A |
A股代码 A-share stock code A股简称 A-share ticker A股上市地 handoverPlace of A-share listing |
B |
B股代码 B-share stock code B股简称 B-share ticker B股上市地 the Place of B-share listing 保单红利支出 Policyholder dividend expen 保户储金及投资款 Deposits from policyholders 保户储金及投资款净增加额 Net increa in deposits from policyholders 保户质押贷款 Policy pledge loans 保险合同准备金 Insurance contract rerves 保险业务收入 Income from insurance business |
C |
财务费用 Financial expens 拆出资金 Loans to banks and other financial institutions 拆入资金 Placements from banks and other financial institutions 拆入资金净增加额 Net increa in placements from banks and other financial institutions 产品的毛利率 Gross profit margin of the product 产品的毛利率比上年增减百分比 Year-on-year increa or decrea in gross profit margin of the product (%) 产品的营业成本 Operating cost of the product 产品的营业成本比上年增减百分比 Year-on- year increa or decrea in operating cost of the product (%) 产品的营业收入 Operating revenue of the product 产品的营业收入比上年增减百分比 Year-on-year increa or decrea in operating revenue of the product (%) 产品名称 Name of product有声读物mp3打包下载 长期待摊费用 Long-term prepaid expens 长期股权投资 Long-term equity investment 长期股权投资减值准备本期计提额 Long-term equity investments depreciation rerves withdrawn during the period 长期股权投资减值准备本期转回额 Reversals of long-term equity investments depreciation rerves of the period 长期股权投资减值准备本期转销额 好看的英语电影Long-term equity investments depreciation rerves written off during the period 长期股权投资减值准备项 Long-term equity investments depreciation rerves (Abstract) 长期股权投资减值准备增减变动项 Increa / (Decrea) of Long-term equity investments depreciation rerves (Abstract) pale man长期股权投资减值准备账面余额 Book balance of long-term equity investments depreciation rerves 长期健康险责任准备金 Long-term health insurance policyholders' rerves 长期借款 Long-term borrowings 长期应付款 Long-term payables 长期应收款 Long-term receivables 偿还债务支付的现金 Cash repayments of amounts borrowed 成熟生产性生物资产减值准备本期计提额 Mature productive biological asts depreciation rerves withdrawn during the period 成熟生产性生物资产减值准备本期转回额 Reversals of mature productive biological asts depreciation rerves during the period 成熟生产性生物资产减值准备本期转销额 Mature productive biological asts depreciation rerves written off during the period 成熟生产性生物资产减值准备项 Mature productive biological asts depreciation rerves (Abstract) 成熟生产性生物资产减值准备增减变动项 Increa / (Decrea) of Mature productive biological asts depreciation rerves (Abstract) 成熟生产性生物资产减值准备账面余额 Book balance of mature productive biological asts depreciation rerves 持有至到期投资 Held-to-maturity investments 持有至到期投资减值准备本期计提额 Held-to-maturity investments depreciation rerves withdrawn during the period 持有至到期投资减值准备本期转回额 Reversals of held-to-maturity investments depreciation rerves during the period 持有至到期投资减值准备本期转销额 Held-to-maturity investments depreciation rerves written off during the period 微笑英文持有至到期投资减值准备项 Held-to-maturity investments depreciation rerves (Abstract) 持有至到期投资减值准备增减变动项 Increa / (Decrea) of Held-to-maturity investments depreciation rerves (Abstract) 持有至到期投资减值准备账面余额 Book balance of held-to-maturity investments depreciation rerves 筹资活动产生的现金流量 donald trumpCash flows from financing activities (Abstract) 筹资活动产生的现金流量净额 Net cash flows from financing activities 筹资活动现金流出金额 Cash outflows from financing activities 筹资活动现金流入金额 Cash inflows from financing activities 处置固定资产和无形资产和其他长期资产收回的现金净额 Net cash from disposal of fixed asts, intangible asts and other long-term asts 处置交易性金融资产净增加额 Net increa from disposal of tradable financial asts 处置子公司及其他营业单位收到的现金净额 Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units 存出保证金 Refundable deposits 存出资本保证金 Statutory deposits 存放同业款项 Balances with other financial institutions 存放中央银行和同业款项净增加额 Net increa in deposits with central bank and other financial institutions 存货 Inventory 存货跌价准备本期计提额 Inventory depreciation rerves withdrawn during the period 存货跌价准备本期转回额 Reversals of inventory depreciation rerves during the period 存货跌价准备本期转销额 Inventory depreciation rerves written off during the period 存货跌价准备项 Inventory depreciation rerves (Abstract) 存货跌价准备增减变动项 Increa / (Decrea) of Inventory depreciation rerves (Abstract) 存货跌价准备账面余额 Book balance of inventory depreciation rerves |
D |
代理承销证券款 Securities underwriting brokerage deposits 代理买卖证券款 Customer brokerage deposits 代理买卖证券业务净收入 Net income from curities trading brokerage business 地区的毛利率 Gross profit margin of the region 地区的毛利率比上年增减百分比 Year-on- year increa or decrea in gross profit margin of the region (%) 地区的营业成本 Operating cost of the region 地区的营业成本比上年增减百分比 Year-on- year increa or decrea in operating cost of the region (%) 地区的营业收入 Operating revenue of the region 地区的营业收入比上年增减百分比 Year-on- year increa or decrea in operating revenue of the region (%) 地区名称 Name of region 递延所得税负债 Deferred income tax liabilities 递延所得税资产 Deferred income tax asts 定期存款 Term deposits aes独立账户负债 Separate account liabilities 独立账户资产 Separate account asts 短期借款 Short-term borrowingsfrustration 对联营企业和合营企业的投资收益 Share of profits in associates and joint ventures |
F |
发放贷款和垫款 Loans and advances to customers 发行债券收到的现金 Cash received from bond issue 非流动负债 Non-current liabilities 非流动负债项 non-current liabilities (Abstract) 非流动资产 Non-current asts 非流动资产处置损失 Loss from disposal of non-current asts 非流动资产项 non-current asts (Abstract) 分保费收入 Reinsurance premium income 分保费用 Expens for reinsurance accepted 分出保费 Premiums ceded to reinsurers 分配股利和利润或偿付利息支付的现金 Cash paid for dividend and profit distribution or interest payment 负债 Liabilities 负债和所有者权益 Liabilities and owners' equity 负债和所有者权益项 中级口译考试时间liabilities and owners' equity (Abstract) 负债项 Liabilities (Abstract) |
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