
更新时间:2023-05-31 23:44:45 阅读: 评论:0

1. Planning of product development产品发展计划
1.1 Are the customer requirements available?
Also valid in the field of incomimng goods (especially when carrying out the 2 days production) 对于购进商品领域也同样有效.(尤其是运输两天的产品)
Drawings, standards, specification图纸,标准,规范
Logistics concepts物流运输方案
Technical terms of delivery, testing instructions技术供货条件(TL),检验规范
Quality and target agreements质量协议,目标协议
Important product and process features重要的产品特性/过程特性
Order records including parts lists and deadlines订货文件(包括零件清单和进度表)
Laws and decrees法规/规定
Disposal planning, environmental items用后处置计划,环保要求
CAD data describing the required dimensions of the components描述零部件必须尺寸的CAD数据
1.2 Is a product development plan available and are the targets maintained?
Customer requirements -顾客要求
Costs 成本;
Deadlines: planning and purchasing relea进度表:策划认可/采购认可,更改停止,
Prototypes / preries, start of mass production样件(样车)/试生产,批量生产起始
Capacity study资源调查
Target ttling and monitoring目标值确定与监控
Regular information to company's management定期向企业领导汇报
Simultaneous Engineering Teams (SET) 同步工程小组(SET)
1.3.Are the resources for the realization of the product development planned?
Customer requirements 顾客要求
Qualified personnel具有素质的人员
Time debits缺勤时间
newlyThroughput time全过程时间
Building, premis (for testing / prototype department) 房屋,场地(用于试制及开发样件的制造)
Toolings / facilities模具/设备
Testing / laboratory facilities试验/检验/实验室装置
1.4 .Have the product requirements been determined and considered?
Customer requirements客户要求;
Company's goals企业目标
Simultaneous Engineering同步工程
Robust design, reliable process坚固的设计/受控的过程
Regular customer / supplier meetings (e.g. agreed testing concepts)定期的顾客/供方要求
bbc中国官网Important features, requirements by law重要特性,法规要求
Functional dimensions功能尺寸
Mounting dimensions装车尺寸
Termination of material qualification according to SSQA 原物料最终确定是否符合SSQA上的要求
1.5 Has the feasibility been determined bad on the available requirements?
Requirements for: 规定:
Design / development 设计/发展;
Process facility, capacity生产设备,资源
Special features特殊特性
Company's goals企业目标
Regulations, standards, laws规定,标准,法规
Deadlines / time frames进度表/时间框架
Cost frames成本框架
1.6. Are the necessary personnel and technical conditions for the project process planned/ available?
Project management, project planning team / responsibilities 项目领导、项目策划小组/职责
Qualified personnel 具有素质的人员
Possibilities of communication (data remote transfer) 通讯方式(数据远程传送)
Flow of information from and to the customer during the planning pha (regular meetings, conferences)
Toolings / facilities模具/设备
Testing / laboratory facilities 试验/检验/实验室装置
2.Realization of product development产品开发的落实
2.1Is the design FMEA raid and are improvement measures established?
2.2 Is the design FMEA updated in the project process and are established measures realized? 设计D-FMEA是否在项目过程中补充更新?已确定的措施是否落实?
2.3Is a quality plan prepared?
The quality plan has to be carried out for the prototype and preries pha.
It has to contain following informations: 品质计划必须包括以下信息;
Settling and marking of significant features确定、标识出重要的特性
Setting up of a test plan制订检验和试验流程
Allocation of facilities and equipment配置设备和装置
Farsighted and timely allocation of measuring technology及时地预先配备测量技术
hyssopExaminations of the product realization at suitable spots在产品落实的适当时间点进行的检验
Clarifying of acceptance criteria澄清验收标准;
Production and control plan 产品和控制计划
2.4 Are the required releas/ qualification records available at the respective times?
Product trial (e.g. mounting test, functional test, life test,
State of prototype parts样件状态
Preries samples小批量生产样件
Production and testing facilities / test equipment at the test department试制时的制造设备和检验装置/检验器具Qualification of material finished according to SSQA 原物料的检验必须依据SSQA的要求执行。
2.5 Are the required resources available?
Customer requirements顾客要求
Qualified personnel具有素质的人员
Time debits缺勤时间
Throughput time全过程时间
Building, premis房屋/场地
Test department试验装置
Sample shop样件(样车)制造
Toolings / facilities模具/设备
Testing / laboratory facilities试验/检验/试验室装置
3.Planning of process development过程开发的策划
3.1 Are the product requirements available?
Also valid for the area of incoming goods (especially for 2 days production)
Customer requirements顾客要求
Laws, standards, decrees法规,标准,规定
Logistics concepts物流方案
Technical terms of delivery技术供货条件(TL)
Quality / target agreements质量协议/目标协议
Important features重要特性
Material 材料;
