面部毛孔粗大老年医学与保健2020年第26卷第5期Geriatr Health Care,2020,Vol.26.No.5
mba申请3.复旦大学附属公共卫生临床中心感染科,上海市公共卫生临床中心感染科,上海201508中文 com
20日-2020年3月8日出院的新型冠状病毒肺炎(新冠肺炎)患者的临床资料,采用回顾性研究,比较出院老年患者新冠肺炎(老年组)与非老年患者新冠肺炎(非老年组)的临床资料差异,计数资料采用Person 卡方检验或Fisher 确切概率法,计量资料采用检验或Wilcoxon 秩和检验进行分析检验。结果共纳入307例新冠肺炎病例,老年患者100例,占比32.6%,非老年患者207例,占比67.4%。老年组仍以普通型肺炎95例(95%)为主,以发热78例(78%)为典
;老年组有鼻塞流涕1例(1%),咳嗽症状40例(40%),the girl is mine
均低于非老年组<0.05)。老年组外周血血红蛋白水平(130.17±12.69)g/L 、白蛋白水平(38.75±3.52)g/L 、前白蛋白水平(131.19±56.78)
mg/L 、淋巴细胞计数(1.05±0.41)×109/L 、
CD4-T 淋巴细胞计数(456.27±237.41)
cell/L ,均低于非老年组(<0.05);外周血白细胞比率(68.02±10.52)%,肌酸激酶水平93.00(63.2
5~149.25)U/L ,乳酸脱氢酶水平(265.56±84.84)U/L ,D-二聚体水平0.57(0.40~0.99)mg/L ,高于非老年组(<0.05)。老年组轻症病例0例(0%),低于非老年组(<0.05)
;老年组发病时重症和危重症5例(5%),病程中发展成重症和危重症6例(6%),住院天数(18.02±7.1)d ,均高于非老年组(<0.05)
Analysis of clinical characteristics of elderly patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia
Zhang Xiaoyu 1,Wu Haibing 2,Ling Yun 3,Li Weixia 3,Li Qiang 1,Chen Liang 1
英语童话剧小红帽1.Department of Liver Dia,Public Health Clinical Center of Shanghai City,Fudan University,Shanghai;
2.Department of Neur-osurgery,Public Health Clinical Center of Shanghai City,Fudan University,Shanghai,201508;
3.Department of Infectious Dia,Public Health Clinical Center of Shanghai City,Fudan University,Shanghai,201508,P.R.China
dogdays*Corresponding author:Chen Liang,E-mail:*******************
[ABSTRACT]Objective To understand the clinical characteristics of novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19)in the
elderly and to provide evidence for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.Methods The clinical data of COVID-19pa-tients admitted to our hospital from January 20,2020to March 8,2020were collected.A retrospective study was ud to compare the clinical data of discharged elderly COVID-19patients (elderly group)and non-elderly COVID-19patients (non-elderly group).The counting data were analyzed by Person Chi square test or Fisher exact probability method,and the me-asurement data were analyzed by test or Wilcoxon rank sum test.Results A total of 307cas with COVID-19were included,including 100elderly patients (32.6%)and 207non-elderly patients (67.4%).In the elderly group,common pneumonia (95cas,accounting for 95%)was still the main symptoms,and fever (78cas,accounting for 78%)was typical symptoms,which were not statistically different from the non-elderly group (>0.05).In the elderly group,the number of pulmonary lobes involved was 5.00(
2.25-5.00);35cas with hypertension,accounting for 35%;19cas with diabetes mellitus,ac-counting for 19%;16cas with cardiovascular dia,accounting for 16%,which were significantly higher than tho in the non-elderly group (<0.05).There were 15cas of anorexia symptom in the elderly group,accounting for 15%,which was significantly higher than that in the non-elderly group (<0.05).There were one ca of nasal congestion (1%)and 40cas of cough (40%)in the elderly group,which were less than tho in the non-elderly group (<0.05).In the elderly group,the peripheral blood hemoglobin level was (130.17±12.69)g/L,the albumin level was (38.75±3.52)g/L,the pre-albumin level was (131.19±56.78)mg/L,the lymphocyte count was (1.05±0.41)×109/L,and the CD4-T lymphocyte
count was (456.27±237.41)cell/L,which were significantly
lower than tho in the non-elderly group (<0.05).In the el-