
更新时间:2023-05-31 03:40:37 阅读: 评论:0

【GMAT长难句读法】例句分析.txt你看得见我打在屏幕上的字,却看不到我掉在键盘上的泪!自己选择45°仰视别人,就休怪他人135°俯视着看你。第二章 深入篇
看了上一章,相信你已经知道怎样可以读懂一个难句了,但是难句有很多种,不同的难句要有不同的读法,这样才能在最短的时间内,最快速, 最准确的读懂一个很难的句子。笔者认为读难句有三种境界:一. 认识,所以知道; 二. 不认识,但是知道; 三. 认识,但是不知道。下面我们就一起来进入读难句的三个境界。
一. 认识句子中的单词,所以知道句子的意思。
1.While Jackie Robinson was a Brooklyn Dodger, his courage in the face of physical threats and verbal attacks was not unlike that of Rosa Parks, who refud to move to the back of a bus in Montgo
mery, Alabama.
#当Jackie Robinson 是一个Brooklyn Dodger时,他的勇气面对身体上的威胁和语言上的攻击,并不像Rosa Parks的那样,Rosa Parks拒绝移动到一辆汽车的后面在Montgomery, Alabama。
2.A recent study has found that within the past few years, many doctors have elected to retire early rather than face the threats of lawsuits and the rising costs of malpractice insurance.
# 一个最近的研究发现,在过去的几年里,很多医生选择早点退休,而不是面临威胁/被起诉的和越来越多的费用/用于不当处置的保险的。
3.In June of 1989, Princeton Township approved a developer's plans to build 300 hous on a large portion of the 210-acre site of the Battle of Princeton, one of only eight Revolutionary War battlefields that had remained undeveloped.
# 在1989年六月,Princeton小镇批准一个开发者的计划,建造300间房子在一大部分/210英亩的Princeton 战役的地方的,其中一个/仅有的八个革命战争战场中的/曾经保持没有被开发的。
4.Problems in the management of water and other resources will be at the head of the legislature's list of concerns for the coming 基ssion.
5.Stable interest rates on long-term bonds are the financial market's vote of confidence that the Federal Rerve will keep inflation under control.
# 稳定的利率/长期债券的/是金融市场的表现/信心的/联邦储备局将控制通货膨胀。
6.Rather than continue to produce most of the items necessary for subsistence, a growing number of farm families during the first decades of the nineteenth century began to specialize in the production of grain or cotton and to u the cash proceeds from the sale of their crops to buy necessities.
# 不是继续生产大多数物品/生活必需的,一个增加的数量农民家庭的在前几十年/十九世纪的/开始专业化在生产谷物或棉花方面和使用现金/收入他们卖谷物的/去买生活必需品。合肥环球雅思
7.Some analysts point out that becau people are becoming accustomed to a steady inflation rate of four to five percent, business are finding that they can rai prices by this amount without provoking strong public reaction.
# 一些分析家指出/因为人们习惯于一个稳定的通货膨胀率/百分之四到五的,商业(人士)发现/他们
8.Although it was once funded entirely by the government, the Victoria and Albert Muum was among the first of Britain's national muums to ek support from corporations and private donors and to increa income by increasing attendance.
# 尽管曾经全部由政府出资,维多利亚和阿尔贝特博物馆是其中的一个/英国国家博物馆中/去寻找支持/从公司和私人出资者那里/并且增加收入通过增加参观人数。
9.Under the restructuring, the huge organization that operates the company's basic business will be divided into five groups, each with its own executive.
# 在重组过程中,这个巨大的组织/管理这个公司的基本业务/将被分割成五组,每一个组有他自己的领导者。
10.Temporary-employment agencies benefit not only from the increasing demand for clerical workers but also from the higher profits made in placing highly paid professionals, requests for whom have incread in the recent wave of corporate takeovers.
# 临时雇佣代理处/不仅受益于增加的需求/对于办公室职员的,同时也受益于/更高的利润/制造出来的/
11.Although it claims to delve into political issues, television can be superficial, as when the three major networks each broadcast exactly the same statement from a political candidate.
# 尽管被要求深入研究政治事件,电视只能是表面上的(研究),因为三个主要的网络/每一个播放的/恰恰都是同样的声明/同一个政治候选人的发出的。
12.The record of the past is always incomplete, and historians in writing about it inevitable reflect the preoccupations of their own time.
# 纪录对于过去的/总是不全面的,而且历史学家/写这些纪录的/不可避免的反应出偏见/他们那个时代的。
13.Like virtually all of the nation's 50 busiest airports, New York's were built for an age of propellers, before jet planes weighing 800,000 pounds needed over two miles of runway.
# 事实上,像所有这个国家的50个最繁忙的机场一样,纽约的机场建造为了一个时代/螺旋桨的,在这之
14.Judge Lois Forer's study asks why some litigants have a preferred status over others in the u of a public resource, the courts, which in theory are available to all but in fact are unequally distributed between rich and poor.
# 法官Lois Forer的研究调查了/为什么一些诉讼当事人有一个优先的地位/对于别人/在使用公共资源上,法庭,在理论上,应该是可利用的/对于所用的人/但是事实上/被不公平的分配/在富人和穷人之间。15.The visiting pharmacologists concluded that the prent amalgam of Chine and Western medicine is probably as good as, or better than, any other system that might be devid for the patients treated at the Nan Kai hospital in Tian-jing.
