High Temperature Oxidation of TiAlN Thin Films for
Memory Devices
期刊名称: Integrated Ferroelectrics
tasty作者: Park, Sang-Shik,Yoon, Soon-Gil
年份: 2002年
resultfrom期号: 第1期
关键词: integration process;PZT thin films;ZnO thin films;sol-gel;etching
sbb摘要:TiAlN film is promising candidate as an electric barrier layer for integration of high permittivity oxides and ferroelectrics in advanced memory devices. TiAlN
thin films of various compositions were prepared on poly-Si substrates by reactive magnetron sputtering. The power applied to Al target was changed to obtain the various atomic ratio of Al in TiAlN
films and the oxidation behaviors of films were studied in the temperature range of 650 ∼800 using rapid thermal annealing (RTA) system. The atomic ratio of Al in TiAlN films affected the microstructure and oxidation behavior of films. The aluminum-rich oxide layer was formed on the surface of film due to the outward diffusion of Al ions during oxidation. Protective layer formed on the surface is a AlTiNO layer and this oxide layer played a role as日文翻译器在线翻译>英文邮箱
america ferrera
sour的音标the barrier