Jacek Gwizdka
#707-3000 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario M4N 2K5 Canada +1 416 544 0610
Spence Lab, Department of Psychology
University of Toronto 100 St. George St., Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G3 Canada
+1 416 946 5813
02.1998-Doctor of Philosophy
少年中国梦05.2004Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada
Human-Computer Interaction
Academic Advisor: Professor Mark H. Chignell
PhD Committee: Professors: Ron Baecker (CS), David Sadleir (MIE), Elaine Toms (FIS)
Disrtation: “Cognitive Abilities, Interfaces & Tasks:
Effects on Prospective Information Handling in Email”
09.1995- Master of Applied Science
01.1998 Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada
M ajor: Information Systems
Academic Advisor: Professor Mark Fox
Thesis: “From Free-Form to Structured Design Notes:
A Study of Electronic Engineering Notebooks”
10.1985- Pursued Master’s degree in Computer Science (emigrated to Germany after completing 4th year)
06.1988 Department of Applied Physics & Mathematics, Technical University of Lódz, Poland
Major: Computer Science
10.1980- Master* of Science in Electrical Engineering with distinction - Summa cum laude
09.1985 Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Lódz, Poland
Thesis: “The Design of a Monitor Program for a Z80-bad Microcomputer”
Major: Digital Control Systems
*Note: In the Polish university system (as in many other European countries) one ud to receive an equivalent to a Master’s degree after five years of study, with no Bachelor degree granted.
01.2004Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Canada
- prent Post Doctoral Fellow
* Rearches cognitive aspects of ur navigation in hypertext documents
* Develops predictive models of information finding success
06-09.2000Xerox PARC - Palo Alto Rearch Lab, Palo Alto, CA, USA
Rearch Intern
* Rearched email handling practices and evaluated email interfacesbrute
* Designed and conducted ur studies; analyzed data
Techniques: questionnaires, in situ interviews, data logging, statistical analys
06-09.1999Xerox PARC - Palo Alto Rearch Lab, Palo Alto, CA, USA
Rearch Intern
* Conducted rearch in the area of document annotation systems
* Designed and developed distributed system for annotation of documents on handheld deviceswap是什么
Languages: Java, C++. Systems: PalmOS TM, Pilot Conduit Framework, Xerox document rvices
updated 2005-01-26
Refereed journal publications
Gwizdka, J, Chignell. M.H. (2004). Individual Differences and Task-bad Ur Interface Evaluation: A Ca Study of Pending Tasks in Email. Interacting with Computers. Elvier Science. 16 (4). 769-797. [ENCLOSED]
Chignell, M., Gwizdka, J., Bodner, R. (1999). Discriminating Meta-Search: A Framework for Evaluation. Information Processing & Management. Gary Marchionini & Edward Fox (Eds.). Special Issue: Progress Toward Digital Libraries. Elvier Science. 35(3). 339-364. (Google Scholar: cited by 13) [ENCLOSED]
ashley tisdale
Journal publications (in progress)
Gwizdka, J, Chignell. M.H. (manuscript in preparation). Pending Tasks in Email: Evaluating Interactions Between Tasks, Reprentation, and Ability.
Refereed conference proceedings (journal publication rank)
Baldonado, M., Cousins S., Gwizdka, J., Paepcke, A. (2000). Notable: At the interction of annotations and handheld technology. In Thomas, P & Gellern- Hans (Eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing. Springer Verlag. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1927. 100-113. (Google Scholar: cited by 5) [E N C L O S E D] Kuchinsky, A., Pering C., Freeze, D., Creech, M., Serra, B., Gwizdka, J. (1999). FotoFile: A Consumer Multimedia Organization & Retrieval System. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI'99. ACM Press. 496-503. (Google Scholar: cited by 62)
Refereed conference proceedings (full papers)
Chignell, M., Gwizdka, J., Quan-Haa, A. (2003). The Privacy Attitude Questionnaire (PAQ) and Internet U. AoIR 2003 Annual Conference. Toronto, Canada, Oct. 16 - 19, 2003.
