group soil range z 1 2 ;定义group
prop bulk 7.8e6 shear 3。0e6 coh 10e3 fric 15 ran group soil ;给group赋值
model null range group soil
model elastic range group soil
plot block group range group dam ;只显示dam
range name trench x 0 1 y 0 4 z 0 2
model null range trench
在职研究生报考model null range x=2,4 y=2,6 z=5,10
range name Big_Brick x —3 3 y -2 2 z —1 1
model elastic range Big_Brick
prop bulk 1e8 shear 1e8 range Big_Brick
range name Layer1 plane dip 0 dd 0 ori 0 0 0 above
学习演讲稿range name Layer2 plane dip 0 dd 0 ori 0 0 0 below
range cylinder end1 x1 y1 z1 end2 x2 y2 z2 radius r
cylindrical range with one end of the cylinder axis (end1) at location (x1, y1, z1), the other end (end2) at location (x2, y2, z2), and with a cylinder radius of r '由(x1, y1, z1) 、(x2, y2, z2)两点确定 旋转轴
macro Sand 'bulk 1e8 shear 0。5e8 coh 0 tens 0 fric 35’
macro Clay 'bulk 1e7 shear 0.3e7 coh 1e7 tens 0 fric 0'
prop sand range Layer1
prop clay range layer2
macro Pt0 'p0 0 0 0'
macro Pt1 'p1 add 10 0 0'
macro Pt2 'p2 add 0 10 0'
macro Pt3 ’p3 add 0 0 10’
macro Model_Size 'size 4 5 6'
macro Big_Brick ’gen zone brick Pt0 Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Model_Size'
macro 'Pt0’ 'p0 15 15 15’
gen Big_Brick ; this will cau an error
group range macro 命令
Using different object types to do the same job
using a RANGE object ...
range name Big_Brick x = (-3,3) y = (—2,2) z = (—1,1)
model null range Big_Brick
using a GROUP object .。.
group Big_Brick range x = (-3,3) y = (-2,2) z = (—1,1)
model null range group Big_Brick
using a macro object .。。
macro Big_Brick 'x = (—3,3) y = (-2,2) z = (-1,1)’
model null range Big_Brick
gen zone brick size 10,10,10
macro SiltySand ’bulk 1.5e8 shear 0。3e8'
macro ClayeyGravel 'bulk 1。5e8 shear 0.6e8 fric 30 coh 5e6 ten 8。66e6’
model elas range z 5 10
prop SiltySand range z 5 10als
model mohr range z 0 5
季风图prop ClayeyGravel range z 0 5
视图操作: x y z m
ctr+r 还原
ctr+p 保存图片
ctr+z 鼠标选择
ctr+g 彩图变为灰色图
shift + (x y z m) 旋转 缩放
edit-——copy to clipboard——-—粘贴到 word
加速度学习网英语ini xdis 0 ydis 0 zdis 0
t grav 0 0 —9.81
t mech force=50 ’最大不平衡力小于50n,停止计算
hist ret ’清除已有历史信息
t hist_rep 1 ’每一个时步记录一次
hist n=5 ’每5个时步记录一次
hist write 1 3 vs 2 begin 150 end 375
hist gp zdisp 4,4,8
hist id=3 gp zdis 1 1 3 ’id为监测变量的编号,默认的是从1开始编号。建议对监测变量进行编号,以便后处理 调用
plot his 2 3 vs 4 'plots histories 2 and 3 versus history 4; history 4 plots along the abscissa。
pl his xla ’string’ ylab ’string' '设置x y轴的名称
sweet dreamspl his xmaximum ?? xminimum ?? ’设置x轴的最大 最小刻度
pl his ymaximum ?? yminimum ?? '设置y轴的最大 最小刻度
pl his both ’line+mark
ms dos
t logfile xx。log
t log on
print ……
t log off
pl t plane ori 0 1.5 0 norm 0 1 0 '定义剖面位置
pl con zd plane ’显示变量
pl add ske
pl add dis plane
pl add axe
pl con sxx outline on ;查看水平应力云图, outline on表示显示模型的边界,默认为 off
print gp dis range id 517 any id 533 any ’输出2个节点的变形值 any表示‘并集’
; 指定边界条件
fix x range x -0.1 0。1 any x 5。9 6.1 any ’这个表示在x=0和x=6.0方向上固定x方向的位移。any的意思是表示”且”的意思,也就是说本来要写两行
语句的:fix x range x -0.1 0.1,fix x range x 5.9 6.1,现在用any就可以只写一条语句。