20th Modernism
Thomas Sterns Eliot 托马斯·斯特尔那斯·艾略特
Eliot, T. S. (26 Sep. 1888-4 Jan. 1965) is a poet, literary critic, and dramatist.
He was a leader of the modernist movement in English poetry and a great innovator of ver technique. He profoundly influenced 20th century English poetry between WWI and World War II.
wife什么意思In 1948, he won the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Main works:
(1) northwardPoems
<The Waste Land>
求职信怎么写 <Four Quartets>四个四重奏
③ <The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock>
(2) Plays
oppo手机广告曲 <Murder In The Cathedral> 大教堂谋杀案
Writing style:
1. Eliot’s poetry was becoming noted for its fresh visual imagery, its flexible tone, and highly expressive rhythm.
2. Eliot’s poetry is difficult to read.
a. For one thing the images and symbols em very much disconnected
b. An obvious source of difficult lies in his learned quotations and allusions.
3. Eliot piles up a heap of images, visual, auditory, olfactory, and more for the readers to figure out what is being said. (Take an example of The winter Evening Settles Down)
4. Dramatic monologue (Thethe fountainhead Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock)音乐英语
1. He was the most successful literary dictator in American literary history, who wielded the most decisive influence over literary development for a long time.
2. A leader of the modernist movement in English poetry.
3. A great innovator of new ver technique.
4. Postmodernist poems.雅思学习技巧
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
怎样才能快速美白This poem marked the start of Eliot’s career as one of the 20th century's most influential poets.id是什么
“Prufrock" is about a lonely, timid middle-aged man who, lacking lf-confidence, wants to propo marriage to a lady but is afraid to do so, and ultimately does not.