Disposal, environmental care用后处置,环境保护
3.2 Is a process development plan available and are the targets maintained?.
Customer requirements 顾客要求
Costs 成本
Deadlines: planning and purchasing releas, prototype ries and preries, 进度表:策划认可/采购认可,样件(样车)试生产
start for mass production批量生产起始
Capacity study 资源调查
Allocation of appliances, test equipment, software, packaging 提供生产/检验设备,软件,包装
Covering concept for changes (production start problems etc.) 更改的保证方案(批量生产起始的问题等
Logistics and delivery concept 物流/供货方案
Target agreement and monitoring目标值确定和监控
Regular information to company's management定期向企业领导汇报
Coordination with the project team at the customer 项目小组与客户的协调;
Process flow diagramm, production plan 流程图和生产计划
3.3 Are the resoures for the realization of rial production planned?
Customer requirements顾客要求
Availability of prematerial 原材料的可提供性
Qualified personnel 具有素质的人员
Debit times / standstill times -缺勤时间/停机时间
Throughput times / volume per system and facility全过程时间/单台设备(装置)产量
Building, premis房屋,场地
Facilities, toolings, test equipment, auxiliary toolings, lab facilities设备,模具,生产/检验设备,辅助工具,实验室设备
Transportations, boxes, stock运输器具,周转箱,仓库
3.4Have the process requirements been determined and considered?
Customer requirements顾客要求
Requirements by law 法规要求
Capability proof 能力验证
Suitability of facilities, toolings, test equipment 设备、模具/工装及检验、试验设备的适合性
Workplace and test bench organization 生产工位布置、检验工位布置
Handling, packaging, storage, labeling 操作,包装,储存,贴标签
Methodical determination of the production parameters 搬运,包装、贮存,标识
3.5 Are the necessary personnel and technical preconditions for the project process planned/ available?
Project management, project planning team / responsibilities 项目领导,项目策划小组/职责
Qualified personnel, job profiles at hand 有资格的人员,作业指导书在现场
Facilities, toolings, test equipment, auxiliary toolings, lab facilities 设备,模具,生产装备/检验器具,试验设备Possibilities of communication (data remote transfer) 通讯方式(例如:数据远程传送)
Flow of information from and to the customer during the planning pha (regular meetings, conferences)
3.6 Is the process FMEA raid and are improvement measures established?
For all production steps (also for suppliers) 所有生产工序(也包括供方的)
Customer requirements, function顾客要求,功能
Important parameters / features重要参数/重要特性
Traceability, environmental items可追溯性,环保要求
Transport (internal / external) 运输(内部/外部)
Involvement of all concerned parties 各有关部门的参与
Process specific measures of the design FMEA 由设计D-FMEA得出的生产过程特定措施
4. Realization of process development过程开发的落实
4.1 Is the process FMEA updated when amendments are made during the project process and are the
established measures implemented?
Customer requirements顾客要求
For all production steps (also for suppliers) 各生产工序(也包括供方的)
Important parameters / features, requirements by law 重要参数/重要特性,法规要求
Mounting dimensions 装车尺寸
Traceability, environmental items可追溯性,环保要求
Transport (internal/external) 运输(内部/外部)
Process specific measures of the design FMEA由设计D-FMEA得出的针对生产过程特定措施
4.2 Is a quality plan prepared?
It has to contain the following informations: 必须包括以下信息:
Settling and marking of significant features 确定、标识出重要特性
Setting up of a test plan 制订检验流程计划
Allocation of facilities and equipment配置设备和装置
Farsighted and timely allocation of measuring technology及时地预先配置测量技术
Examinations of the product realization at suitable spots在产品落实是适当时间点进行的检验
Clarifying of acceptance criteria澄清验收标准
distance什么意思4.3 Are the required releas/ qualification records available at the respective times?
If relevant, the status of material qualification according to SSQA has to be taken into account.
Product trial (e.g. mounting test, functional test, life test,environmental simulation)
Preries and process ries parts 批量前样件,“0”批量样件
First samples 首件;
Capability proofs of important product and process features (methodical determination of production parameters)
Logistics concept (e.g. suitability of packaging by trial shipment) 物流运输方案(例如:通过试发货运输了解包装合适性)
Toolings, machines, facilities, checking aids模具,机器,设备,检测设备
Testing concept agreed with customer 与客户统一检验观念
4.4 Is a pre-production carried out under rial conditions for the rial relea?
Customer requirements顾客要点
Settling of a minimum volume确定最小生产数量
Capability proofs of measurement and test equipment过程能力调查
Process capability study 检具能力调查
Readiness of facilities to go into mass production (measuring protocol) 生产设备的批量生产成熟性(测量记录) First sample check首批样品检验
