Concomitant cretion by A431 cells of tissue plasminogen activator and a specific inhibitor masks EGF modulation of tPA activity.
期刊名称: Thrombosis & Haemostasis
toro作者: F George,N Pourreau-Schneider,B Boutiere,D Arnoux,B Boutiére,Y
for one more dayBerthois,P M Martin,J Sampol
年份: 1990年
gamble期号: 第03期
摘要:It has previously been reported that EGF enhances uPA but not tPA in the A431 squamous carcinoma cell line. To determine whether the abnce of tPA modulation by EGF reflected steady levels or the action of an anti-activator, we assayed tPA, PAI-1 and tPA/PAI-1 complexes by zymograph
freyja>febey and immunological assays. Under conditions in which EGF had no effect on tPA activity, tPA antigen paradoxically incread with a concomitant ri of tPA/PAI-1 complexes. This indicated that tPA was rapidly inactivated through the formation of a complex, immunologically and electrophoretically related to tPA/PAI-1. tPA antigen and tPA/PAI-1 complexes were modulated by EGF in a time and concentration dependent manner. PAI-1 antigen was creted into A431 medium (CM) after a lag pha of 16 h in both control andEGF-treated cultures. Evidence is maintenance是什么意思