I take great pride in my accomplishments and the journey that has led me here. (我为我的成就感到非常自豪,也为走到这里的旅程感到自豪。)
I am immenly proud of the hard work and dedication I have put into achieving my goals. (我为我为实现目标所付出的努力和奉献感到无比自豪。)
My achievements rve as a testament to my determination and perverance, and I couldn't be prouder. (我的成就证明了我的决心和毅力,我为此感到非常自豪。)
I am proud to have overcome challenges and obstacles along the way, emerging stronger and more resilient. (我为克服途中的挑战和障碍而感到自豪,变得更加坚强和有韧性。)
少儿英语费用The n of pride that fills me when I look back at what I have accomplished is truly overwhelming. (回顾自己所取得的成就时,我内心充满了无比的自豪感。)
应用英语专业I am proud of the person I have become and the values I uphold. (我为自己的成长和坚守
try to do和try doing的区别The success I have achieved is a result of my unwavering determination and relentless pursuit of excellence, and I couldn't be prouder of mylf. (我取得的成功是我坚定的决心和对卓越不懈追求的结果,我为自己感到无比自豪。)
I am proud to be part of a team that consistently delivers exceptional results and pushes boundaries. (我为能成为一个不断取得卓越成果并突破界限的团队的一员感到骄傲。)