Chignell, M., Quan-Haa, A, Gwizdka, J. (2003). The Privacy Attitude Questionnaire (PAQ): Initial Development and Validation. Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Meeting. Denver, CO, October 13-17, 2003. Gwizdka, J. (2002). TaskView – Design and Evaluation of a Task-bad Email Interface. Proceedings of the IBM Centers for Advanced Studies Conference CASCON 2002. Toronto, Canada. 136-145. (acceptance rate 37.5%)
Gwizdka, J. (1998). Categorization Is Difficult: U of an Electronic Notebook For Organizing Design Meeting Notes. Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 42th Annual Meeting, Chicago, October 5-10 1998. Santa Monica, CA: HFES. 516-520.
Gwizdka, J., Louie, J., Fox, M. (1996). EEN: A Pen-bad Electronic Notebook for Non-intrusive Acquisition of Engineering Knowledge. Proceedings of the Fifth WetIce’96. IEEE Computer Society Press. 511-518.
Refereed conference proceedings (short papers & extended abstracts)
Gwizdka, J. (2004).Email Task Management Styles: The Cleaners and the Keepers. Extended Abstracts of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI'2004. ACM Press. 4pg. (acceptance rate 32%)
Gwizdka, J. (2002). Email Land – An Exploration of Email Ur Interfaces Supporting Pending Tasks. Conference Companion of the ACM Symposium on Ur Interface Software and Technology UIST'2002. ACM Press. 9-10.
Gwizdka, J. (2002). Reinventing the Inbox – Supporting the Management of Pending Tasks in Email. Extended Abstracts of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI'2002. (Doctoral Consortium) ACM Press. 550-551 Gwizdka, J. (2001). Supporting Prospective Information in Email. Extended Abstracts of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI'2001. ACM Press. 135-136.
Gwizdka, J. (2000). Timely Reminders: A Ca Study of Temporal Guidance in PIM and Email Tools Usage. Extended Abstracts of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI'2000. ACM Press. 163-164. (Google Scholar: cited by 11)
Refereed conference proceedings (short papers & extended abstracts) - continued
Gwizdka, J., Fox, M., Chignell, M. (1998). Electronic Engineering Notebooks: A Study in Structuring Design Notes. Extended Abstracts of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI'98. ACM Press. 355-356
Refereed conference proceedings (in progress)
Gwizdka, J. & Spence, I. (paper under review). "Predicting Lostness and Success in Web Navigation".
Gwizdka, J. & Spence, I. (paper under review). "Indirect Asssment of Web Navigation Success”.
Gwizdka, J., Spence, I., Takeshita, H., & Seergobin, K. (2004). "Quantifying navigation paths: Characterizing Ur Navigation in Hypermedia". CASCON 2004, Markham, Ontario, Canada. October 4-7, 2004.
Gwizdka, J., Takeshita, H., Spence, I., Simms, D., & Seergobin, K. (2004) "Understanding lostness: Correlates Of Lostness In Web Navigation". CASCON 2004, Markham, Ontario, Canada. October 4-7, 2004.
“What’s new in HCI?”, invited panellist, ACM SIGCHI Toronto chapter – TorCHI, May, 2002, Toronto, Canada “Personalization in Messaging” with Chignell, M., Ruppenthal, L., a talk prented at the Communications and Information Technology Ontario (CITO) Digital Media Rearch Review, Janua
ry 19, 2001, Toronto, Canada
“Supporting Delayed Email Intentions: Matching Email & Human Memory”, a poster prented at the Communications and Information Technology Ontario (CITO) Knowledge Network Conference. October 2-3, 2000. “Personalization of PIM Functionality within Mobile Devices” with Chignell, M., Ruppenthal, L., a position paper prented at the workshop on Future Mobile Device Interfaces. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI’2000. April 1-6, 2000, The Hague, The Netherlands.
“What’s in the Context?”, a position paper prented at the workshop on The What, Who, Where, When, Why and How of Context-Awareness. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems CHI’2000. April 1-6, 2000, The Hague, The Netherlands.
