others什么意思nRFready Desktop (nRF6900) Hardware Description v1.0
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March 2009
nRFready Desktop Hardware Description Liability disclaimer
Nordic Semiconductor ASA rerves the right to make changes without further notice to the product to improve reliability, function or design. Nordic Semiconductor ASA does not assume any liability arising out of the application or u of any product or circuits described herein.
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Revision History
Date Version Description March 2009 1.0
nRFready Desktop Hardware Description
1Introduction (5)magnat
1.1Prerequisites (5)
1.2Writing Conventions (5)
2nRF6901-nRFready Desktop USB dongle (6)
2.1Introduction (6)
2.2Key hardware features (6)
2.3Hardware photographs (7)
2.4Block diagram (8)
2.5Schematics (9)
2.5.1Power supply (9)
2.5.2Matching network (9)
2.5.3Antenna (9)
2.6Bill of Materials (11)
2.7PCB specification (12)
2.8PCB layout plots (12)
2.9Schematics and layout files (13)
2.10Regulatory pre-compliance testing results (13)
3nRF6902 – nRFready Desktop keyboard (14)
3.1Introduction (14)
3.2Key hardware features (14)
3.3Hardware photographs (15)
3.4Block diagram (16)
3.5Schematics (16)
3.5.1nRF2720 - nRFgo nFR24LE1 7x7mm Development Kit radio module (16)
3.5.2Motherboard (nRF6410) (16)
3.5.3Adapter board (nRF6411) (18)
3.5.4Keyboard matrix (18)
3.6PCB Specification (20)
3.7Schematics and layout files (21)
4nRF6903-nRFready Desktop computer mou (22)
4.1Introduction (22)南京英语翻译
2012年5月4.2Key hardware features (22)
4.3Hardware photographs (22)
4.4Block diagram (24)
4.5Schematics (25)
4.5.1Power supply and battery monitoring (26)
4.5.2Matching network (27)
4.5.3Antenna (27)
4.5.4Lar nsor (27)
4.5.5Scroll wheel encoding (27)
4.5.63x4 button matrix (28)
4.6Bill of materials (28)
4.7PCB Specification (30)
nRFready Desktop Hardware Description 4.8PCB layout plots (31)
4.9Schematics and layout files (31)
4.10Regulatory pre-compliance testing results (32)
5nRF6904 - nRFready Desktop remote control (33)
5.1Introduction (33)
5.2Key hardware features (33)
5.3Hardware photographs (34)
5.4Block diagram (35)
5.5Schematics (35)annual
5.5.1Power supply (36)
5.5.2Matching network (37)
5.5.3Antenna (37)
5.5.4 6 x 5 button matrix (37)
5.6Bill of materials (38)
5.7PCB Specification (40)
5.8PCB layout plots (40)
5.9Schematics and layout fil (42)
5.10Regulatory pre-compliance testing results (42)
6References (43)
nRFready Desktop Hardware Description
1 Introduction
This document gives an overview of the nRFready Desktop hardware. The kit includes the following hardware items:
•nRF6901 – nRFready Desktop USB dongle
documentary•nRF6902 – nRFready Desktop keyboard
•nRF6903 - nRFready Desktop computer mou
•nRF6904 - nRFready Desktop remote control
Figure 1. nRFready Desktop hardware
1.1 Prerequisites
To fully understand this Hardware Description a background in software development and/or electronics is required. The nRFready Desktop Urs Guide must also be read.
1.2 Writing Conventions
更换This ur guide follows a t of typographic rules that makes the document consistent and easy to read. The following writing conventions are ud:
•Commands are written in Courier.
•File names and Ur Interface components are written in bold.
•Cross references are underlined and highlighted in blue.
tax day
nRFready Desktop Hardware Description 2 nRF6901-nRFready Desktop USB dongle
2.1 Introduction
The nRFready Desktop USB dongle is a single chip ultra miniature dongle that us the nRF24LU1+ SoC solution from Nordic Semiconductor. This dongle is a complete and production-ready reference design for the nRF24LU1+ bad USB dongle down to the actual mechanics and plastic.
The whole circuitry except the antenna is placed inside the USB connector itlf to significantly reduce length of the USB dongle, yet offers an operating range comparable to full size USB dongles.
The USB dongle is a production ready design that has Gerber files and Altium Designer 6 files that can be ud in their current form or modified to develop your own design.
The nRFready Desktop USB dongle is USB compatible but not USB compliant. To be USB compliant the USB connector ud must comply with the connectors outlined in the USB standard. Non compliance will be the ca for all ultra-miniature USB dongles fitting the electronics inside the connector. All other USB compliance test parameters are met. The design has been tested in a certified lab on key RF parameters for the purpo of demonstrating compliance with ETSI 300-440, FCC CFR 47 paragraph 15.247 and Industry Canada RSS-210 Issue 7.
Figure 2. nRFready Desktop USB dongle
2.2 Key hardware features
The nRFready Desktop USB dongle has the following key hardware features:
•Ultra miniature USB dongle
X20 x 12 x 4.5mm
•Full mechanical design
• 2 layer, single side mounted PCB
•Meander type PCB antenna
•15m range
•USB compatible
•ETSI 300-440, FCC CFR 47 paragraph 15.247 and Industry Canada RSS-210 Issue 7 pre-compli-ance test reports
•nRF device: nRF24LU1P-F32Q32