Overas English 海外英语 Overas English 海 外 英 语
ISSN 1009-5039
2011 年 2 月 Tel:+86-551-5690811 5690812
The Importance of Body Language in Cultures
(潍坊科技学院,山东 寿光 262700 )
Abstract:Communication is necessary to people's daily life. Although we may not realize it when we talk with others, we make ourlves understood not only by words. Body language sometimes helps make the communication easy and effective. Body language is treated as equivalent to nonverbal communication which nds 65 percent communication message. In order to improve the quality of our communication, we should pay more attention to nonverbal communication. In addition, culture influences communication. Different country has different culture. Every culture has its own body language. It is uful to learn more about such body language, especially the using of body language in different culture. Key words: communication; culture; body language; nonverbal communication
中图分类号:H319 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-5039(2011)02-0238-02
Body language is not language in the strict n of the word language; it refers to, in fact, a broad term for forms of communication using body movements, gestures, facial expressions and eye behaviors in addition to sounds, verbal language, or other forms of communication. Some scholars treat body language as an equivalent to nonverbal communication. Although we may not realize it when we talk with others, we make ourlves understood not only by words. There are plenty of nonverbal communications around us everyday. In 1972, a rearch made by American linguists showed that only 35 percent communication message is nt by verbal communication, while 65 percent is nt by nonverbal communication. It is obvious that nonverbal communication plays an important role in our communication. We can understand it well by some functions and different cultural instances of body language.
sleeping beauty1 Functions of Nonverbal Communication联系方式英文
Nonverbal communication can convey messages alone, and in many situations it is ud in combination with verbal behaviors to convey meaning. It is uful, therefore, to examine the functions of nonverbal messages in relation to verbal messages in communication. The six functions
of nonverbal messages to be prented in the following paragraphs are complementing, contradicting, repeating, regulating, accenting, and substituting. 1) Complementing: some nonverbal messages are consistent with accompanying verbal messages, but add to or strengthen or clarify the meaning of the verbal message. 2) Contradicting: some nonverbal messages may contradict the verbal ones. 3) Repeating: nonverbal messages which rve the function of repeating the verbal messages are ones that could stand alone, if the verbal messages were not prent. 4) Regulating: communication involves more than one participant and nonverbal behaviors are often ud to regulate the cooperative communication. 5) Accenting: nonverbal messages can be ud to accent or emphasize distinct points in verbal messages. Pausing before saying something tends to make what will be said next, which appear more important to the other person. 6) Substituting: substitution occurs when nonverbal messages rather than verbal messages are nt.
different culture. So the way people in different countries communicate is different too. For example, Arab men often greet by kissing on both cheeks. In Japan men greet by bowing .In the Unite States, people shake hands to show "their greeting". And the gesture of putting a hand on a person' neck is different for Chine and Americans. For Chine, it is to say "someone will be killed". For Americans, it shows "I'm full".And in Thailand, if you want to signal a person to come near, you shoul
d move the fingers back and forth with palm down. But in the United States, you ask someone to come by holding the palm up and moving the fingers towards our body. And crossing one's legs in the United States is a sign of being relaxed. But in Korea, it's not allowed. In Chine, people hand everything with both hands to show their respect, but for Muslims, they think the left hand is unclean and do not eat or pass something with it. Becau of special culture influences in some countries, some body languages should attract our attention. In Turkey, putting one's hand in one's pockets is a sign of disrespect; in some Asian countries, you must not touch the head of another person. And in China, people don't kiss or hug each other, except his\her lover. For an Arab, it is a good manner to stand clo to his friend when they are talking, but for English people, they don't like to be clo to one another. And in parts of Asia, you must not sit with your foot pointing at another person. Every culture has its own body language, and children absorb its nuances along with spoken language. A Frenchman talks and moves in French. The way an Englishman cross is nothing like the way a male American does it. When we communicate with people from other cultures, the body language sometimes help make the communication easy and effective, such as shaking hands is such a universal gesture that people all over the world know that it is a signal for greeting. But sometimes the body language can cau certain misunderstanding since people of different cultures often have different forms of behavior for nding the same body signals. Nodding one's head is generally mea
nt to show agreement "yes", but to Nepale, Sri Lankans, some Indians and some Eskimos, it means not "yes", but "no". When an American rubs his no, it may mean he is disagreeing with someone or rejecting something.
结论英文3 Facial Expressions and Eye Behaviors
Many people and scholars have claimed that facial expressions and eye behaviors are probably the most significant areas of the body for communicating nonverbal messages, especially, atti-
2 Body Language Interrelating with Cultures
Culture influences communication. Different country has
收稿日期:2010-11-20 修回日期:2010-12-15 作者简介:魏杰(1983- ),女,山东寿光人,聊城大学在职研究生,潍坊科技学院教师,主要研究方向为课程与教学论。
2011 年 2 月 tudes and emotion. The major reason that the facial area is so important in human communication is becau it is almost always visible during face to face interaction. Let's take a scene of TV ries for example. This TV ries is called Transoceanic Captain and His Wife. When this couple, the leading actor and actress, got together on the harbor, his wife did not say anything, but a faint smile crept across her face, and her cheek quivered slightly. We can have an insight into her heart through her facial expressions: loneliness, concern, hardworking, grievance and expectation. At that time, silence is better than words. Ray Birdwhistell, a pioneer in the field of body language, —— —— concedes that all human smile—even blind babies do—for we all have the same face muscles. However, he contends that the meaning of the smile is not universal. Even in the United States he has found that there are "high-smile" areas, such as the South, where people do a lot of smiling, and "low -smile" areas, such as western New York State, where they do not (this is not a sign that Southerners are happier). In the South someone who does not often smile may be asked if he is angry, but in the Great Lakes region someone who does smile a lot may be asked what is so funny. It is culture according to Birdwhistell, that supplies the meaning of smile, and it cannot be said to be a simple pleasure reflex. Eye behaviors are often considered the most important in the human communication process. Without eyes we can love, hate, attack, or insult our fellow human beings without uttering a word. Much of the attitudinal or emotional information is conv
eyed by eye behaviors. We always bear in mind that "eyes are the windows of our soul". Eye behaviors have three qualities or characteristics. First one is Saliency. The cond quality of eye behaviors is arousal. The third character of eye behaviors is involvement, which means that eye behaviors are involved in human interaction. For example, on the judicial hearing of the Watergate affair, Kissinger appeared in the court as a witness. When someone asked a question
Overas English 海外英语
脾气不好怎么办concerning his reputation, his eyes winked by which someone suspected that he was lying, becau he ldom winked in ordinary times. Finally, this suspicion was confirmed. There are some differences of eye contact in different cultures. In most English speaking countries, people make eye contact while they are talking with the addres, if not, the person will be regarded as rudeness. But in Asian countries, especially in Korea and Japan, they ldom deliver their eye contacts. In such ca, people are inclined to confront with misunderstanding. It is esntial to behave appropriately through eye behaviors.
4 Conclusion
All above show that body language is very important to know the exact and preci meaning of our c
onversation. If we u body language we should u it in an appropriate way to make our conversation go smoothly. In the past decades, many linguists, sociologists, language teachers and communication specialists have done a lot of rearches concerning nonverbal communication. But nonverbal communication is still a young science which needs to be studied further. This paper gives a general introduction of nonverbal communication and stress its influence in communication, specially pointing the important role in different cultures. Successful communication among people concerns verbal behavior as well as nonverbal one. So in order to improve the quality of our communication, it is helpful to learn something about this important form of human communication.
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(上接第 237 页) 际能力,从而在多元化语境中提高学生英语的真实交际水平。 2 )利用多元化语境创设口语交际 的 方 法 。 多 元 化 语 境 的 教学目标应定位在保证学生的口语能力得 到 提 高 。 通 collide
过 情 感 交 流 的 方 式 ,使 学 生 放 松 心 情 ,调 动 学 生 的 积 极 性 ,减 轻 各 种 心理压力。 让他们对英语充满兴趣。 把自己融入到学习之中, 促进学生自我反思,同时分享自己阶段性的成 果 ,最 终 能 够 达 到顺利的与人交往。 利用多元化语境创设口语交际,为学生提 供了多种学习途径, 让学生有大量的机会 利 用 自 己 的 优 势 增 强对教学内容的了解。 教师应运用多元化 语 境 与 口 语 教 学 相 融 合 ,创 造 性 的 个 性 化 教 学 ,关 注 学 生 发 展 的 特 点 ,使 他 们 的 动手能力、合作能力及创造能力等都得到不同 程 度 的 发 展 ,最 终提高口语表达能力,取得交际的成功。 英语口语交际只有在 实践中才能展现, 所以教师应带领学生在 课 堂 中 模 拟 真 实 的 英语环境, 让学生亲身的体会英语的乐趣 , 从 心 理 上 感 到 轻 松,用嘴充满自信的去说自己想说的,这有利 于 英 语 的 口 语 表 达。 3 )立足课本,扩展课本之外的知识,重 视 第 二 英 语 课 堂 活 动。 英语文化是包罗万象的,即便是在同一文化主题下不同的 英语国家之间也会千差万别, 因此在英语 教 学 中 应 注 意 扩 展 课本之外的知识, 特别是有关文化性的教 学 , 更 应 该 有 所 突 出。 然而,学好英语口语,培养英语口语语言意识,绝对不能忽 略、脱离文化背景。 而且有必要在课外融入英 语 ,鼓 励 学 生 积 极 参 加 第 二 英 语 课 堂 的 多 元 化 活 动 ,如 英 语 俱 乐 部 、英 语 角 、 英 语 沙 龙 、英 语 广 播 、英 语 讲 演 比 赛 等 ,可 以 激 发 学 生 学 习 英 语的兴趣,掌握更多英语文化知识,从而使学 生 运 用 口 语 的 热 情及在多种环境中善于自我表现。 学生们 也 可 以 利 用 业 余 时 间进行英语口语训练,比如利用一些影视资料 、网 络 博 客 和 辅 助教材等。 这些都为学生进行英语口语训 练 提 供 了 良 好 的 英 语平台,提高他们语言表达的流利性,激发了 他 们 学 习 的 积 极 性。 这不仅提高了学生英语文化意识还增 强 了 学 生 自 己 解 决
问题和自主学习能力。 中国的语言环境如今是多种多样,互 联 网 如 此 发 达 ,还 有 很多的外国电视节目、广播节目,只要我们有 在 多 元 化 语 境 下 提高英语口语的意识, 学好口语并不再像 学 生 想 象 的 那 样 难 了。 然而提高学生英语口语流利度是一个任重而道远的任务。 我校充分利用第二课堂的时间,开展各种活动。 在英语学习与 口语实践方面,为学生营造了良好的环境及氛 围 ,提 高 学 生 英 语口语表达流利度,颇具成效,使我们更加坚 信 继 续 开 展 英 语 第二课堂活动是提高学生英语口语流利度的有效途径之一。 但还需要不断探索和运用新的、行之有效的途 径 与 方 法 ,以 帮 助学生不断发展和提高口语流利度, 最后 达 到 脱 口 而 出 的 效 果,从而使英语第二课堂活动推广下去,并使 其 发 挥 更 好 的 效 果。 当今,人类的语言是丰富多彩的,它 随 着 人 类 自 身 的 发 展 而发展,成为人类不可分割的一部分。 英语已毋庸置疑地成为 世界语言或国际语言。 所以我们培养学生 良 好 的 英 语 语 言 意 识的,提高学生的口语水平的步伐刻不容缓。 这对我国的大学 英语教学提出了严峻的挑战,在大学英语教学 中 ,多 元 化 语 境 创设口语交际为激活学习过程提供更好的语境 ,体 现 了 “以 学 生为中心”和“以人为本”的教学思想。 这无疑让我们意识到在 多元化语境教学的浪潮下, 务必认识到大 学 英 语 口 语 语 言 意 识能力的重要性。 第二英语课堂活动教学 在 口 语 教 学 方 而 的 显著成效,它给语言学习和语苦教学都开辟了广阔的视野。
[1] 黄波 . 论英语意识的培养曲须植根于文化 [J]. 外语学刊 ,201O (2). [2] 曾 绪 . 语 境 在 语 用 学 研 究 中 的 功 能 与 作 用 [J]. 西 南 科 技 大 学 学报 ,2007(4). [3] 林海婴 . 任务型语言教学法及其在培养学生口语能力中的 应用 [J]. 高教论坛 ,2003(2).