Comorbidity: A network perspective 期刊名称: Behavioral & Brain Sciences电子商务英语怎么说
作者: Angélique Oj Cramer,Lourens J. Waldorp,Han Lj van der Maas,Denny Borsboombia
年份: 2010年初级会计多少分及格通过
mbc电视剧期号: 第2-3期
可能英语关键词: comorbidity;complex networks;generalized anxiety;latent variable models;major depression
汉英在线翻译摘要:The pivotal problem of comorbidity rearch lies in the psychometric foundation it rests on, that is, latent variable theory, in which a mental disorder is viewed as a latent variable that caus a constellation of symptoms. From this perspective, comorbidity is a (bi)directional relationship between multiple latent variables. We argue that such a latent variable perspective encounters rious problems in the study of comorbidity, and offer a radically different conceptualization in terms of a network approach, where comorbidity is hypothesized to ari from direct relations between symptoms of multiple disorders. We propo a method to visualize comorbidity networks and, bad on an empirical
stresdnetwork for major depression and generalized anxiety, we argue that this approach generates realistic hypothes about pathways to comorbidity,...