西方经济学名词解释 英文版
satellite tool kitMacroeconomics 宏观经济学
The study of the overall aspects and workings of a national economy, such as income, output, and the interrelationship among diver economic ctors. 研究国民收入的各方面。
Microeconomics 微观经济学
The study of the operations of the components of a national economy, such as individual firms, houholds, and consumers.
GDP 国内生产总值 (Gross Domestic Product)
backfireThe total market value of all final goods and rvices produced within the borders of a nation during a specified period.
notyet一国国民在各行业中一年内生产的最终产品和最终服务价值总和。It is often en as an indicator of the standard of living in
a country.Gross Domestic Product,consumption + investment goods + government purchas + net exports chinacouple自拍video
Economic Growth 经济增长
steady growth in the productive capacity of the economy (and so a growth of national income)
nature是什么意思Real Economic Growth Rate 实际经济增长率
A measure of economic growth from one period to another expresd as a percentage and adjusted for inflation (i.e. expresd in
real as oppod to nominal terms). The real economic growth rate is a measure of the rate of change that a nation's gross domestic product (GDP) experiences from one year t
o another. Gross national product (GNP) can also be ud if a nation's economy is heavily dependent on foreign earnings. The real economic growth rate builds onto the economic growth rate by taking into account the effect that inflation has on the economy. The real economic growth rate is a "constant dollar" and therefore a more accurate look at the rate of economic growth becau the real rate is not distorted by the effects of extreme inflation or deflation.
GDP deflator GDP指数
In economics the GDP deflator (implicit price deflator for GDP) is a measure of the change in prices of all new, domestically produced, final goods and rvices in an economy. GDP stands for gross domestic product the total value of all goods and rvices produced within that economy during a specified period.
Nominal GDP 名义GDP
A gross domestic product (GDP) figure that has not been adjusted for inflation.
Real GDP 实际GDP
This inflation-adjusted measure that reflects the value of all goods and rvices produced in a given year, expresd in ba-year
prices. Often referred to as "constant-price", "inflation-corrected" GDP or "constant dollar GDP". Unlike nominal GDP, real GDP can account for changes in the price level, and provide a more accurate figure.
Potential output 潜在产量/潜在GDP
In economics, potential output (also refered to as "natural real gross domestic product") refers to the highest level of real Gross 南宁商务英语培训
Domestic Product output that can be sustained over the long term.
The forfeited output of an country's economy resulting from the failure to create sufficient
jobs for all tho willing to work. A
语录体GDP gap denotes the amount of production that is irretrievably lost. The potential for higher production levels is wasted becau there aren't enough jobs supplied.(与书异)
Net Exports 净出口
The value of a country's total exports minus the value of its total imports. It is ud to calculate a country's aggregate expenditures, or GDP, in an open economy. In other words, net exports is the amount by which foreign spending on a home country's goods and rvices exceeds the home country's spending on foreign goods and rvices.
Recession 经济衰退
A significant decline in activity spread across the economy, lasting longer than a few months. It is visible in industrial production, employment, real income, and wholesale-retail trade. The technical indicator of a recession is two concutive quarters of negative economic growth as measured by a country's GDP.
Notes: Recession is a normal (albeit unpleasant) part of the business cycle. A recession generally lasts from six to eighteen months. Interest rates usually fall in recessionary times to stimulate the economy by offering cheap rates at which to borrow
Depression 经济萧条
A vere and prolonged recession characterized by inefficient economic productivity, high unemployment, and falling price levels. In times of depression, consumer's confidence and investments decrea, causing the economy to shutdown. Value Added 附加值
The enhancement a company gives its product or rvice before offering the product to customers. This can either increa the products price or value.(与书异)
webfreeGross National Product – GNP 国民生产总值
An economic statistic that includes GDP, plus any income earned by residents from overas investments, minus income earned within the domestic economy by overas residents. GNP is a measure of a country's economic performance, or what its citizens produced (i.e. goods and rvices) and whether they produced the items within its borders.