# 访问的药理学家判断/现在的混合/中药和西药的/可能是一样好,或者是更好,比其他系统/可能被发明的/对于那些病人/接受治疗在南开医院天津的。
16.School degregation has worked well in Buffalo, New York, in part becau parents and teachers were given major roles in designing the city's magnet schools, becau extra federal funds were allocated to make each school unique, and becau the federal judge enforced degregation orders.
# 学校的废除种族隔离制(工作)已经进行的很好/在巴伐罗,纽约/,在某种程度上/是因为家长和老
17.Rearchers have questioned the u of costly and experimental diagnostic tests to identify food allergies, such as to milk,  that suppodly disrupt normal behavior.
# 调查者曾经对这有疑问/使用昂贵的试验的诊断测试去鉴别食物过敏,像对于牛奶(的过敏),假定它打扰了正常的行为。
18.The number of mountain gorillas is declining so rapidly that the population was halved in the twenty years between a count made by George Schaller in 1960 and the one made by Dian Fosy in 1980.
# 数量/山上的大猩猩的/在减少/速度太快了以至于/数量减少了一半在20年间/在一个统计做出的/由George Schaller/在1960年和另一个统计/做出的/由Dian Fosy/在1980年。
19.A recent study of ancient clay deposits has provided new evidence supporting the theory that global forest fires ignited by a meteorite impact contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs and many other creatures some 65 million years ago.
迪尔玛 罗塞夫ernie
尼斯湖水怪可能是巨型鳗鱼# 一个最近的调查/对于古代的粘土沉积/已经提供了新的证据/支持这个理论/全球森林火灾/是被点燃的由于一个陨石作用/它促成了灭绝/恐龙的/以及很多其他的生物/在大约六千五百万年前。
20.As Hurricane Hugo approached the Atlantic coast, it incread dramatically in strength, becoming the tenth most inten hurricane to hit the United States mainland in the twentieth century and the most inten since Camille in 1969.
# 随着Hugo 飓风/靠近亚特兰大海岸,它极大的增加了它的力量,变成第十大强劲的飓风/攻击美国大陆
二. 不认识句子中的单词,但可以知道句子的意思。
1.Galileo was convinced that natural phenomena, as manifestations of the laws of physics, would appear the same to someone on the deck of a ship moving smoothly and uniformly through the water as to a person standing on land.
bad# 伽利略确信/自然现象,作为表明/物理规律的,将会出现/同样地/对于一个人/在船的甲板上的/(船)移动平稳地速度均匀地在水中/和对于一个人/站在陆地上的。
2.In astronomy the term "red shift" denotes the extent to which light from a distant galaxy has been shifted toward the red, or long-wave, end of the light spectrum by the rapid motion
of the galaxy away from the Earth.
# 在天文学词汇中,"红色移动"意味着这个范围/光线从一个遥远的星系已经移动/朝着这个红色的,或者说长波的,光谱的末尾/通过快速的移动/这个星系的/远离地球的。
3.The July 15 issue of the company paper will report on promotions, retirements, and other actions approved by the board of directors at its May meeting; the paper will also include obituaries.
# 七月十五号发行的/这个公司的报纸/将报道升迁退休,以及其他的行为/批准的由董事会/在五月会议上;这份报纸还将包括讣告。
4.Although fruit can no longer grow once it is picked, it continues for some time to respire, taking in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide, just as human beings do when they breathe.walk me home
# 尽管水果不再生长,一旦被摘下来,它继续/一段时间/呼吸,吸进氧气并且呼出二氧化碳,就像人类一样/当他们呼吸时。
5.The labor agreement permits staff reductions through attrition and provides incread pension benefits and a special early-retirement program to speed the attrition process.
# 劳动协议/允许工作人员减少/通过消耗/并且提供增加的抚恤金利益/和一个特别的提早退休的计划/去加速消耗过程。
6.Once common throughout the Western plains, black-footed ferrets are thought to have declined in number as a result of the poisoning of prairie dogs, their prey.
# 曾经很平常遍布西部平原,黑色脚的雪貂被认为减少了/数量上/由于这个的结果/中毒/牧羊犬的/, (牧羊犬)是雪貂的猎物。
7.The most favorable locations for the growth of glaciers are not the cold, dry polar regions but the cool, moist middle latitudes, where there is abundant precipitation and where it is cold enough to allow some snow to accumulate year by year.
# 最有利的位置对于增长/冰川的/并不是寒冷,干燥的极地,而却是凉爽,湿润的中纬度地区,那有丰富的降雨量并且足够寒冷让雪增加/年复一年。
8.In the 1950's astronomers were divided between tho who believed the univer began with a cosmic explosion (the "big bang") and tho who favored the model of an eternal and
infinite steady-state univer.
# 在50年代,天文学家被分成(两大阵营),一些人相信宇宙开始/以宇宙大爆炸(大爆炸)和另一些人/相信这个模型/一个永久的无限的逐渐变化的宇宙的。

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