课 程 设 计
题 目: 超声波测距
院 (系): 人有悲欢离合 月有阴晴圆缺的意思信息与通信工程
专 业: 有过之无不及通信工程
学 号:
指导教师: 武小年
职 称: 副教授
摘 要smart car
Ultrasonic wave has strong pointing to nature ,slowly energy consumption ,propagating distance farther ,so, in utilizing the scheme of distance finding that nsor technology and
automatic control technology combine together ,ultrasonic wave finds range to u the most general one at prent ,it applies to guard against theft , move backward the radar , water level measuring , building construction site and some industrial scenes extensively。
This subject has introduced principle and characteristic of the ultrasonic nsor in detail ,on the basis of analyzing principle that ultrasonic wave finds range ,the systematic thinking and questions needed to consider that have pointed out that designs and finds range ,provide low cost , the hardware circuit of high accuracy , ultrasonic range finder of miniature digital display and software design method taking STC89c52 as the core ,this circuit of system is reasonable in design, working stability, performance good measuring speeding soon , calculating simple , apt to accomplish real-time control ,and can reach industry's practical demand in measuring the precision 。
Key Words: Ultrasonic wave; One-chip computer; Range finding; STC89c52
目哈马斯是什么意思 录
引言 1
all in什么意思中文1 超声波测距原理 1
1.1 超声波发生器的种类 1
1.2 压电式超声波发生器原理 1
1.3 超声波测距原理 1
中学生英语学习报1.4 设计任务及要求 2
2 单片机STC89C52RC 3
2.1 单片机简介 3
2.2 单片机引脚功能 3
3 系统组成 4
4 系统硬件设计 5
4.1 超声波发射电路 5
4.2 超声波接收电路 5
4.3 超声波传感器 5
4.4 显示电路 6
4.5 外围电路 6
4.6 电路原理图 6
4.7 PCB .........................................................7
5 系统软件设计 8
softbank5.1 主程序 8
5.2 中断服务程序 9
6 调试过程 10
6.1 使用仪器设备................................................10
6.2 调试中的问题及解决方案......................................10
6.3 实物图......................................................11
7 总结 13
谢辞 14