Handling, packaging, labeling, storage 搬运,包装,标识,贮存
Qualification of personnel 人员素质
Working / testing instructions 作业指导书,检验指导书
Workplace and test bench organization生产工位布置/检验工位布置
4.5 Are the production and inspection documents available and complete?
Process parameters (e.g. pressures, temperatures, time, rates) 过程参数(例如:压力,温度,时间,速度)
Data for machines / toolings / auxiliary机器/模具/辅助器具的数据
Testing instructions (important features, test equipment, methods, test frequency)检验规范(重要特性,检验,测量和试验设备,方法,频次)
Interrupt limits in process control charts过程控制图的控制限
Capability proofs for machines and process机器能力验证,过程能力验证
Operating instructions 操作说明,
Working instruction 作业指导书,
Testing instruction 检验指导书
Informations concerning the current failure situation 缺陷发生状况的现时信息
Maintenance plan 维护保养计划
4.6 Are the required resources available?
Customer requirements 顾客要求
Availability of prematerial 原材料可提供性
Qualified personnel 具有素质的人员
Time debits / standstill times 缺勤时间/停机时间
Throughput times / volume per facility 全过程时间/单台设备(装置)产量
Building / premis房屋,场地
Facilities, toolings, test equipment, auxiliary toolings, lab facilities设备,模具,生产/检验设备,辅助工具,实验室装置
Transportations, boxes, stock 运输器具,周转箱,仓库
要素5 供方/原材料
5.Suppliers / prematerial供方/原材料
5.1 Are only approved quality capable suppliers ud?
Supplier management (meeting schedule internally / externally) 供方会谈/定期服务
Evaluation of quality situation (audit results, certificates) 质量能力审核,例如:审核结果/认证证书
Evaluation of quality performance (quality, costs, rvice) 实物质量评定(质量/成本/服务))
5.2 Is the agreed quality of the purchad parts guaranteed?
Sufficient testing possibilities (laboratory, measurement facilities) 足够的检验可能性(实验室和测量设备)
Internal / external inspections 内部和外部的检验
Customer-supplied gauges / facilities顾客提供的检具/测量定位支架
Drawings / order guidelines / specifications图纸/订货要求/规范
Quality assurance agreements 质量保证协议
Coordination of testing procedures and test frequencies检验方法、检验流程、检验频次的商定
Evaluation of failure main areas重点缺陷的分析
Capability proofs 能力验证
5.3 Is the quality performance evaluated and are corrective actions introduced when there are deviations
from the requirements?
Minutes of quality meetings质量会谈的纪要
Agreement and pursuit of improvement schedules 改进计划的商定与跟踪
Test and measurement protocols of improved components改进后零件的检验记录和测量记录
Evaluation of failure main areas / problematical suppliers对重点缺陷/有问题供方的分析评定
5.4    5.4 Are target agreements for continual improvement of products and process made and implemented
with the suppliers?
Settling of measurable targets for quality, price, rvice确定质量、价格及服务的定量目标
5.5.Are the required releas for the delivered rial products available and the required improvement
measures implemented?
Sample and test releas 装车样件的认可,试验认可
First sample reports according to SSQA 符合SSQA要求的首批样品检验报告
Capability proofs for important features 对重要特性的能力验证
Consideration of safety guidelines, EG guidelines 安注意(欧盟的)安全数据表及欧共体准则(EG_ Richtilinien) Evaluations of reliability 可靠性分析评定
Re-audit reports and resulting improvement measures 重复鉴定试验及由此制订的改进措施
5.6 Are the procedures agreed with the customer, regarding customer-supplied products, maintained?
Steering, verification, storage, transport, maintenance of quality and features
Flow of informations under failure and loss 在出现缺陷或丢失情况时的信息交流
Quality documentation (quality situation, quality history) 质量文件(质量现状,质量历史)
5.7 Are the stock levels of input material matched to production needs?
Customer requirements顾客要求
Kanban / JIT 看板/准时化生产
Stock costs 库存成本
Emergency strategies for bottlenecks of prematerial材料出现瓶颈时的应急计划(紧急战略)
愿望 英文
qsiEnsureing of FIFO principle先进先出(FIFO)
5.8 Are input materials/ internal residues delivered and stored according to their purpo?
Packaging 包装
Stock management system仓库管理系统
FIFO (first in / first out) 先进先出(FIFO)
Order and cleanness秩序与清洁
Climatic conditions 气候条件
Protection against damage and dirt防损伤/防污染
Labeling (traceablility / test status / work flow /status of u) 标识(可追溯性/检验状态/加工工序/使用状态)Protection against mixing 防混批/防混料
Stock for blocked material (installation and u) 隔离库(设置并使用)
5.9 Is the personnel qualified for the respective tasks?
Existence of knowledge to product / specification /special customer demands /standards and laws
Product / specifications / specific customer requirements产品/规范/特定的顾客要求
Standards / laws标准/法规
Packaging 包装
Processing 加工

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标签:检验   是否   质量   要求   过程   设备   生产
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