插接件结构(插入式结构)Plug in type
垫铁 shim/wedge
谐波电压 Harmonics Wave voltage
正包 swab down
测速装置Tachometer device
排气装置 Air-discharging roller
阻退装置N0-return device
回转机构 pivoting device
托架 bracket
防偏随动导辊组 edge guiding
滑块 sliding block
铰接架 hinge support
止退杆check bar
单向止退阀unilateral no-return valve
推胎汽缸 pushing cylinder
制动电机 brake motor
扩胎汽缸 spreading cylinder
主断路器 main circuit breaker
主电机转速码盘反馈 With encoder feedback for main motor
温度调节 Temperature regulation
铸铁 cast steel
销钉机 pin barrel
喂料机筒 feeding barrel
引胶螺旋切槽 spiral undercut for introducing the rubber
弹性联轴节 flexible coupler
前/后联结盘 front/back coupling disc
左/右卡环 left/right clamping rings
组合连杆 compod links
夹套式冷却鼓 jacketed cooling drum
固定辊 fixed roller
浮动辊 float roller
机械定位 mechanical positioning
缠绕头 roller head/applicator
托辊 supported roller
测宽装置 width measuring device
压型辊 forming roller
储料装置 festoon loop
运动底座 movable ba plate
转盘轴承 tooth bearing
止退装置 no-return device
托板 holding plate
外购件型号及供应商 Commercial parts list
地脚螺栓 Foundation bolt
垫圈 washer
接头 connector(连接头)
滚珠花键 ball spline
前导向机构 front guide unit
单侧防尘盖 Single side dustproof cover
深沟球轴承 Deep grooved spherical bearing/shaft
双排万向轮 double row universal roller
齿形带 toothed belt
被动带轮 driven wheel
带轮档边 edge guide of pulley
带轮芯 pulley core
主动轮 Non-driven wheel外教中国
尼龙复合强力带 Nylon reinforced belt
winbond星形把手 Star-shaped handle
算盘轮 guide roller
手轮 Hand wheel
齿条 rack
齿轮 gear polyethylene
坦克链 Cat truck
直线导轨 LM rail
缓冲附件 cushion accessories
塑料气管 plastic air pipe
单向节流阀 check throttle valve
快排阀 fast exhaust valve
不锈钢管接头 stainless steel pipe joint
L型插入式/螺纹接头 L-shape inrt/threaded joint
卡套 chuck
无油润滑轴承 non-pebblelub. bearing
X型密封圈 X-shape al ring
非标 non-standard
宝色霞板 Busak+Shamban
O型密封圈pst time O-shape al ring
双唇包胶油封 oil al
滚动轴承 roller bearing
电容 capacitanceprincess什么意思
指示表/百分表 dial gauge
垫布辊 liner roller
导向辊 guide roller
毛刷辊 brush roller
安全卡盘 safety chuck
垂直面 vertical plane
牵引辊 draw-off roller
电位计 potentiometer
黄色闪电符号 yellow lightening symbol
端子短路片 terminal short circuit
包布机 wrapping machine
铸铝/生铝 cast aluminum
定边纠偏机 edge guiding unit
门灯组件 door lamp asmbly
索赔英文红外线传感 infrared nsor
推动器 pusher
变压器 transformer
变频器 Inverter
反射镜/反射体 reflector
回转台 turret
线轴/卷筒 spool
伸缩的 telescopic
胶条缠绕装置 strip applier
帘布筒拉布环导槽张开 band puller gripper throat opening
消音器 silencer
龙门框架 C-frame
粘合层 squeegee
悬臂 cantilever
铰链 hinge
插座 socket/receptacle
扭矩离合 torque clutch
减速器(装置)reducer (decompressor)
簧片/舌 reed
特氟伦 Teflon
中间轴 intermediate shaft
回转节/回转接头 rotary joint
链齿轮 sprocket
法兰 flange
单相的 single-pha
型钢 profile steel
串行接口 rial interface
长途电话接头机峰 splicing zipper
长键轴 long-key shaft
中心线固定灯标 centerline guide lamp
导开装置缓冲 let-off festoon
定长裁断 cut to length
安全套 safety hood
预置器 pre-tter
前摆动架 front application tray
联轴节 coupler
挂锁 padlock
工字轮 bobbin
耳轴 trunnion
差速器 differential
涡轮减速机 worm reducer
立轴铜套 bronze bushing of vertical shaft
摆轴铜套 bronze bushing of swivel shaft
备份 back-up
科比球衣退役视频胎面型胶 treading profile
帘布筒拉出装置 band puller
帘布筒扩布器布套 band expander asmbly
扣环装置 bead t mechanism
帘布拉出装置 ply pullout mechanism
气动翻板 air-operated feed plate
缓冲辊道 cushion roller conveyor
水流量指示器 Water flow indicator
水位指示器 Water level indicator
压型辊 Forming roller
联结盘 Coupling disc
夹套结构 designed in jacket
弹性联轴节bucketlist flexible coupler
螺杆采用等深不等距双头螺纹niho The screw is designed in two-start flights in equal depth and unequal pitch
螺旋切槽 Spiral undercut
助推轴承 thrust bearing
调用 call-out
拉线急停 Pull-rope E-stop
高位检测 High Pos. Check
低位检测 Low Pos. Check
储料位检测 Festoon Pos. Check
划线检测 Mark check
抬起检测 Up check
小车锁紧检测 Carriage lock check
带束分合压辊 Belt open/clo stitcher
工控机 Industrial computer
正极限 Pos. Limit
负极限 Neg. Limit
推拉蘑菇头按钮 Mushroom type push button
三位自锁旋钮 3-way lf-lock knob
横线灯 Lar in traver
旋转最小位 Min. rotating Pos.
成型鼓左边灯标 left lar of Building drum
后压辊转角编码器 Back stitcher-rotary angle encoder
增量编码器 Increment encoder
小车 Carriage, Castte, Cartridge
边探测器 Edge feeler
(帘布裁断机)布兜 Loop
计数器 Counter
计数器复零 Ret shift counter
一根钢丝修边 Trimming of one wire
死点 Dead center
断电 Put out of rvice
飞轮 Fly wheel
入口导向辊 Run in guide
铝 Aluminum
注油壶 Oiler
默认值,缺省(值) Default
效用性能 Utility
漏斗 Hopper
下部构造 Infrastructure
数据传输 Data transmission
试车 Commissioning
可看穿的 Detectable
层次,层级/区分 Hierarchy