“Knowledge Aided Design”, poster & demo at IRIS/PRECARN Conference, June 11-13, 1997, Ottawa, Canada “Architectures for Electronic Notebooks” – invited participation in the panel at the Vth IEEE Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterpris, June 19-21, 1996, Stanford University, CA, USA
“EEN: A Non-intrusive Tool for Acquisition of Engineering Knowledge.” - prentation at the IRIS/PR
ECARN Conference, June 3-5, 1996, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Gwizdka, J. (1999). You have presd an invalid key, plea try again… Perceptual and Cognitive Limitations of Interactive Voice-Respon Systems (a.k.a. Phone-Bad Interfaces). IML Technical Report. IMLTR-99-02. 11pp. Gwizdka, J. & Chignell, M. (1999). Towards Information Retrieval Measures for Evaluation of Web Search Engines. IML Technical Report. IMLTR-99-01. 8pp.
Gwizdka, J. (1996). Dynamic Buttons - The UI Perspective. PDA Developers, A Technical Journal for PDA Developers. July/August 1996.
Gwizdka, J. (1996). NewtEEN - Extending the Newton’s NotePad. PDA Developers, A Technical Journal for PDA Developers. May/June 1996.
Gwizdka, J. (1994). Centralized Approach to Remote Booting of Client PCs in LAN Environments. A Solution for Novell NetWare. Proc. of The II Conference on Network Information Systems, Technical University of Lodz, Poland
OTHER RESEARCH EXPERIENCE (continued from page 1)
01.2002University of Toronto, Canada
-12.2003 Rearch Assistant, Computer Scientist, Web Designer and Developer
* Rearched algorithms for web ssion similarity asssment
* Implemented Web Interactive Information Retrieval System using open source platforms
05-09.1998Hewlett Packard Labs, Palo Alto, CA, USA
Rearch Intern in Multi-Media Organization Group
* Rearched organization and retrieval of digital images
* Participated in the design and development of multimedia organization and retrieval system prototype
Languages: Java
06-09.1997FXPAL - Fuji Xerox Palo Alto Laboratory, Palo Alto, CA, USA
Rearch Intern
* Conducted rearch in the area of integrating handwritten digital notes and audio
* Designed and developed software for electronic notepad recording and indexing phone calls
The system was awarded US patent No. 6,404,856 in June 2002.
Languages: C++; Systems: Windows'95
02.1995Enterpri Integration Laboratory, University of Toronto, Canada
-01.1998 Rearch Assistant
* Conducted rearch in the areas of pen-bad interaction with electronic notebooks and ur interfaces to
engineering knowledge bas.
* Developed software for pen-bad electronic notebooks in Java and bad on Apple Newton.
Languages: Java, NewtonScript, PERL, HTML, Prolog, C. Systems: Unix, Windows, Newton TEACHING EXPERIENCE (further details are provided in the Statement of Teaching )
Spring 2005FIS 2182 – Information Visualization
Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto
Cour Co-Instructor (with David Modjeska)
Fall 2004FIS 2179 – Interacting with Information Systems
Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto
Cour Instructor
June 2004CCT 380 - Human-Computer Interaction and Communication
Communication, Culture and Information Technology, University of Toronto at Mississauga
Assistant Instructor Cour Instructor: John Chattoe
Fall 2001MIE1401F/MIE1411F - Design of Workplaces
Fall 2000Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Teaching Assistant Cour Instructor: Dr. Alison Smiley
Fall 1997CSC340S - Information Systems Analysis and Design,
Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto
Teaching Assistant Cour Instructor: Prof. John Mylopoulos RESEARCH & TEACHING INTERESTS
human-computer interaction, supporting individual differences in human-computer interaction;
information organization practices, information re-u, interactive mechanisms to support metadata addition; information eking and navigation, quantitative metrics, building predictive models;
computer mediated communication; email tools & practices.
