定 作 合 mean同 书
Contract of Guangzhou DiHao fashion CO.,LTD
The buyer (Hereinafter referred to as Party A):
The ller (Hereinafter referred to as Party B): Guangzhou Dihao Clothing Co.Ltd.
甲乙双方在平等自愿的基础上,就甲方委托乙方定作 一事,经充分协商,现达成如下协议,供双方遵照执行。
Both parties on the basis of equality, voluntariness, Party A entrusts party B to make , af
ter full consultation., now this agreement is reached, Both parties must implement and abide by it.
一 甲方定作物名称、数量、规格和单价如下表:The name,quantity,specifications and unit price of the commodity is listed below:
名称 Name | 单位 Unit | 数量 Quantity | 码数Side | 单价 unit price | 小计 amount | 备注 remarks |
S | M | L | XL | 家人的英文单词 2XL | 3XL | 4XL |
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人民币总额(Total amount (RMB)): |
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acad以上价格为:□ 税前价 □ 税后价
The above price is: □ pre-tax price □ after-tax price
二 委托定作物由乙方包工包料,款式、颜色和面料按如下约定:All the materials should be provided by Part y A ,the design,color and material is agreed below:
三 质量标准: 以确认样的款式、颜色、材料和手工为验收标准,实际交货时定作物的颜色与确认样相比容许±5%的色差。如确认样不足以说明定作物的品质,双方可另立条款加以说明。
The quality standard: to confirm the kind of design, color, material and manual for acceptance standard, 5% off the color is allowed by actual delivery. If confirmed samples is not enough to illustrate the quality of the products , other terms should be added.
四 定作物包装:小包装以3c PP胶袋每 包装,外包装箱为二坑瓦楞纸箱。
Packing requirements: packing to small 3 c PP plastic bags every packaging, outer packing boxes for two pit corrugated cardboard box.
五 付款方式:合同签订后,甲方凭乙方收据支付合同总额的 50%,合计 作为订金。订金在合同履行过程中可做为预付款,余款金额为¥ 。在乙方收到甲方全额货款后,按交货日期2个工作日发货。优先采用现金结算,如采用电汇或划帐结算,银行手续费由甲方负责。
Terms of payment: Party A should pay 50% ¥: deposit of value total in advanced.
The rest ¥: should be cash on delivery. After the deposit and all details confirmed. Within 2 days , Party B should finish all the delivery. Give priority to the cash ttlement,If u wire transfer or strokes account ttlement, the bank charges by party A is responsible for.
六 交货日期:在下列第 条确认后 日交货,如选多项日期,以最迟日期为准。如部分定作物须修改、重作或更换,此期间不计入交货日期内。
A、合同签署日期contract signing date; B、预付款到乙方帐日期the advance payment to party B his date; C、样板确认日期sample confirmed date; D、规格清单确定日期specifications list confirmed date。
Delivery time短裙英语怎么说: The goods should be deliveried after confirmed within daysbeforelong , it should be subject to the latest date if there are many dates can be choo . If there are some goods should be modify, remake, or replace , this time will not be include in the delivery dates.
七 交货地点:按以下第 条约定。
Delivery Place: According to for the agreement.
A. 乙方送货至甲方场所,运费及在途保险由乙方负责;
Party B delivery the goods to party A , the freight and insurance should be pay by party B;
B. 乙方代办托运,运费及在途保险由甲方负责,交货日期以承运商开单日期为准。
Party B consign for shipment, the freight and insurance should be pay by party A, the delivery date is subject to the carrier.
angloParty A pick up the goods from partyB’s factory, the return expens and transportation risk is subject to party A.
八 双方权利和义务:
exciteThe rights and obligations:
Right and obligation of Party A:
Party A should compensate for the loss, if party A change the requirements of the products and cau a loss to party B ;
2.甲方收到乙方货物时,应及时进行数量检验,并签收送货单或开具入仓单。如现场无法及时检验质量的,应在 3天 时间内完成检验,如有质量问题,应在三个工作日内书面通知乙方,怠于通知,视为定作物的质量符合约定;
Party A receives the goods from party B, check the quantity timely, sign the delivery note or draw the warehou receipttinkle . If can not check the quality on the scene timelysynergy, should be complete inspection within 3 days, party A should be notice to party B within 3 working
days if find any quality problems,without any notification, regard as the quality of the products comply to the contract;
The contract without any special agreement, delivery time and place shall be the single time and the single location. If Party A requests more time or place delivery, in terms of the contract shall be added statement, without any special statement, party A shall compensate party B added fees.
Right and obligation of Party B: