Chapter 1 Culture
Culture(from intellectual perspective)从知性角度定义文化:作为整体的人类智力成就的艺术和其他表现
Culture(from anthropologic perspective)combative从人类学角度定义文化:文化有清晰和模糊的行为模式构成,这些模式通过符号获得并传播,这些符号有人类群体的特别成就构成,包括具体的人工制品。文化的基本核心由传统思想和与其相关的价值观构成。
Culture(from psychological perspective)从心理学角度定义文化:文化是使一个人类群体成员区别于其他人类群体的思维的总体规划。
Culture(from sociological perspective)从社会学角度定义文化:文化是一种可习得的,基于群体的认知模式——包括言语与非言语符号,态度,价值观,信仰和非信仰系统以及行为。
Culture(from intercultural communication perspective)从跨文化交际学角度定义文化: 文化是个人和群体在种族发展过程中所获得的知识,经验,信仰,价值观,行为,态度,阶级,宗教,时间观,角色,空间观和艺术品的集合。
Culture Identity文化身份:认为自己归属于某一文化或民族群体的感觉。
Chapter 2 Communication and Intercultural Communication
3.Encodingzero plus编码:之信息发出者选择言语或用非言语的方式发出有目的的信息的行为。
4.Channel/Medium渠道/媒介 只发送信息的方法
6.Decoding解码 指信息接受者赋予其受到的言语或符号信息意义的行为。ambassador
7.Feedback反馈 指信息接受者对信息源信息所作出的反应。
9. Context语境,指交际发生的环境,包括自然语境,社会语境和人际语境。
10. Intercultural communication跨文化交际, 指的是那些在卫华人之和符号系统上存在差异的人们之间的交际。这些差异足以改变整个交际事件。
11. International communication国际交流,指发生在国家和政府之间而非发生在个人之间的交际, 此种交际非常正式和仪式化。
12. Interracial communication跨种族交际,指交流信息的信息源和信息接受者来自不同的种族的交际。
13. Interethnic communication: 跨民族交际:来自一个国家或文化内部的不同民族群体的人们之间的交际。
14.Intercultural communication:文化内交际指统一文化内部的成员之间的交际。
Chapter 3 Culture’s Influence on Perception
5. Interpretation:释义,是赋予感觉信息意义的过程, 类似于解码过程。
great wallChapter 4 Intercultural Communication Barriers
1. Anxiety焦虑,当人们不知道如何迎合他人对自己的期待,过多的关注自己情绪以至不能全心投入到交际事物中去时,就会产生焦虑。
3. Assuming similarity instead of difference假定一致性, 是指认为来自另一文化的他人和自己相似或他人的处境与自己处境的相似,儿事实上却并非如此。
4. Ethnocentrism民族优越感,只从本国文化得标准出发,消极地审视另一文化。
5. Stereotypes文化定势,指基于明显的或受到认可的群体身份,对目标群体中的个体成
6. Prejudice偏见,指对于某一特定群体,种族,宗教,或性取向的无端地憎恶和怀疑。
7. Racism种族主义,指基于种族把性格特点或地位归因于个人的任意政策,做法,信仰或态度。
2. 判断
1.T The iceberg model of culture implies that it is very difficult to understand a culture thoroughly.
2.F Culture is innate as soon as a person is born.
3.T People may sometimes get confud about his or her cultural identity.
4.F Scholars prefer the term subculture to co-culture in describing a culture which exists within a dominant culture.
5.T A person could be a member of veral different subgroups at the same time.
6.F Intercultural communication occurs when the nder and the receiver exchanging messages are from different races.
7.T Communication and culture are inparable and strongly connected.
8.F The nder must choo certain words or nonverbal methods to nd an intentional message. This activity is called decoding.
9.T The process of communication has nine components:nder,encoding,message, channel, noi, receiver, decoding, feedback, and context.
10.T No two of us can assume that our nsations are the same.Different stimuli can produce the same nsations.
11.T The same stimuli can produce very different nsations.
12.T Our perception are influenced by who we are, including the accumulation of our experience.
13.F We give meaning to or “decode”the information that we have lected and organized during the lection stage.
14.T The psychological filters refer to the psychological factors, including the attitudes, beliefs, and dispositions of the individual.
15.T Ethnocentrism, stereotyping, prejudice and racism are learned.
16.T Although stereotypes are considered as being negative judgments,they can also be positive.
17.T When communicating with people from other cultures,an individual sometimes is likely to treat them as”his people”and to assume there is only one way of doing things:that is”his way”.
18.F Assumption of superiority may lead to assuming similarity instead of difference.
19.F Industrialization is not the reason for the persistence of ethnocentrism,stereotyping,prejudice and racism.