lycra退休金计划 pension plan
科学管理 scientific management
任务设计 task design
集体谈判 collective bargaining
职工 staff
业务部门 operational departments
作业设计 job design
医疗保健福利 health-care benefits
机构重组 organizational restructuring
员工参与管理法 participative management
工作丰富化 job enrichment
免职,撤换 displacement
学费英文人力资源管理 Human Resource Management
惩戒 discipline
企业内部互联网 intranet
外包 outsourcing
新职介绍 outplacement
劳动法的遵守 labor law compliance
档案记录 record keeping
失业补偿金 unemployment compensation
福利管理 benefits administration
工作描述 job description
高级管理人员报酬 executive compensation
激励工资 incentive pay
工作评价 job evaluation
loans休假管理 vacation-leave administration
退休计划 retirement plan
利润分享 profit sharing
股权计划 stock plan
雇员援助计划 employee assistance program
雇员的重新安置 relocation rvice
自我服务 lf-rvice
员工态度调查 attitude surveys
劳工关系 labor relations
修炼 wellness
精神契约 psychological contract
工作配置 job posting
gct真题工资 payroll administration
基层部门经理 line manager
grid rvice成本-收益效用 cost-benefit utility
职业病 occupational dia
压力综合症 stress-related illness
晋升制度 advancement system
合理解雇 termination for cau
减员 reduction in force
甄选程序 lection process
受贿 take bribes
索要回扣 demand kickbacks
档案审核 reference checks
账本底线 bottom line
人力资源规划 human resource planning
福利管理 benefits administration
人员档案记录 personnel record keeping
零库存管理 just-in-time inventory control
全面质量管理 Total Quality Management
质量圈 quality circles
授权 empowerment
规模经济 economies of scale
裁减 downsizing
技能储备 skill inventory
继任计划,接班人计划 succession planning
绩效评估 performance appraisal
工作家族 job family
business letter工作规范 job specification
问卷调查法 questionnaire method
访谈法 interview method
现场工作日记、日志法 participant diary/logs method
工作公告和工作投标 job posting and bidding
个人证明材料检查 reference checks
实际岗位演习 Realistic Job Preview
事业高原 career plateau
裁员 downsizing
行为构建级别 behaviorally bad scales
行为观察级别 Behavior Obrvation Scales
强迫分配法 forced distribution
联合规划委员会 joint planning ssion
目标管理法 Management-By-Objective
360度反馈系统 360-degree feedback system
职业规划 career planning
交叉培训 cross-training
工作轮换,职位轮流 job rotation
角色扮演,角色模仿 role playing
任务确定法 task identification
1、 What traditionally were called“ personnel departments” now are usually termed “human resource departments.”But more than the name has changed. The focus of such departments has shifted ,and their responsibilities have expanded.传统中的被称作“人事
2、 Human resource management(HRM)refers to the policies, practices, and systems that influence employees’ behavior, attitudes, and performance.人力资源管理涉及到政策、实践和影响员工行为、态度和绩效的系统。
3、 Applicants who are likely to steal from their employer, take bribes, demand kickbacks, violate the law, or work under the influence of drugs sometimes may be identified by careful background investigation, reference checks, or paper-pencil honesty testing.那些很可能偷雇主东西、受贿、索要回扣、违法和在药物影响下工作的求职者很有可能被仔细的调查背景、审核档案、笔试诚实测试。
4、 In the strategic view of HRM, the functional duties as listed above remain important. Indeed, hiring, training, and providing pay and benefits to employees are esntial tasks that must be accomplished in any organization.在战略性的HRM的观点中,上面列出的职能性职责依然是很重要的。确实,雇佣、培训、给员工提供报酬和福利都是必要的任务,
5、 Within the configurational approach to SHRM, the effectiveness of HRM in enhancing a firm’s competitive advantage and success depends on a t, or bundle, of HR practices rather than on any single HR program or policy.在SHRM的结构性管理中,HRM的效力就是增加一个公司的竞争优势,并且成功的依靠于一套或一系列的HR实践而不是单一的HR计划或者政策。
6、 Obviously, the appropriate structure for the HR function will depend on the nature of the firm’s business activity, the firm’s size, and its overall business strategy.显然,HR功能适当的结构,将取决于公司商业活动的性质,公司的规模,和他们整体经营战略。
7、human resource planning is the sum total of the plan formulated for the recruiting ,screening ,compensation ,training ,job structure ,promotion ,and work rules of an organization's human resource.人力资源规划是一个组织人力资源招募、甄选、工资、培训、工作结构、晋升和工作规则的计划规划的总和。
8. An environmental scan may address a number of external factors: economic ,social ,and political trends and developments in labor markets;labor relations; governmental affairs; and HR policies and practices in other firms.一个环境扫描也许能罗列出若干外部因素:其他公司劳动力市场的经济、社会、政治倾向和发展、劳动关系、政府事务、HR政策和实践。
9、Demand forecasts frequently involve analyzing pas trend and productivity levels ,linking business plans to productivity levels ,and projecting future needs.需求预测频繁涉及到分析过去的倾向和生产力水平,联系经营计划与生产力水平,预测未来的需求。
10、A task is distinct ,identifiable work activity compod of motions ,whereas a duty is a larger work gment compod of veral tasks that are performed by an individual.任务是区分开来的,识别出工作活动运动的构成,而职责是一个很大的工作部分,由若干个人执行的任务组成。
11、 while the job description describes activities to be done in the job, job specifications list the knowledge, skills, and abilities(KSAs) an individual needs perform the job satisfact