Conductors and conductivity
It is usual to consider electric current as a flow of electrons from one point to another through a medium, or even through a vacuum. If the electron flow takes place in a vacuum, as in the ca of electronic valves, the electrons will travel at considerable speeds, since little resistance is offered by the medium, and fewer impacts will occur between the electrons. If the medium is a solid--in which ca the electrons are more tightly packed--the electron flow will be slower.
All substances may be classified electrically as conductors or insulators, according to the degree of resistance which the medium offers to the flow of current. Most liquids, particularly solutions in liquids, are good conductors. Most gas at normal temperature and pressure are good insulators, but gas maintained at low pressure in a aled tube allow a flow of current to take place as a result of ionization of the gas molecules. Solids vary greatly in resistance, some being very good conductors, while others are so resistant t红孩连连看
emba和mba的区别hat they are referred to as insulators. Electric current is normally transmitted along annealed copper wire.gv是什么意思
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The resistance of any material to the flow of current is affected by a number of factors, such as the length and cross-ction of the conductor, and by its resistivity, which is a specific property of the material at a specific temperature. The temperature therefore also has some effect on the resistance of a material: in most cas, an increa in temperature caus an increa in resistance. With certain metals, such as copper or iron, the change in resistance which attends on changes in temperature is relatively large—a fact which is utilized in the resistance thermometer, in which it is possible to measure temperature changes, as in the windings of an electric motor, for instance, by the change in resistance.
insistentSome materials have a very high resistance, and as such they can be ud as insulators to prevent the leakage of current. Among the materials are asbestos, celluloid, porcelain, cotton and rubber, and recently a number of new materials have been develop
ed, including synthetic textiles such as nylon, and synthetic resins such as vinyl resins. The resistivity of most insulators decreas with an increa in temperature, for which reason the temperatures in insulated conductors must be kept reasonably low. A breakdown of insulation may occur under the application of very high voltages, and it is necessary to know the dielectric strength of any insulating material. Some materials, such as cotton, which is often ud as insulation, are liable to absorb moisture, and this will adverly affect their insulating properties. Rubber, which is a standard insulating material, is liable to deteriorate under sunlight, and it is therefore advisable to protect it with some weatherproof material.
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