Workers’ unsafe behaviors are the paramount direct caus for construction accidents. However, the root caus can be traced back to design problems in the early stage of construction projects. Design problems incur unsafe working-environment factors, and the factors may cau workers’ cognitive failure towards behavioral safety by influencing their physical and mental conditions. Theref
ore, if environment-bad safety designs are performed in the early stage, prerequisites of workers’ unsafe behaviors will be wiped out in advance, rendering safety management more cost-efficient. To promote prevention through design (PtD), relevant rearches laid more emphasis on application aspects. In contrast, PtD has not been well learned yet from theoretical aspects. The mechanism how design influences behavioral safety was rarely addresd in the literature. Existing models depicted the mechanism in vague and simplified ways, which are still difficult to simulate real situations in construction. In addition, design as an abstract concept, was not defined and deconstructed in the rearches. Therefore, using questionnaires and safety check records as data input, this paper developed a real-world model depicting the “design-behavior” mechanism bad on mature theoretical models. Meanwhile, design was deconstructed into factors and the focal point in design was identified.
gnnThe content and outcomes of this paper mainly include: 1) Questionnaire data were collected and procesd. The “cognition-behavior” model was developed bad on theory of planned behavior, which depicted the influencing paths from cognitive failure to unsafe behaviors. 2) Safety check records were screened and merged. Different check items were mapped to performance shaping factors (PSF) of cognitive reliability and error analysis method (CREAM). The “environment-cognition
” model was developed, indicating how working environment factors exert impact on workers’ cognition towards behavioral safety. 3) The concept “design” was deconstructed into factors according to axiomatic theory of design modelling. By mantic mapping, the design factors were linked with CREAM’s PSF to form the “design-environment” model. 4)The above three sub-models were combined and nested in the basic feedback loops to constitute a system dynamics model. Through simulations, the patterns that workers’ behavioral safety fluctuates over
time were obtained. The most crucial design factor was determined through nsitivity analys. 5) Applying cognitive work analysis as the framework for safety design, design suggestions for potential safety risks were generated.
This paper indicates that design factors’ impact on workers’ behavioral safety is mediated by working environment factors and workers’ cognitive factors in a complex and cyclic way. Among design factors, “direct constrains on objects” is the most crucial one with 0.2 impact elastic coefficient on behavioral safety. Besides, fatigue and excessive workload will negatively influence workers’ safety performance, which needs to be considered when conducting safety designs. The methodology ud in the paper can be conveniently transplanted to specific projects in various industries, showing its wide applicability and practical value in guiding targeted safety designs to prevent accidents from
the source.
Key words:safety design; behavioral safety; working environment; system dynamics model;the elevator engineering
第1章引言 (1)
1.1 研究背景 (1)
1.1.1 工人的不安全行为是事故发生的直接原因 (1)
1.1.2 安全设计可以高效控制不安全行为 (2)
1.1.3 安全设计的发展和前沿研究 (3)
1.1.4 研究缺陷 (4)
1.2 研究问题 (6)
1.3 研究意义 (6)
第2章文献回顾与理论基础 (7)
2.1 “认知-行为”模型理论基础 (7)
2.2 “工作环境-认知”模型理论基础 (10)
2.3 “设计-工作环境”模型理论基础 (13)
2.4 利用系统动力学方法进行仿真模拟 (14)
第3章研究方法与技术路线 (17)
3.1 “认知-行为”模型研究方法 (18)
3.1.1 数据收集采样 (18)
3.1.2 数据处理 (20)
3.1.3 结构方程模型分析 (20)
3.2 “工作环境-认知”模型研究方法 (23)
3.2.1 获取数据和数据预处理 (23)
3.2.2 数据映射 (23)commend和recommend
3.2.3 结构方程模型分析 (24)
3.3 “设计-工作环境”模型研究方法 (24)
3.3.1 语义映射 (24)
3.3.2 权重计算 (25)
3.4 搭建系统动力学模型框架 (25)
3.4.1 因素识别 (25)
3.4.2 模型基本假设 (25)
3.4.3 模型基本反馈循环 (26)
第4章系统动力学仿真模拟 (27)
4.1 “认知-行为”模型的建立和参数确定 (27)
4.2 “工作环境-认知”模型的建立和参数确定 (32)
4.3 “设计-工作环境”模型的建立和参数确定 (36)
英语基础学习4.4 模型耦合 (38)
4.4.1 “工作环境-认知”模型与“认知-行为”模型耦合 (38)
4.4.2 “设计-工作环境”模型与“工作环境-认知”模型耦合 (39)
4.5 系统动力学建模与分析 (40)
4.5.1 系统动力学模型构建 (40)
三校生高复4.5.2 敏感性分析 (44)
4.5.3 模型结果验证分析 (53)
第5章安全设计分析框架与案例研究 (59)
5.1 选择安全设计分析框架 (59)
5.2 案例分析 (61)
第6章结论与研究展望 (68)
6.1 本研究主要内容与结论 (68)
6.1.1 刻画设计影响工人行为安全的机理 (68)
coloplast6.1.2 寻找安全设计重点 (69)
6.1.3 开展安全设计 (70)
6.2 研究贡献 (70)
6.2.1 基于实证数据解释设计影响行为安全的机理 (70)
6.2.2 解构建筑业设计问题确定关键设计因素 (70)
6.3 研究不足及展望 (71)
6.3.1 研究对象局限 (71)
6.3.2 系统动力学模型有待进一步完善 (71)
参考文献 (72)
致谢 (80)
声明 (81)
附录A 安全检查项与CREAM绩效形成因子语义映射 (82)
附录B 安全检查项与五大设计因素语义映射 (88)
个人简历、在学期间发表的学术论文与研究成果 (94)