04-上海 -IIP-SHF-502
Shanghai Integrated Isocyanates Project (IIP)
Installation Scheme for Street Lighting Device
编 党员发言稿制Edit: 冯启胜
loui审 核Review: 邱祥明
批 准Approval: 甘继荣
NCIGCC Shanghai Project Department
Jan 2005
目 录
A.工程概况General 3
B.编制依据 Edit reference 3
C.施工程序及施工技术措施 Construction Procedure and Technical Measure of Construction 3
Street lighting will cover Area 300,400,500 and 600,including street light pole, street light for fencing and cable trench and lighting cabling.
B.编制依据 Edit reference
1. 由中国成达工程公司提供的相关施工图及配套的安装图集
Related construction drawing and allocated installation drawing which offered by China Chengda Engineering Company.
2. 由中国石化集团上海工程有限公司提供的相关施工图及配套的安装图集
Related construction drawing and allocated installation drawing which offered by China Petrochemical Group Shanghai Engineering Company Ltd.
3. 《电气装置安装工程电缆线路施工及验收规范》 GB50168-92
<Electrical Device Installation Engineering Cable Circuit Construction and Acceptance Code> GB50168-92
4. 《电气装置安装工程电气照明装置施工及验收规范》 GB50259-96
<Electrical Device Installation Engineering Lighting Construction and Acceptance Code> GB50259-96
C.施工程序及施工技术措施不给力的奥特曼>traffic lights Construction Procedure and Technical Measure of Construction
1. 施工前准备:首先组织施工班组及有关人员熟悉有关施工图、资料、规范、标准等, 主管技术人员向施工班组作技术交底并作好技术交底资料,使施工人员熟悉该工程的技术要求及要领,以便顺利完成电气安装工作。
Previous construction: Organize construction team and related personnel to be acquainted with respective construction drawing, data, specification and standard etc. Chief technician shall make technical orientation for construction team and let them familiar with key technical requirement in convenience to finish electrical installation favorably.
新目标英语七年级上册教案2. 隐蔽工程隐蔽之前,应办理隐蔽工程验收记录,经自检和工程监理验收合格后方可 隐蔽。
Previous to concealment, prepare conceal work acceptance records, conceal work could only start after lf-checking and approved by construction supervision company.
3. 电气安装工程总则 General code for electrical installation
a) 必须按照图纸中的施工说明进行施工;
Construction according to the illustration of construction drawing;
b) 所有电气设备安装应严格按照施工图及有关规范要求及施工程序进行;
All electrical equipment shall strictly as per construction drawing and related requirement of specification as well as construction procedure.
c) 所有在室内安装的电气设备在运至安装地点之后方能开箱并进行最初检验;
All electrical equipment for room installation could only be opening after delivery to the installation site and perform primary inspection at site.
d) 危险区域的电气设备安装应严格按(防火、防腐)要求进行;
Electrical equipment installation for danger zone shall be performed as per requirement of fireproofing and antipsis.
4. 路灯装置安装 Street Light Erection
1) 路灯装置安装应严格按施工图施工。Street light erection shall follow AFC.
2) 路灯装置所用材料(包括灯具、灯杆、电缆等)应在QA/QCsneakers怎么读批准后采购。Materials for street light system (lighting fixture, light pole and cable) shall be approved by Team IIP before procurement.
3) 路灯装置所用材料到达现场后,应按下列要求进行检查:产品的技术文件齐全; 型号、规格应符合设计要求,附件齐全。The following items shall be checked after material delivery on site: Product’s tech information, model number, specification and accessories.
5. 施工技术措施:jump的过去式是什么根据路灯装置平面布置图标出的路灯的具体位置,在没有其它说明时.灯杆距路边1m,并根据设计图标出的路灯和电缆的材质、规格备料。Construction technical measure: Except other specified, lighting pole will be 1 meter from the edge of road. Material preparation as per DWG including lighting fixture and cable.
1)路灯安装北京华尔街英语: Street light erection
a)路灯安装必须在路灯基础验收合格后方能进行安装.Street light foundation shall be acceptance qualified before street light erection.
b)按照图纸要求在地面进行组装.Street light asmbly at grade.
c)将组装好的成套灯具采用起重机具吊装到位.Asmbly erected by crane.
2)路灯电缆敷设:Cable lying
a) 北京语言大学网络教育敷设前应按设计和电缆表对号入座进行敷设,敷设前电缆试验合格。Cable shall be test qualified before lying as per DWG and Cable Schedule.
b) 电缆在终端头与接头附件宜留有备长度。Sufficient length shall allow for cable termination and accessory connection.
c) 电缆各支持点间的距离及最小弯曲应符合要求:Supports interval and minimum bend radius for cable shall meet specification.
d) 电缆上应按规定装设标志牌。Mark or tag shall be provided to cable.
e) 直埋电缆的敷设应按下列要求:Directly buried cable shall meet the following requirement:
f) 电缆表面距地面距离0.6m。top of cable shall be 0.6 meter towards grade surface.
g) 电缆之间平行和交叉时的最小净距应符合规范要求。The minimum net distance between cablings shall meet specification.
h) 电缆穿过道路时,应加保护管。Protective sleeve shall be provided for road across cabling.
i) 直埋电缆的上、下都应铺75mm厚的沙层(见GEN-0-ELEC-SP-0001 15.5),并加保护盖板。Sand shall be paved for directly buried cable, 75mm thickness, (e GEN-0-ELEC-SP-0001 15.5) and cover placed.