Product name: Alkenox P-100 Date of issue : 2008. 08. 07 1. Product and company identification
a. Product name:Alkenox P-100
◦Chemical Name:Di-(4-tert-butylcyclohexyl)peroxydicarbonate
b. Recommended u of the chemical and
restrictions on u
◦Recommended u:Reaction initiator for industrial u
party◦restrictions on u:When I u it by others u out of advice u, I am absolutely no
c. Information on
◦Company name:Empions Co., Ltd.
apart from◦address: 753-19 WONSANRY, ONSAN-EUP, ULJU-GUN,ULSAN, KOREA
◦information rvice no: 052-239-0970~2
◦ Fax: 052-239-0973
◦emergency contact no: 052-240-9512
◦responsible department: Empions Co., Ltd / R&D center
2. Hazards identification
a. Hazard classification :Organic peroxides Type C
Acute toxic substance (Oral:not applicable,
Dermal:no data available, Inhalation:no data available)
Skin Irritant Category 2
Substance causing rious eye irritant Category 2A
b. Label elements including precautionary
◦Signal words:Danger
◦Hazard statements:Heating may cau a fire.
Caus skin irritation
Cau rious eye irritation.
can you feelingProduct name: Alkenox P-100 Date of issue : 2008. 08. 07◦Precautionary statements
precautionary:Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces.
– No smoking.
Keep/Store away from clothing combustible materials.
Keep only in original container.
Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection face
Wash hands thoroughly after handling.
Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product.
Countermeasure:IF ON SKIN: Gently wash with plenty of soap and water.
If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention.
Take off contaminated clothing and wash before reu.
IF IN EYES: Rin cautiously with water for veral minutes.
Remove contact lens, if prent and easy to do. Continue
If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention.
Storage:Protect from sunlight..
Store away from other materials.
Store at temperatures not exceeding 15°C. Keep cool.
Disposal:The product may be dispod under controlled incineration and in
agreement with local and national legislation
no data available
c. Other hazards which do not result in
3. Composition/Information on ingredients
Chemical Name CAS No Content (%)
4. First aid measures
a. Eye contact:Rin immediately with plenty of water. Ensure adequate flushing
of the eyes by parating the eyelids with fingers. Then ek
medical advice.
b. Skin contact:Wash skin with soap and plenty of water. Seek medical advice.manufacturing
Product name: Alkenox P-100 Date of issue : 2008. 08. 07 c. Inhalation:Bring victim to the fresh air. In doing so, obrve lf-protection.
Seek medical advice immediately.
d. Ingestion:Rin mouth thoroughly with water and then drink copious
amounts of water. Do not induce vomiting. Seek medical advice
e. Most important acute and delayed
no data available
f. First aid and notes for physicians:There is no specific antidote, and cure for support by a symptom.
5. Fire-Fighting measures
a.Suitable (and unsuitable) extinguishing
◦Suitable extinguishing media:U water spray, alcohol-resistant foam, dry chemical or carbon
◦unsuitable extinguishing media:Halon fire extinguishers
b. Specific hazards arising from the chemical
6. Accidental relea measures
a. Measures required for personal
protection and protective equipment:Wear respiratory protection
Wear personal protective equipment
b. Measures required for environment
protection:If the product contaminates rivers and lakes or drains inform respective authorities.
Do not allow material to contaminate ground water system. Do not contaminate water.
Avoid subsoil penetration.
Do not let product enter drains.
c. Clean-up and removal method:Remove mechanically and with care (e.g. with clean polyethylene
plastic shovel).
Product name: Alkenox P-100 Date of issue : 2008. 08. 07
Contain and collect spillage with non-combustible absorbent
sand, earth, diatomaceous earth, vermiculite) and
place in container for disposal according to local / national
7. Handling and storage
a. Precautions for safe handling:Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Wear personal
protective equipment.
At the end of work and before breaks, hands should be washed.
U with adequate ventilation.
b. Conditions for safe storage (including
incompatibilities):The product should be stored in the clod supply container at temperatures below15°C.
Keep away from ignition and heat sources (e.g. direct sun light). Avoid impurities (e.g. rust, dust, ash), risk of decomposition. Peroxide residues must not be returned into the original container, danger of decomposition!
8. Exposure controls & personal protection
a. Exposure limits of the chemical substance,
biological exposure limits and etc.:
no data available
b. Appropriate engineering controls:no data available
c.Personal protective equipment
◦Protection of respiratory system:Wear suitable respiratory protection.
◦Eye protection:Wear suitable protective eye.
◦Hand protection:Wear suitable protective gloves.
◦Body protection:Do not eat, drink or smoke while handling the product.
At the end of work and before breaks, hands should be washed.
Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Wear personal
protective equipment.
9. Physical and chemical properties
a. Appearance White powder
Product name: Alkenox P-100 Date of issue : 2008. 08. 07关于高考的英语作文
b. Odor faint
c. Odor threshold no data available
d. pH no data available
e. Melting point/freezing point82 °C Decompos before melting
f. Initial boiling point and boiling range not applicable
g. Flash point 63 °C Method: ISO 3679, Seta-Flash
h. Evaporation rate no data available
i. Flammability (solid, gas)no data available
酵母是什么意思j. Upper/lower flammable or explosive limits no data available
k. Vapor pressure23,38 hPa at 20 °C water
l. Solubility<25 mg/kg (Water25℃)
m. Vapor density0.895 g/㎤ at 20℃
n. Specific gravity0.50 g/cm3 at 20 °C
o. Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water no data available
p. Auto-ignition temperature no data available
q. Decomposition temperature45 °C Method: SADT (UN test H.4)
r. Viscosity not applicable
s. Molecular weight398.5 g/mol
10. Stability and reactivity
a. Chemical stability:Stable under recommended storage conditions.
b. Possibility of hazardous reactions:Vapours may form explosive mixture with air.
desrt怎么读c. Conditions to avoid:Keep away from heat and sources of ignition
d. Incompatible materials:Rapid decomposition by dirt, rust, chemicals in Particular
concentrated acids, alkalis and accelerators
(e.g. heavy-metal compounds and amines)..人教版七年级上册英语
e. Hazardous decomposition products: Carbon dioxide(CO2) 4-tert-butylcyclohexanol
11. Toxicological information
a. Information on the likely routes of exposure
Product name: Alkenox P-100 Date of issue : 2008. 08. 07◦Eye: no data available
b. Delayed and immediate effects and chronic
effects from short or long term exposure
◦Acute oral toxicity: LD50(oral,rat) 2000mg/kg 이상
◦Acute dermal toxicity:no data available
◦Acute inhalation toxicity:no data available
◦Skin corrosion/irritation: Caus skin irritation
◦Serious eye damage/eye irritation:Cau rious eye irritation.
◦Respiratory nsitization:no data available
◦Skin nsitization: no data available
◦Carcinogenicity: no data available
◦Germ cell mutagenicity: no data available
◦Reproductive toxicity: no data available
no data available
◦Specific target organ toxicity
(single exposure):
no data available
◦Specific target organ toxicity (repeated
◦Aspiration hazard no data available
C. Numerical measures of toxicity (acute
no data available
toxicity estimation):
12. Ecological information
a. Aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicity:no data available
b. Persistence and degradability no data available
c. Bioaccumulation :no data available
d. Mobility in soil : EC5064 mg/l
e. Other adver effects:no data available
13. Disposal considerations
a. Disposal methods:Dispo of in conjunction with appropriate waste disposal
authorities and in accordance with disposal regulations.
b. Precautions for disposal:I make the time once throughput to burn up under 1kg at the