长颈鹿英语怎么说stable diffusioncatwoman>amaral
英语口语练习材料>高中英语听力下载Diffusion plays an important role in many biological process. It is important for the proper functioning of cells and for the proper distribution of esntial molecules and nutrients. Diffusion can also be ud to study biological molecules. For example, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) us diffusion to measure the concentration of molecules in a given area.感恩节快乐英文怎么说
In conclusion, diffusion is an important process in biology. It occurs when molecules move from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration. Diffusion can be either passive or active and is important for many biological process, including the transport of molecules through or across cell membranes and the distribution of esntial molecules and nutrients. Diffusion can also be ud to study biological molecules and measure their concentrations.优惠价