A mesh could not be generated using the current meshing options and ttings. Hint: The problem geometry areas might have been highlighted. Switching to wireframe mode may make them more visible.
时间:2marry me什么意思021.03.09 | 创作:欧阳法 |
alnico | |
Insufficient memory was available for the solver engine to obtain a solution. Try simplifying the model to reduce problem size. Plea e the Troubleshooting ction of the ANSYS Workbench Help System for more information.
内存不足是解算器引擎可以获得一个解决方案。试着简化模型来减少问题的大小。请参见故障排除部分ANSYS Workbench帮助系统的更多信息。
The detected initial penetration/gap is relatively large for certain contact pairs. This may pro
duce inaccurate results for Bonded and No Separation contacts using formulation other than MPC. This large penetration/gap can be identified by generating the initial contact results.
At least one body has been found to have only 1 element in at least 2 directions along with reduced integration. This situation can lead to invalid results. Consider changing to full integration element control or meshing with more elements. Refer to Troubleshooting in the Help System for more details.midgets
竖琴英文Quad map meshing failed becau a surface appears to be narrow with many boundary edges which could not be properly paired up for meshing. Using hard size controls on the boundary edges to force the same number of divisions may help to successfully generate a mapped mesh.
The solution process was aborted as you requested.
During this solution, the elapd time exceeded the CPU time by an excessive margin. Often this indicates either a lack of physical memory (RAM) required to efficiently handle this simulation or it indicates a particularly slow hard drive configuration. This simulation can be expected to run faster on identical hardware if additional RAM or a faster hard drive configuration is made available. For more details, plea e the ANSYS Performance Guide which is part of the ANSYS Help system.
vrmgenerate mesh on lected bodies
preview surface generate mesh on lected bodies
add offt no ramping
eastern standard time
streak时间:2021.03.09 | 创作:欧阳法 |
2018四级成绩查询入口 | |