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Relative normal modes for nonlinear Hamiltonian
期刊名称: Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A Mathematics 作者: Juan-Pablo Ortega英语能力描述
室内设计师培训学校年份: 2000年
期号: 第3期
关键词: ad hoc networks;dominating ts;distributed algorithms
摘要:An estimate on the number of distinct relative periodic orbits around a stable relative equilibrium in a Hamiltonian system with continuous symmetry is given. This result constitutes a generalization to the Hamiltonian symmetric framework of a classical result by Weinstein and Mor on the existence of periodic orbits in the energy levels surrounding a stable equilibrium. The estimate obtained is very preci in the n that it provides a lower bound for the number of relative periodic orbits at each pre
scribed energy and momentum values neighbouring the stable relative equilibrium in question and with any prefixed (spatio-temporal) isotropy subgroup. Moreover, it is easily computable in particular examples. It is interesting to e how, in our result, the existence of non-trivial relative periodic orbits requires (generic)
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