奥斯卡神曲专利名称:Radiation measuring apparatus, prence / abnce of fuel debris using the same,
position measuring apparatus, prence /十月的英文
abnce of fuel debris and position
measuring method
发明人:森 勇人,岡田 耕一,平野 克彦
摘要:PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To discriminate a gamma-ray sum peak of interference nuclides from a gamma-ray peak of a measuring target nuclide, and to identify whether a fuel debris is prent and the position of the fuel debris in a nuclear reactor plant.SOLUTION: A radiation measuring apparatus compris: a radiation detector 1 for detecting a radiation; a gamma-ray energy analyzer 3; a display device 4 for displaying a gamma-ray energy distribution; a collimator 91 for limiting a viewing angle of the radiation incident on the radiation detector 1; collimator drive means; and a shield body 25 for shielding the radiation detector 1. The collimator drive means moves the collimator 91 forward or backward with respect to the radiation detector 1 and the shield body 25, thereby making variable the viewing angle of the radiation incident on a radiation incident unit. The gamma-ray energy analyzer 3 finds a sum peak count value generated by the simultaneous incidence of a plurality of gamma-rays radiated from a plurality of radioactive nuclides other than the measuring target nuclide from a gamma-
ray peak count value of the gamma-ray energy distribution, and calculates a gamma-ray peak count value of the measuring target nuclide from a difference between a gamma-ray peak count value of the measuring target nuclide obtained by the gamma-ray energy distribution and the sum peak count value.