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Contractual partners can obtain this standard only via the responsible Procurement Department.
N o r m v o r A n w e n d u n g a u f A k t u a l i t ät p r üf e n /C h e c k s t a n d a r d f o r c u r r e n t i s s u e p r i o r t o u s a g e .
T h e E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n i s b e l i e v e d t o b e a c c u r a t e . I n c a s e o f d i s c r e p a n c i e s t h e G e r m a n v e r s i o n s h a l l g o v e r n .
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TL 52629: 2004-01
3.6 Conditioning
Prior to testing, the specimens must be conditioned for at least 24 h in the standard climate as specified in ISO 554-23/50-2.
3.7 Validity of requirements
The required values apply to each individual measurement.
3.8 Material
Material code according to VDA 260.
< >PET + SBR<
3.9 Material and structure
All details of the material and material layer structure must be made known to the material test labo-ratory in accordance with VW 01155 upon first sampling.
The face surface structure must comply with the original sample. Bleed-through of the bonding agent in flat needle nonwovens and dilour is impermissible.
4 Properties
Sections 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 are not applicable to materials without bonding agent.
korean是什么意思4.1 Tear
4.1.1 Initial
According to Section 5.1:
Length: for trunk floor mat ≥ 350 N
for vertical trim parts ≥ 250 N
Width: for trunk floor mat ≥ 350 N
for vertical trim parts ≥ 250 N
4.1.2 After 2 h water immersion aging
According to Section 5.1:
Length: for trunk floor mat ≥ 350 N
for vertical trim parts ≥ 250 N
Width: for trunk floor mat ≥ 350 N
for vertical trim parts ≥ 250 N
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TL 52629: 2004-01上海健身培训
D 4.2 Tear propagation strength
According to Section 5.2:
Length: for trunk floor mat ≥ 60 N
for vertical trim parts ≥ 40 N
Width: for trunk floor mat ≥ 60 N
什么是定语for vertical trim parts ≥ 40 N
4.3 Wear
Schopper test (e Section 4.3.1) and test according to Taber method (e Section 4.3.2) Materials without bonding agent must only be tested using the Taber method (e Section 4.3.2). 4.3.1 Schopper test (materials with bonding agent)
The test is bad on PV 3908 with a contact pressure of 9,8 N.
In deviation from PV 3908, 2 specimens must be provided.
The are brushed clean after 200 revolutions each, and the direction of rotation is changed. Trunk floor mat design
After 2 000 revolutions: Weight loss ≤ 0,25 g
The fleece layer must not be abraded down to the binding or the substrate at any point.
Uniform fading according to gray-scale level ≥ 2-3 as per DIN EN 20105-A02 is permissible. Vertical trim part design
After 1 000 revolutions: Weight loss ≤ 0,20 g
The fleece layer must not be abraded down to the binding or the substrate at any point.
Uniform fading according to gray-scale level ≥ 2-3 as per DIN EN 20105-A02 is permissible.
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TL 52629: 2004-01
4.3.2 Taber test (all materials)
The Taber test according to DIN EN ISO 5470-1 is performed with abrasive disks H18 and removal by suction of 75%
Design Revolutions Load per arm Weight loss
1 000 K 500 g ≤ 0,30 g
nonwoven and dilour
for trunk floor
500 K 500 g ≤ 0,30 g
nonwoven and dilour
for vertical trim parts
1 000 K 1 000 g ≤ 0,30 g
Tufted cut pile for trunk
500 K 1 000 g ≤ 0,30 g
Tufted cut pile
for vertical trim parts
The fleece layer must not be abraded down to the binding or the substrate at any point.
Uniform fading according to gray-scale level ≥ 2-3 as per DIN EN 20105-A02 is permissible.
4.4 Behavior after xenon arc light aging acc. to PV 1303
4.4.1 When ud in areas with high UV exposure, e.g. open cargo area (station wagon, etc.)
3 exposure periods: Gray-scale level ≥
awful什么意思4 DIN EN 20105-A02, no color shift permissible.
5 exposure periods: No color shift permissible.
4.4.2 When ud in areas with normal UV exposure, e.g. in trunk with removable rear shelf
(Golf, A3, etc.)
3 exposure periods: Gray-scale level ≥
4 DIN EN 20105-A02, no color shift permissible.
4.4.3 For u in areas with slight UV exposure, e.g. clod trunks (dan)
2 exposure periods: Gray-scale level ≥ 4 DIN EN 20105-A02, no color shift permissible.
4.5 Colorfastness
4.5.1 Filter paper test
According to Section 5.3: Gray-scale level ≥ 4–5 acc. to DIN EN 20105-A03
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TL 52629: 2004-01
4.5.2 Aging of a carpet strip half submerged in deionized water
After one hour of aging in water and subquent drying, there must not be any visible color change.
This test is omitted for spin-dyed material.
4.5.3 Colorfastness to abrasion
Testing according to DIN EN ISO 105-X12: Grade 4–5, gray-scale level acc. to DIN EN 20105-A03.
4.6 Dimensional
Decorative materials without bonding agent are tested on the component.
4.6.1 After aging at elevated temperature for 16 h at 90 °C in mechanically recirculated air
and acclimatization
According to Section 5.4: Length ≤ 1,5%
≤ 1,5%
4.6.2 After 1 h aging in water and subquent drying at 90 °C for 24 h
According to Section 5.5: Length ≤ 1,5%
≤ 1,5%
4.7 Behavior after low-temperature aging, ball-drop test
According to PV 3905 and Section 5.6: No tearing or breaking of the latex backing.
4.8 Resistance to mold after 4-week moist aging
According to Section 5.7: No mold growth.coupon是什么意思
4.9 Compressibility and recovery behavior
According to DIN 54316.
Not to be tested in flat needle nonwovens.
asiaDilour Tufted cut pile
Compressibility ≥ 1,2 mm ≥ 1,8 mm
Indentation depth 60 min
≤ 0,8 mm ≤ 1,0 mm
after unloading
4.10 Behavior upon treatment with detergent
It must be possible to clean the material with an aqueous wetting agent solution and with the usual
organic solvents, e.g. petroleum ether (special boiling point spirit II acc. to DIN 51 631, 80/100 °C)
without forming a ring.