’t be rious! But she was. Carly’s eyes grew wide as she watched her aunt mix it together. “And some spicy sauce (辣酱汁)? That’s definitely an ice cream flavor. The cold will perfectly make candies less spicy!” Carly shook her head as Maggie continued her strange candy combinations: lemonade-flavored candy,
Carly looked up as the bell over the front door rang, announcing some customers. Three boys came in and approached the counter. “Try something new!” insisted Maggie, offering the first boy a piece of the Brusls sprout candy she had made, the cond boy a spoon of hot Puzzled, but too polite to argue, the boys left the store.
“There go our customers. Nobody will want to shop here!” Carly said to herlf. The store was quiet. Carly sat behind the counter, not knowing what to wait.
With the sound of the bell again, the boys came back.
圣诞快乐 英语国防科技大学2020录取分数线_________________________________________________________________________________
Carly had never en the shop so busy!
【语篇类型】 记叙文
【主题语境】 人与自我——生活趣事
【文章大意】 Carly的父母开了一家糖果店,爸爸妈妈外出度假,把店交给了Carly和她的姑姑Maggiecream管理。 “行为不同寻常的”姑姑制作了各种特殊口味的糖果,如抱子甘蓝奶油软糖、烧烤味糖果,顾客们会喜欢吗?
【核心素养】 通过讲述作者的姑姑做出口味独特的糖果的故事,鼓励考生勇于尝试,打破常规,培养创新精神。
Paragraph1的开头是"当前门上的铃响起,宣布一些顾客到来时,Carly抬头看了看",且所给短文中讲到Maggie制作了特殊口味的糖果,故本段续写内容可涉及Maggie 让顾客尝试新口味的糖果,顾客以及Carly的反应等。
Paragraph 2breed过去式的开头是"商店里一片寂静,只有Maggie在黑板招牌上写下新特色产品的柔和声音",由此可知,此时商店中没有顾客,故本段可描述Carly平衡技巧的担心以及接下来店里会发生的事,如离开的顾客喜欢新口味的产品,带来了他们的朋友一起品尝等。
詹妮弗安妮斯顿男友[高分句型1]It emed that the customers could not get enough of Maggie’s crazy candy combinations.(it作形式主语,连接词that引导主语从句)
[高分句型2]When they finally nt the last customer out of the door and turned on the “Clod” sign that flashed in the window, they were exhausted but in extraordinarily high spirits.(由when引导时间状语从句)
With the sound of the bell again, the boys came back. But this time there was a crowd of kids with them. A line was forming out of the door! The silence was replaced with excited chatter. The kids were laughing, pointing at the new candy flavors, and pulling handful of coins from their pockets. “I’ll have a pickle juice lemonade, plea!’’ “Give me two pieces of Brusls spouts candies, plea!’’ “The hot sauce ice cream, plea!’’… Carly and her aunt were occupied rving all the customers, and more lined up at the door every minute.
Carly had never en the shop so busy! It emed that the customers could not get enough of Maggie’s crazy candy combinations. Incredibly! When they finally nt the last customer out of the door and turned on the “Clod” sign that flashed in the window, they were exhausted but in extraordinarily high spirits. That might have been the craziest day, ever. Giving her aunt a thumbs up, Carly said smilingly, “Aunt Maggie, you’re a genius.” “I know,’’ grinned her aunt, winking at Carly with the usual childish smile on her face.
Carly and the Candy Shoppe
by RV Staff Writer J.C.
“Bye, Mom; bye, Dad; don’t worry. We’ll take care of everything!” Carly waved from the front door of the shop as her parents drove off. They 团支书竞选发言稿were headed for a well-derved vacation from their candy store, and Carly had promid them she’d be able to run it by herlf.