It is becoming increasingly clear that experience is the best teacher (Thomas and Chee, 2005). I remember my first residential in Buxton as if it were yesterday. The memorable experience has, directly and profoundly, influenced my fundamental understanding of teamwork. The purpo of the essay is to make an individual lf-critical analysis through the introspection of my strengths and weakness in team-working, communication skills, effective leadership and time management.
It is my honor to be one of Team B6, who outstanding performance was well recognized. The more important thing is the cour brought home to me the value of teamwork.
arbitraryFirst and foremost, a team role is a proclivity to behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a particular way (Belbin, 2003). The esntial benefit from teamwork is that it produces outcome rapidly
and reasonably through the free exchange of ideas, information, and knowledge when suitably managed. Everyone of our team spared no effort to fulfill the task. It was the best evidence that we got the cond position of “Town Trail”at the start of residential. Plunging into practices with enormous enthusiasm is cloly related to success.
Moreover, building trust may em a typical challenge for any team (Kirkman et al., 2002), especially like us from the different cultural backgrounds. We made a success in “Stepping Stones”; nevertheless, we failed in “3D Puzzle” as a result of the lack of
trust despite the fact that the time was sufficient. It is unwi to trust people whom you do not know well, whom you have not obrved in action over time (Handy, 1995). Hence in the future virtual team, we should build much reliance by frequent face-to-face interaction.
Last but not least, high-quality planning under the efficient leadership is the vital way to victory. All the teams need to have meetings before making rious plan and decision (Hall, 1999). However, it also brings disagreement and conflict. A large number of people had difficulty in communicating with 英语周报答案网
the negative emotions (Hall, 1999). The key to a successful performance appraisal is to structure the ssion so that both parties view it as a problem-solving process instead of a fault-finding process (Wells and Spinks, 1997). An efficient leader can exert an influence on coinciding with each other. To ensure a plan's success, he needs to continually revisit it to e if it requires fine-tuning (Stewart and Powell, 2004). Just as in “Walker”, I was the leader facing the different opinions at the meeting beforehand. We made a agreed decision after I managed to explain all the doubts. Finally, we got the full score in this task. The key to my success is that “you must always look downwards first before you look upwards” (Stewart and Powell, 2004).
Communication Skillscreepin up on you
It is conceivable that communication plays an important role in the team which consists of persons in different races, cultures, and pronunciations. “Communication can produce a group-centered, co-operative perspective among members”(Hayes, 1997). Our main barrier to communication was pronunciation. That was the reason why we were disastrous in “Team Ski”. We misunderstood the words from the leader due to his poor pronunciation. The barrier disappeared gradually in the wake of increa in our communication as it should be.
emmentalFurthermore, I apprehended that good communication should come from the heart
(Bland, 1998). An excellent communication is bad on respect for each other. The best method of attaining the esteem from others is to trust in others, stand on dignity and pay attention to behaviors due to different cultures. That is the reason why we succeeded in fulfilling “Blindfold Square”.
Nothing is more important than to asss onelf through a lf-critical reflective analysis. There is a general belief that lf-awareness will have a positive effect on performance (Fletcher and Bailey, 2003).
My strengths can be found from succeeding in accomplishing the task, such as enthusiasm, the n of responsibility, conciliating the disagreements,and skating over the difficulties.
The significance lies in the fact that I am fully aware of my weakness now. For one thing, my oral English is relatively poor compared with the classmates from other countries. It hampers the explanation of my thoughts. For another, comparatively speaking, I am timid and lf-distrust. It is the reason that I misd many opportunities to reveal the ability.
There is an old saying that lookers-on e more than players. I believe that understanding ourlves and becoming more lf-aware is the significant component of the process of personal transformation (England, 2002).
Organizations feel that teams are more effective than individuals becau team members can share monitor the behavior of their teammates (Mathieu et al., 2000). The team benefited the most from the knowledge held by the team member who
occupied the most critical position in the workflow (Ellis et al., 2005). Correspondingly, one thing that was of the same importance as the above mentioned was the feedback both from my colleagues and the tutors; so that I could know my achievements, weakness and the adoptions we should take for the next move.
In addition, I drew a lesson from “Team Orienteering” in terms of time management. It is very necess
ary to get the priorities right and manage the time correctly with the intention of clearing the tasks before the deadline.
It is only the first step is to gain greater understanding and awareness of ourlves. What is more, it requires an inner revolution to realize what I imagine I might be (England, 2002).
Teams alike that are given a high degree of responsibility and that are expected to work with incread flexibility claim substantial improvements in morale, job satisfaction, productivity and quality (McGreevy, 2006). In the meantime, we can also improve communication skills, get lf-awareness and realize lf-management. Everyone is less than perfect. It is this that necessitates conscious teamwork. I believe it will certainly profit me to build up my lf-confidence.I will do my utmost to achieve the goal in life.
Word sum: 1001
Belbin, R.M., 2003. What are Belbin® Team Roles [online]. Available from: /belbin-team-roles.htm [accesd 21 November 2006].
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