More specifically, the 9 groups are: STPM first-year undergraduates from TESL, STPM first-year undergraduates from Language and Linguistics, STPM first-year undergraduates from Bachelor of Art, Non-STPM first-year undergraduates from TESL, Non-STPM first-year undergraduates from Language and Linguistics, Non-STPM first-year undergraduates from Bachelor of Art and three groups from three local high schools. There will be about 4-6 students in each group and each interview ssion will last no more than two hours. The focus group interview will hold in different date within one month.puke
Ca study is one type of ethnographic designs. Ethnography is initially inductive (Fetterman, 1998); therefore the 9 group focus interviews with students will be informal and unstructured, and as advid by Spradley (1979), ‘grand tour’ questions (i.e. general open –ended questions) were ud to stimulate conversation. The interview questions wil
l be cloly related to six-formers’ and first-year undergraduates’ expectations and experiences of degree-level English cours.
The possible interview questions for the 6 groups of first-year undergraduates would be:
1. Why you continue to study English and why at UM in particular?
2. Do you think the English cour you are studying now is the same as what you expect before?
reboot是什么意思3. What are skills you had acquired in A-level English and are they enough for degree-level English class now? If not, what el skills do you think are necessary for degree-level English?
4. Is there any difference between A-level English class and degree-level English class in terms of teaching approaches and styles?
5. What is your English learn style before and do you think is suitable for your degree-level English cour now?
6. Are you an independent English learner?
7. What instruction or help or contact do you expect from your degree-level English lecturer now?
dumpling是什么意思kbpsThe possible interview questions for the 3 groups of six-formers would be:
1. What are the skills you have acquired in A-level English so far?
填补空白2. Do you think you are an independent learner now?
3. Do you often reading English materials and what is your reading style of English?
四级英语4. Image that you had begun to study English at university, then what will you spend time doing (lectures, minars, reading, and so on)?
5. If you are studying English at university, what will you expect from your lecturer in terms of teaching approach, teaching style, format of class, etc?
5. What kind of communication and contact would you expect from your lecturer after university English class?
The rearcher will ask each group the open-ended questions below accordingly. Then, the participants in each group will discuss with their group members and share their opinions or perceptions. In the interview process, the rearch will take notes and also audiotape the whole interview. After conducting the focus interviews, the rearcher will repeatedly listening to the tapes to transcribe them. After that, the rearcher will read through the interview notes and transcripts until he/she can generalize some connsus among the participants about the interview questions.
2007年高考试题Besides, the rearcher will also collect data by analyzing and comparing some public teaching documents of the three high schools and University of Malay. It will help the rearch better understand how the teaching approaches, teaching styles, formats of class of high school usually differ from university, and thus impact students expectations and experiences of degree-level English teaching and learning. And hopefully, it will contri
bute to figuring out some possible solutions to the hard transition for six-form students.