The General Causality Orientations Scale (GCOS)
Scale Description
This scale asss the strength of three different motivational orientations within an individual. The orientations, labeled Autonomy, Controlled, and Impersonal, are understood as relatively enduring aspects of personality, and each orientation is theorized to exist within each individual to some degree. There are three subscales to the measure, and a person gets a score on each subscale.
The Autonomy Orientation asss the extent to which a person is oriented toward aspects of the environment that stimulate intrinsic motivation, are optimally challenging, and provide informational feedback. A person high in autonomy orientation tends to display greater lf-initiation, ek activities that are interesting and challenging, and take greater responsibility for his or her own behavior.objectto
The Controlled Orientation asss the extent to which a person is oriented toward becolor
ing controlled by rewards, deadlines, structures, ego-involvements, and the directives of others. A person high on the controlled orientation is likely to be dependent on rewards or other controls, and may be more attuned to what others demand than to what they want for themlves. In the U.S., at least, a person high in the controlled orientation is likely to place extreme importance on wealth, fame, and other extrinsic factors.
orbiter The Impersonal Orientation asss the extent to which a person believes that attaining desired outcomes is beyond his or her control and that achievement is largely a matter of luck or fate. People high on this orientation are likely to be anxious and to feel very ineffective. They have no n of being able to affect outcomes or cope with demands or changes. They tend to be amotivated and to want things to be as they always were.
The GCOS (Deci & Ryan, 1985a) is available in two forms. The original scale that is well validated and has been widely ud consists of 12 vignettes and 36 items. Each vignette describes a typical social or achievement oriented situation (e.g., applying for a j
ob or interacting with a friend) and is followed by three types of respons--an autonomous, a controlled, and an impersonal type. Respondents indicate, on 7-point Likert-type scales, the extent to which each respon is typical for them. Higher scores indicate higher amounts of the particular orientation reprented by the respon. Thus, the scale has three subscales--the autonomy, the controlled, and the impersonal subscales--and subscale scores are generated by summing the individual's 12 respons on items corresponding to each subscale. A description of the 12-vignette version of the scale construction appears in Deci and Ryan (1985) along with data that support the instrument's reliability and validity. For example, the scale has been shown to be reliable, with Cronbach alphas of about 0.75 and a test-retest coefficient of 0.74 over two months, and to correlate as expected with a variety of theoretically related constructs.
There is also a 17-vignette version of the scale (with 51 items). It has the original 12 vignettes and the original 36 items. However, 5 vignettes and 15 items (5 autonomy, 5 controlled, and 5 impersonal) have been added. The new vignettes and items are all abo
ut social-interactions becau the original vignettes were heavily oriented toward achievement situations. The new vignettes with their items are scattered throughout, so the order of items is not the same in the two versions of the GCOS. The 17-vignette version has been ud successfully in various studies (e.g., Hodgins, Koestner, & Duncan, 1996).
Causality Orientations Theory prents a perspective on individuals' general motivational orientations that is complimentary to the more domain-specific approach of the Self-Regulation Questionnaires (e.g., Ryan & Connell, 1989) which considers reasons for engaging in a particular behaviors such as doing one's school work. According to the more general GCOS perspective, it is possible to asss an individual's tendency to orient to and be guided by each of three general sources of behavioral regulation.
High 楚门的世界英文影评>新托福满分>nglautonomy orientations have, in past rearch, been associated with higher levels of lf-esteem, ego development, and lf-actualization (Deci & Ryan 1985) as well as gr
give it awayeater integration in personality (Koestner, Bernieri, & Zuckerman, 1992). Cardiac-surgery patients high on the autonomy orientation were found to view their surgery more as a challenge and to have more positive post-operative attitudes, whereas tho low on the autonomy orientation viewed their surgery more as a threat and had more negative post-operative attitudes (King, 1984). The controlled orientation, in contrast, has been related to the Type-A, coronary prone behavior pattern and to public lf-consciousness (Deci & Ryan, 1985). Finally, the miami heatimpersonal orientationdull是什么意思 has been found to predict higher levels of social anxiety, depression, and lf-derogation (Deci & Ryan, 1985), and to discriminate restrictive anoretic patients from patients with other subtypes of eating disorders and from matched comparison subjects (Strauss & Ryan, 1987).