as large as life 与原物⼀样⼤⼩
as light as thistledown 极轻
as like as chalk and chee 形似⽽实质不同 as like as two peas ⼀模⼀样
as likely as not 很可能
as lively as a cricket 极活泼的
as lively as a grig ⾮常快活
as long as 只要
as luck would have it 碰巧
as mad as a hatter 疯狂地
as mad as a March hare 疯狂地
as mad as a wet hen ⾮常⽣⽓
as many again 再同样多
as many as ⼀样多
as many ⼀样多
as matters stand 照⽬前的情况
as meek as a lamb ⾮常温顺
as merry as a cricket ⾮常快乐
as mild as a dove ⾮常温和
as much again 两倍
as much as I know 就我所知
as much as to say 等于说
as much as 差不多
as much 同样多
as naked as when one was born *
as nimble as a squirrel ⾮常敏捷
as occasion requires 在必要时
as occasion rves 当有利时
as of old 依旧
as old as Adam 极古⽼的
as old as the hills 极古⽼
as one man ⼀致地
as plain as daylight ⼀清⼆楚
as plain as the no in your face ⼀清⼆楚 as plead as Punch ⾮常⾼傲
tornado as poor as a church mou ⾚贫的
as poor as a church ⼀贫如洗
as proud as a peacock ⾮常⾼傲
as punctilious as a Spaniard 极为拘泥于细节 as quick as thought 极快地
as quickly as possible 尽快地
as reason was 根据情理
as regards 关于
绿色之都 as rich as Croesus ⾮常富有
as safe as a hou ⾮常安全
as sharp as a razor 厉害
as smart as a new pin ⾮常漂亮
as snug as a bug in a rug ⾮常舒适
as soon as possible 尽快
as soon as ⽴刻
as sound as a bell ⼗分健全
as stiff as a poker ⽣硬
as straight as a die 绝对真实的
as stupid as an owl 极愚蠢
as such 同样地
as sure as a gun 的确
as the ca may be 看情况
as the ca stands 事实上
as the crow flies 笔直地
as the sparks fly upward 确实⽆疑
as the story goes 据说
princetonreview as thick as thieves 亲密⽆间
as thin as a lath ⾻瘦如柴
as thin as a wafer 极薄
as things are 在⽬前情况下
as though 好象
as time goes on 随着时间的推移
as to 关于
as true as a die 绝对真实
as true as steel 绝对可靠
as warm as a toast 暖烘烘地
as weak as water 极虚弱
as well as 也
as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb ⼀不做⼆不休 as yet ⾄今
As you brew,so you must drink ⾃作⾃受
华特 迪士尼 as 同样地
asafetida 阿魏
asana 瑜珈姿势
asarum 细⾟
asbestine ⽯棉
asbestos ⽯棉
asbestosis ⽯棉沉滞症
北京少儿英语培训 asbestus ⽯棉
ascariasis 蛔⾍病
ascarid 蛔⾍
ascend 攀登
ascendance 优越
ascendancy 优势
ascendant 优势
ascendence 权势
ascendency 优势
ascendent 幸运星
ascender 上升物
ascending 上升
ascension 上升
ascensionist 上升者
Ascensiontide 升天节
ascensive 上升的
ascent 上升
ascertain 确定
ascertainable 可确定
ascertainment 探查
ascetic 禁欲者
ascetically 苦⾏地
asceticism 禁欲主义
Ascham 阿斯克姆
ascidian 海鞘类
ascidium 瓶⼦状器官
ASCII fromat ASCII格式
ascites 腹⽔
Asclepius 阿斯克勒庇俄斯
ascocarp ⼦囊果
ascocarpous ⼦囊果的
ascogonial 产囊体的
ascogonium 产囊体
ascomycete ⼦囊菌类的草
ascomycetous ⼦囊菌类的
ascorbic acid 抗坏⾎酸维⽣素C ascorbic 维⽣素C的
ascospore 囊孢⼦
ascosporic 囊孢⼦的
ascosporous 囊孢⼦的
ascribable 可归于
ascribe to 归于
ascribe 归因于
ascription 归属
ascus ⼦囊
Asdic 潜艇探索器
ASE 美证券交易所
aismatic 耐震的
aity ⾃我存在
amia 指⽰不能
apsis ⽆菌
aptic 防腐剂
apticism ⽆菌法
axual reproduction ⽆性⽣殖 axual ⽆性的
axuality ⽆性
axualize ⽆⽣殖⼒
axually ⽆性地
Asgard 仙宫
ash bin 垃圾桶
ash cart 垃圾桶
ash fire 余烬
ash key 树翅果
ash 灰
ash-bin 废物箱
ashake 摇动的
ashamed 惭愧的
ashcan 垃圾桶
ashen 灰⾊的
ashery 堆灰场
ashes 灰烬
ashimmer 闪闪发光的
ashine 发亮的
ashiver 颤抖的
ashlar 琢⽯
ashlared 长⽅⽯砌成
ashlaring 镶墙⽯板
ashler 琢⽯
ashman 清洁⼯
ashore 向岸地
ashpan 炉⽕盘
ashpit ⽕炉灰坑
ashram 修⾏处所
ashtray 烟灰缸
Ashur 阿舒尔
ashy 灰的
asia minor ⼩亚细亚