卓有成效01.1999 Personification Inc., Toronto, Canada
12.1999 Knowledge Engineer and Software Designer
* Worked on intelligent messaging solutions
Languages: Java, CLIPS; Methodology: UML (u cas, scenarios)
08.1994 Infopol International Information Systems, Inc., Etobicoke, Canada
01.1995 Internet Technologist
* Designed, developed and administered websites;
* Worked on the electronic delivery of press agency news and photographs
Languages: HTML, CGI scripting (Perl)
07.1990 Lanworks Technologies Inc. & All Computers Inc., Toronto, Canada
07.1994 Software
* Developed software for network boot system using a patented SmartROM technology
* Developed application software for proprietary memory management for Intel 80286
Languages: C, Asmbler
01.1986 Germany and Poland
05.1990Systems and Applications Software Engineer
* Held various contract and full-time programming positions
Languages: Pascal, C, dBa, Clipper, Asmbler
2002 & 2004 Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI) Fellowship Grants, University of Toronto
2002-2004 Graduate Fellow in the Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI), University of Toronto
2013北京高考英语答案04.2002 Accepted to ACM SIGCHI Doctoral Consortium at the conference CHI’2002 (acceptance rate 34%) 1998-2000 National Science and Engineering Rearch Council Graduate Scholarship (NSERC: PGS-B)
2000-01 Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)
& 1997-98
1995-97 University of Toronto Open Fellowships
1986 First Place in the Competition for a Lecturer Position in the Department of Applied Physics & Mathematics, Technical University of Lódz (did not accept)
1985 First prize from the Society of Polish Electrical Engineers for the Master Thesis
1984-1985 Ministry of Science, Education & Technology National-level Scholarship (top 2% nationwide) INVITED TALKS
“Scientific Journal Databa: Ur Interface and the UCD Process”, invited speaker at the prentation of Scopus by Elvier Science, March 2-4, 2005, Poland.
“Email Today & Tomorrow: A Ur-Interface Perspective”, invited speaker at the meeting of The Association for Information & Image Management (AIIM), April 24, 2003, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Lynn Wilcox, Patrick Chiu, Jacek Gwizdka, “System for recording, annotating and indexing audio data”, US Patent No. 6,404,856, June 11, 2002
introduceMichelle Q Wang Baldonado, Steve B. Cousins, Polle Zellweger, Jacek Gwizdka, Andreas Paepcke, “Systems and Methods for Annotating Objects when the Annotation Device Differs from the Viewing Device”, invention proposal submitted in 12.1999 (application in progress)
MEDIA COVERAGE (others about my rearch)
03.2003 Featured graduate student profile in the University of Toronto’s “The Bulletin” (March 10, 2003)
Winter 2001 Oral Prentation Skills Cour, School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto, Canada
Fall 2001 THE500 – Teaching in Higher Education, Woodsworth College, University of Toronto, Canada
06.2002 “Usage-Centered Design: Best Practices & Advanced Techniques”, Larry Constantine
11.2001 “Recognizing and avoiding common GUI design mistakes”, Jeff Johnson - UI Wizards, Inc.
04.2001 “Driving Invention From Field Data”, Karen Holztblatt, InContext Enterpris
11.2000 “Describing and Using Patterns for Ur Interface Design”, Daniel Lafrenière
04.1999 “Web Sites That Work: Designing with Your Eyes Open”, Jared Spool - UI Engineering
04.1999 “Cognitive Factors in Design: Human Memory & Problem Solving”, Dr. Thomas Hewett
02.1997 “Visual Design of GUI Screens: Communication-Oriented Solutions”, Kevin Mullet
WiIRE-2 Web Interactive Information Retrieval Experimental system (UofT). Code: PHP, SQL, HTML, JS WebTaskMail Prototype web email system for pending tasks (UofT). Code: PHP, SQL, HTML, JS - individual work Email Land Zoomable 2D email interface (UofT). Code: Java; ZUI framework: Piccolo - individual work TaskView Time-bad email interface (UofT). Code: Java, Java-COM interface - individual work
Notable Document annotation system for PDAs (Xerox PARC). Code: Java (8,000), C++ (10,000) - teamwork FotoFile Multimedia Organization and Retrieval System (HP Labs). Code: Java - teamwork
EEN Electronic Engineering Notebook. Code: Java (8,500); NewtonScript, PERL, Prolog - individual work DynoPhone Electronic notebook capturing digital ink and audio - integrated with an internet phone. (FXPAL) Code: C++ on Windows'95 with Pen Services 2.0 (granted US Patent 6,404,856)
KAD Knowledge Aided Engineering. UI to an engineering knowledge ba. Code: Java, Prolog - teamwork IAMS Issues and Actions Management System. Web-bad client-rver application (UofT)
Code: Client: HTML, JavaScript; Server: PERL, Prolog - teamwork
ACM & SIGCHI Association for Computing Machinery; SIG for Human Computer Interaction
ASIS&T American Society for Information Science and Technology
TorCHI Toronto local chapter of ACM SIG for Human Computer Interaction