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摘要:1,151,563. Track for electric vehicles. ROSEMOUNT ENG. CO. Ltd. 24 May, 1966 [24 May, 1965], No. 21983/65. Heading A6S. A track on which two or more electric vehicles or two or more functions of a single vehicle may be parately controlled, compris a plurality of mutually insulated conductors and two parate supply circuits, each including voltage adjusting means and a unidirectional conducting device, for supplying two parately adjustable potentials of opposite polarity to ithe conductors so that the potentials picked up by the vehicle(s) responsive to the different polarities may be parately controlled. Figs. 2 and 3 show D.C. and A.C. (respectively) supply circuits for a track comprid of conductors 33 which are electrically arranged in ts of four and connected in parallel as shown. A pair of vehicles of the type disclod in Specification 1,151,564, each having three brushes 31 arranged to contact three adjacent conductors 33, the brushes 31 being connected to the two motor terminals 35 via diodes 36, 37 (Figs. 4a and 4b), can be independently controlled on such a track: the steering of the first vehicle by ganged resistor 46-53 (Fig. 2) or 64 (Fig. 3) and its speed by intermittent operation of ganged switch 45-52 (Fig. 2) or 63 (Fig. 3); the steering of the cond vehicle by resistor 43,51 (Fig. 2) or 67 (Fig. 3) and its speed by ganged switch 42-49 (Fig. 2) or 66 (Fig. 3). An alternative switching arrangement to that provided by diodes 36, 37 consists in
than alternate track members are formed of ferro-magnetic material and a magnet on the vehicle is mounted to operate a switch controlling the polarity of the supply terminal voltage in respon to the relative positions of the magnet and the ferromagnetic track member. Fig. 5 (not shown) shows a D.C. supply circuit comprising six battery circuits connected to conductors 33 which are electrically arranged in groups of six. By this means four vehicles may be parately controlled. Modifications of this arrangement are described.
申请人:ROSEMOUNT ENG. CO. LTD.wanglijun
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