do badly in the exam造句
1. I feel really disappointed that I did badly in the exam, even though I studied hard for it.在线翻译日语
2. If you do badly in the exam, don't beat yourlf up about it. Just try harder next time.
3. Doing badly in the exam made me doubt my abilities as a student.
4. Despite doing badly in the exam, I refud to give up on my academic goals.
5. Doing badly in the exam was a wake-up call for me to start taking my studies more riously.
6. I was afraid of doing badly in the exam, so I spent countless hours studying for it.
7. My parents were disappointed when they found out I did badly in the exam.
马尔克斯去世8. Doing badly in the exam forced me to take a hard look at my study habits and figure out what wasn't working.alpaca
9. I was surprid to find out that some of my classmates who did badly in the exam also studied hard.
10. After doing badly in the exam, I sought help from my teachers to improve my grades.兰州新东方
army11. Doing badly in the exam taught me that intelligence isn't everything; hard work and perverance also play a big role in success.
12. Even though I did badly in the exam, I refud to let it define me as a student.
13. I was determined to do better in the next exam, after doing badly in the previous one.交传
审时度势意思14. Doing badly in the exam made me realize that grades are not the only measure of success.
15. I felt embarrasd when my classmates found out that I did badly in the exam.
英语六级听力真题下载16. Doing badly on one exam doesn't mean all hope is lost. There's always a chance to make things right.