www cet edu cn高考3500词汇乱序版 open up your dream
Activity 1 – Context Diagram韩语在线翻译器
hat怎么读语音Twebsite design
his diagram is one possible solution bad on the meeting transcript in Exhibit 2.1 of Milestone 2 plus the u-ca (event/respon) matrix in Exhibit 6.1. Note that this solution includes flows from all major events from the u-ca (event/respon) matrix other than p
ure maintenance events. Ensure that the students label the data flows and entities correctly. Also remember that data flows are not allowed between entities.
Activity 2 – Event Decomposition Diagram
ften the subsystem division is somewhat arbitrary. For CTTS the division is fairly obvious since part of the system will be Internet-accessible and part will not. Students, however, may come up with and be able to justify different divisions. The Enter New Client event could be placed in either subsystem; presumably the two subsystems will share data so that a client entered in one will be available in the other.