常用医学术语(Common medical terms)
Common medical terms
Common medical terms
[basic aspects of ultrasound]
Ultrasonic imaging, ultrasonic, imaging
Real time imaging real-time imaging
Gray scale display gray, scale, display
Color steps display color, scale, display
duelTranscranial Doppler, transcranial, Doppler
航空公司英文Color Doppler flow imaging, color, Doppler, flow, imaging Color flow angiography, color, flow, angiography
Color Doppler energy diagram color, Doppler, energy
Color energy map color, power, angio
Endoscopic ultrasonography, ultrasound, endoscope Ultrasound catheter ultrasound, catheter
boredIntravascular ultrasound intravascular, ultrasound
Intravascular ultrasound imaging intravascular, ultrasonic, imaging
Intraluminal ultrasound imaging intraluminal, ultrasonic, imaging
Intracardiac ultrasound imaging endoluminal, sonography, intracardiac, ultrasonic, imaging
Endoscopic ultrasonography scanning endoscopic ultrasonography
Endoscopic ultrasonography Endosonography
Cystoscopy, ultrasonography, cystosonography
Colposcopy ultrasound technique Vaginosonography
Transvaginal color Doppler imaging, transvaginal, color, Doppler, imaging
Transrectal ultrasound scan, transrectal, ultrasonography
Transrectal ultrasound (technique) rectosonography
Transurethral scanning of transurethral scanning
Interventional ultrasound, interventional, ultrasound
Intraoperative ultrasound monitoring intraoperative, ultrasonic, monitoring
Ultrasound guided percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography, ultrasound, guided, percutaneous, transhepatic, cholangiography
Ultrasound guided percutaneous ethanol injection of US, guided, percutaneous, alcohol, injection
Ultrasound guided percutaneous gallbladder drainage: US, guided, percutaneous, gallbladder, bile, drainage
Ultrasound guided percutaneous aspiration of US, guided, percutaneous, aspiration
Ultrasound guided fetal tissue biopsy: US, guided, fetal, tissue, biopsy
Ultrasound guided percutaneous transhepatic portal venography, US, guided, percutaneous, transhepatic, portography
Three dimensional display three, dimensional, display
D image reconstruction, 3D, image, reconstruction
Tissue characterization imaging tissue, specific, imaging女士们先生们英文
Dynamic imaging, dynamic, imaging
Digital imaging, digital, image
Angiography angiography
Ultrasonography, echography, sonography
Sonogram sonogram, echogram
Multi purpo probe multipurpo scanner
Broadband probe wide-band probe
Phad array phad array probe phad, annular, array, probe
Intraoperative probe intraoperative, porbe
Puncture CPOSbw./bbs/SaveAnnounce.aB3 tube probe transophagel probeadorable
Transophageal echocardiography, probe transophagel, echocardiography, probe
Vaginal probe transvaginal probe
Rectal probe transrectal, probe
Urethral probe transurethral probe
Bladder probe intervesical, probe
9006Endoluminal probe intracavitary probe
Intracavity probe endo-probe
Catheters, ultrasound probes, catheter-bad, US, probe Scan mode scan mode
Linear array linear array
Convex array convex array
Fan scan ctor scanning
Sensor nsor
Transducer transducer
Amplifier amplifier
Damper buffer
Demodulator and detector demodulator
Trigger trigger
Zero adjustment zero adjustment
jtagCalibration and correction calibration
Fast time constant circuit fast, time, constant Automatic gain control, automatic, gain, control
Depth gain compensation depth, gain, compensation